代写HSDV 5142 Enquiry and Communication
代写HSDV 5142 Enquiry and Communication
Te Miro Undergraduate
HSDV 5142
Enquiry and Communication
Course title: Enquiry and Communication Course number: HSDV 5142 Level: 5 Credits: 15 Main programme: Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Imaging) Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Biology) Bachelor of Applied Science Bachelor of Health and Social Development Bachelor of Sport Bachelor of Social Practice Pre-requisites: Nil Co-requisites: Nil Anti-requisites: Nil Compulsory/elective: Compulsory - common first semester course
Learning time:
(Lecturer) Contact hours
Non-contact hours
Learning and teaching approaches:
● Online: All course materials are available on Moodle for you to work through in your own time, as suggested in the course outline. Facilitators are available to help you via face-to-face (F2F) sessions, email, and question & answer forums on Moodle
● Classes: These are face-to-face (F2F) sessions where a facilitator will take you through module activities and assist you with collaborative group work
● myPortfolio: This is an online platform that you can use to share and store your activities and learning throughout the course
Learning resources required:
E-Resources - Moodle
Learning resources recommended:
Readings or hyperlinks to readings appropriate to each topic within the course
Library resources (relevant books, ebooks, online databases, including a wide range of journals with online access)
Shane Gibson
Email: sgibson@unitec.ac.nz
Phone: 021825732
This course is designed for a blended delivery meaning that you will be required to engage with both online and face-to-face learning experiences. All the learning material for the course has been created and developed into ebooks in Moodle which can be accessed through the buttons on the E&C home page.
HSDV 5142 Enquiry and Communication is divided into 12 Topics - one topic per week of teaching
1. Introduction to Enquiry & Communication
2. Who are you and why are you here?
3. Plagiarism / APA Referencing
4. Academic integrity and writing
5. Critical thinking
6. Types and quality of information
7. Perception and interpretation of information
8. Assumptions and bias
9. Types of knowledge
10. Collaboration
11. Peer review and poster development
12. Communication
It is strongly recommended that you focus upon each topic during the weeks outlined below. Remember that the expectation is that you spend ten hours a week engaging with this course. This includes your face-to-face sessions, forums, assignments, and the activities in each module.
Enquiry and Communication
All classes are offered at the Waitakere Campus. The first two weeks of semester are Orientation sessions. Please refer to the Orientation Timetable for details.
Mon 14/11 Assignment 3 due Submit by 5.00 PM 510-4015
This assessment task is about you developing an understanding of the importance of the Enquiry & Communication course, and the importance of associated skills in becoming successful as a future student, and in your future professional practice.
Assignment Name: Written Assessment
Task: Construct a written piece that identifies the connection between the Enquiry & Communication skills required for successful study and for being successful in your future professional practice
Word Count: 500-600 words
Weighting: 20%
Relevant Learning Outcomes:
Use academic vocabulary, literacies and conventions to prepare and present academic work.
Engage in communication and collaboration that support academic and emerging professional practice.
Submission: Due date: Wednesday 17 August 2016 - No later than 5 pm
You will submit Assignment 1 to the Turnitin submission box located under the assignments tab in Moodle
1. Identify 5 key Enquiry & Communication skills
2. Skills can be identified through examining a Code of Ethics for your future profession (located in Moodle)
3. You will need to provide a full reference (APA 6th style) for this Code of Ethics
4. For each skill that you identify write 100 words defining the skill and identifying the connection to being a successful student and being successful in your future professional practice
5. An exemplar will be provided in class demonstrating what is expected
6. The completed task will be assessed using the following rubric
This assessment is eligible for resubmission.
IMPORTANT: To be eligible to pass this course, you MUST submit all assignments.
Criterion Evidence of E&C skills required to be successful as a student Evidence of E&C skills required to be successful in professional practice Connections between skills required for students and practitioners are identified Assignment structure Weighting 30% 30% 30% 10% 5
Exemplary knowledge of the skills required (5 skills clearly defined)
Exemplary knowledge of the skills required
(5 skills clearly defined)代写HSDV 5142 Enquiry and Communication
Exemplary (5) connections are identified
Assignment structure allows for seamless flow. Excellent editing and presentation. 4
Accomplished knowledge of the skills required
(4 skills clearly defined)
Accomplished knowledge of the skills required
(4 skills clearly defined)
Good (4) examples are identified
Assignment is generally well-structured. Expresses/communicates clearly and is well presented 3
Developing knowledge of the skills required
(3 skills clearly defined)
Developing knowledge of the skills required
(3 skills clearly defined)
Adequate (3) examples are identified
Assignment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is good, but has some minor failings 2
Beginning knowledge of the skills required
(2 skills clearly defined)
Beginning knowledge of the skills required
(2 skills clearly defined)
Few (2) examples are identified
Assignment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is lacking in areas. 1
Minimal knowledge of the skills required
(1 skill clearly defined)
Minimal knowledge of the skills required
(1 skill clearly defined)
Minimal (1) examples are identified
Assignment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is significantly poor 0
No knowledge of the skills required
(0 skills clearly defined)
No knowledge of the skills required
(0 skills clearly defined)
No (0) examples are identified
Unacceptable failings in structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow of presentation
This assessment task is about you developing skills around the enquiry process, gaining an understanding of the different types of information that will be beneficial in your future studies and careers, and potential challenges that you may face when interpreting this information. Additionally it provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to write in a formal academic manner.
Assessment name: Written assessment
Task: Construct an essay that considers the types of information likely to be a part of your future professional practice. Define the three main challenges faced when interpreting information - bias, perception and assumption. Discuss why it is important to be aware of these challenges when working in your future profession. Identify some key steps to help overcome these challenges.
1200-1500 words
Weighting: 50%
Relevant Learning Outcomes:
Identify different methods of enquiry and types of knowledge.
Evaluate the quality of information sources.
Use academic vocabulary, literacies and conventions to prepare and present academic work.
Submission: Due date: Wednesday 12 October - No later than 5pm
You will submit Assignment 2 to the Turnitin submission box located under the assignments tab in Moodle
1. You will write a 1200-1500 word essay considering the types of information that are likely to form a part of your future professional practice
2. You will need to define the three potential challenges (bias, perception and assumption) that are faced when interpreting different types of information
3. Explain why it is important to be aware of these challenges in your future profession
4. You will need to identify key steps in overcoming these challenges
5. You will need to use appropriate and relevant research to further this identification, demonstrating examples of personal, procedural and propositional knowledge
6. This essay will follow formal academic essay writing guidelines
7. The completed task will be assessed using the following rubric
A marking rubric will be used to assess your learning for assignment 2. The marking rubric outlines the maximum possible marks that can be gained for each section of the assignment task. The rubric is related to the graduate profile for your level of study.
Criterion Evidence of the different types of information important to your future professional practice Definitions of the challenges faced when interpreting information - bias, perception, and assumption Evidence of understanding of key steps in overcoming the challenges faced in interpreting information Evidence of background reading and understanding of personal, procedural and propositional knowledge Assignment structure APA consistency using APA 6th conventions Weighting
Exemplary understanding of different types of information
(5 examples)
Exemplary definitions provided for all 3 of the challenges faced
Exemplary understanding of key steps
Exemplary understanding of different types of knowledge
Assignment structure allows for seamless flow. Excellent editing and presentation.
Evidence of clear, consistent use of correct referencing system. (APA) 4
Accomplished understanding of different types of information
(4 examples)
Good definitions provided for all 3 of the challenges faced
Accomplished understanding of key steps
Accomplished understanding of different types of knowledge
Assignment is generally well-structured. Expresses/communicates clearly and is well presented
Generally well acknowledged and referenced, although with some stylistic issues. (APA) 3
Developing understanding of different types of information
(3 examples)
Adequate definitions provided for all 3 of the challenges faced
Developing understanding of key steps
Developing understanding of different types of knowledge
Assignment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is good, but has some minor failings
Information provided is adequately referenced, with minor inconsistencies in the use of correct referencing system. (APA) 2
Beginning understanding of different types of information
(2 examples)
Definitions provided for 2 of the challenges faced
Beginning understanding of key steps
Beginning understanding of different types of knowledge
Assignment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is lacking in areas.
Insufficient information provided/ incorrect use of correct referencing system. (APA) 1
Minimal understanding of different types of information
(1 example)
Definition provided for 1 of the challenges faced
Minimal understanding of key steps
Minimal understanding of different types of knowledge
Assignment structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow is significantly poor
Little or no information provided to enable reference sources to be acknowledged. (APA) 0
No understanding of different types of information
(0 examples)
No definitions provided
No understanding of key steps
No understanding of different types of knowledge
Unacceptable failings in structure/ clarity of written expression/ editing and/or flow of presentation
Plagiarism transgression with no information provided to enable references to be sourced. (APA)
IMPORTANT: To be eligible to pass this course, you MUST submit all assignments.
This assessment task is about you working together (collaborating) in your group to produce a single poster. Through this process you will gain an understanding of what it means to work collaboratively towards a common goal, the need for personal responsibility, and the opportunity for you to gain a theoretical understanding of collaboration whilst also gaining hands on experience of the collaborative process.
Assessment Name: Group Poster
Task: As a group, construct an A2 sized academic poster that discusses the practice of collaboration and communication in the workplace. You will need to define collaboration using appropriate references, discuss the benefits and challenges associated with working collaboratively, and analyse why collaboration and communication will be important for you in your future professional practice. You will also complete peer-review forms for each of the other members of your group, and this will form part of their overall mark for assignment 3.
1000 words
At least one image
At least one chart
At least one figure
Weighting: 30%
Relevant Learning Outcomes:
Identify different methods of enquiry and types of knowledge.
Evaluate the quality of information sources.
Use academic vocabulary, literacies and conventions to prepare and present academic work.
Engage in communication and collaboration that support academic and emerging professional practice.
● Each group must submit one poster in hard copy to Room 510-4015 before 5pm Monday 14th November.
● Peer review forms must be completed on each fellow member of your group and emailed to Shane Gibson (sgibson@unitec.ac.nz) before 5pm Monday 14th November
Peer review - 20% of overall mark for Assignment 3
Poster - 80% of overall mark for Assignment 3
Procedure: This assignment requires you to work in groups.
1. You are required to submit an academic poster discussing the practice of collaboration and communication in the workplace
2. You will need to provide a definition of collaboration
3. You will need to discuss the benefits of collaboration and the challenges of collaboration
4. You will need to analyse how the skills and knowledge relating to collaboration and communication that you have learnt in developing this poster will be beneficial to you specifically in your future professional practice
5. You will need to provide a reference list somewhere on your poster, formatted according to APA 6th style
6. The group will need to submit a printed version (A2 size) of the poster to Room 510-4015 before 5pm Monday 14th November
7. You will need to complete a peer review analysis form for each of your fellow group members and email these to sgibson@unitec.ac.nz before 5pm Monday 14th November. You will need to justify the mark you give each member by providing specific evidence for the mark provided. The marks provided for each group member will be averaged to provide a final mark for this part of the rubric. If you do not submit the peer review forms by the due date, you will receive a zero for the peer review section of the poster
8. This poster will follow formal academic poster guidelines as explained in class
9. The completed task will be assessed using the following rubric
A marking rubric will be used to assess your learning for assignment 3. The marking rubric outlines the maximum possible marks that can be gained for each section of the assignment task. The rubric is related to the graduate profile for your level of study.
Criterion Definition of collaboration Evidence of understanding of the benefits and challenges of collaboration Specific examples of how being able to collaborate and communicate effectively will be beneficial in your future professional practice Academic poster format. Include suitably sized and formatted text, at least one image, one chart, and one figure APA consistency using APA 6th conventions Peer Review Mark Weighting 10% 20% 30% 10% 10% 20% 5
Exemplary definition of collaboration
Exemplary understanding
(5 examples of benefits and challenges)
Exemplary understanding of benefits in future professional practice
(5 examples)
All poster formatting requirements met, in an exceptional manner
Evidence of clear, consistent use of correct referencing system. (APA)
Accomplished definition of collaboration
Accomplished understanding
(4 examples of benefits and challenges)
Accomplished understanding of benefits in future professional practice
(4 examples)
All poster formatting requirements met, in an adequate manner
Generally well acknowledged and referenced, although with some stylistic issues. (APA)
Developing definition of collaboration
Developing understanding
(3 examples of benefits and challenges)
Developing understanding of benefits in future professional practice
(3 examples)
Most poster formatting requirements met, but missing at least one item
Information provided is adequately referenced, with minor inconsistencies in the use of correct referencing system. (APA)
Beginning definition of collaboration
Beginning understanding
(2 examples of benefits and challenges)
Beginning understanding of benefits in future professional practice
(2 examples)
Some poster formatting requirements met, but missing at least two items
Insufficient information provided/ incorrect use of correct referencing system. (APA)
Limited definition of collaboration
Minimal understanding
(1 example of benefits and challenges)
Minimal understanding of benefits in future professional practice
(1 example)
Minimal poster formatting requirements met, missing at least 3 items
Little or no information provided to enable reference sources to be acknowledged. (APA)
No definition of collaboration
No understanding
(0 examples of benefits and challenges)
No understanding of benefits in future professional practice
(0 examples)
No poster formatting requirements met.
Plagiarism transgression with no information provided to enable references to be sourced. (APA)
This assignment is not eligible for resubmission.
IMPORTANT: To be eligible to pass this course, you MUST submit all assignments.
代写HSDV 5142 Enquiry and Communication