代写BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Develop
代写BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development
This presentation may contain links to web pages.
These are highlighted and underlined in orange.
You are strongly advised to visit the web pages behind each of these links to enhance your understanding of the issues being discussed.
Ensure you quote the relevant web page if you use any material in your assessment tasks.
NOTE: The presentation needs to be in Slideshow mode for hyperlinks to be active
}Unit Description
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills
and knowledge required to establish standards for
the design and production of organisational
documents and to manage document design and
production processes to ensure agreed standards are
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification
requirements apply to this unit at the time of
}Learning Outcomes
}Establish documentation standards
}Manage template design and development
}Develop standard text for documents
}Develop and implement strategies to ensure the use of standard documentation
}Develop and implement strategies for maintenance and continuous improvement of standard documentation
}Establish Documentation standards (1)
}Identify organisational requirements for
information entry, storage, output, and quality of
document design and production
} Evaluate organisation's present and future
information technology capability in terms of its
effect on document design and production
}Establish Documentation Standards (2)
}Identify the types of documents used and required
by the organisation
}Establish documentation standards and design
tasks for organisational documents in accordance
with information, budget and technology
}Manage Template Design and Development (1)
}Ensure standard formats and templates suit the
purpose, audience and information requirements of each document
}Ensure document templates enhance readability
and appearance and meet organisational
requirements for style and layout
}Manage template design and Development (2)
}Test templates, obtain organisational and user
feedback, and make amendments as necessary to
ensure maximum efficiency and quality of
}Develop Standard Text for Documents
}Evaluate complex technical functions of software
for their usefulness in automating aspects of
standard document production
}Match requirements of each document with
software functions to allow efficient production of
}Test macros to ensure they meet the requirements of each document in accordance with documentation standards
}Develop and Implement Strategies to ensure the use of Standard Documentation
}Prepare explanatory notes for the use of standard templates and macros using content, format and language style to suit existing and future users
}Develop and implement training on the use of standard
templates and macros and adjust the content and level of detail to suit user needs
}Produce, circulate, name and store master files and print
copies of templates and macros in accordance with
organisational requirements
}Develop and Implement Strategies for Maintenance and Continuous Improvement of Standard Documentation
}Monitor use of standard documentation templates
and macros and evaluate the quality of documents
produced against documentation standards
}Review documentation standards against the
changing needs of the organisation. Plan and
implement improvements in accordance with
organisational procedures
代写BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development
}Why Do We Require Standards?
}Ensure consistency – making sure that all staff uses the same formatting and styles
}Ensure professional image for the company – maintaining consistency will ensure a professional image of the organisation
}Reduce costs as staff do not need to spend time recreating document formats or wording,
}Saves time (as outlined above)
}Review Activity 1
Consider the following scenario.
}You have recently joined the Sales and Marketing department of a big retail store. The stores are located in all major cities of Australia.
}The store has many suppliers, customers, partners and contractors with whom there is regular communication using documents, forms, fax and memo.
}As part of your business development role, you are to manage the document design and development to ensure a consistently professional image to your organisation both to internal and external users.
}You report directly to General Manager ( Trainer )
}Key Stakeholders
}Are bound by the output of the role / job / project
}Want a say in the content or shape of the project
}Want to have a say in the quality of the output
}Want to be able to sign off on the aspects of the standards you establish
}Are the ultimate owners of the finished standards
}Activity 2 (1)
Key Stakeholders
Write a narrative or create a table similar to the one
in the next slide, covering the following:
}Who are your key stake holders in your organisation?
}What role does each stakeholder perform?
}How much power or authority does each stake holder have?
}Project Definition
}What problems /issues are you going solve?
}How broad is the scope? i.e. what tasks are you going to perform?
◦Are you responsible
For setting documentation standards?
Managing the documentation design & production?
◦Do you need to put a documentation system in place for all or parts of an organisation?
◦Do you have a free hand or there are existing standards to be followed?
}Research Existing Systems & Standards
}Before you start your project it is always a good idea to find what has been done before.
}There is no point re-inventing the wheel.
}There may already be in-house standards and systems in place that can be reviewed and revised to suit your project.
}There may be established standards you are required to follow
}Cost Constraints (1)
}There are several cost constraints associated with document design and development
}As a documentation manager, you need to take these costs into consideration
}Obtain an approved budget for the documentation design and development
}Cost Constraints (2)
A few of the cost constraints may be:
}Printing – is it cheaper to print in-house or external?
}Equipment – do we have the correct equipment available for this project
}Design – do we pay an external designer to develop the document look and feel or do we undertake this in-house (It may take longer or may not be as professional)
}Cost Constraints (3)
}Stock of paper – In what format are we producing this document – A4 80gsm stock, specialty stock, etc
}Postage – Do the documents fit in a normal envelope or do we need to pay extra due to the document size?
}Keeping it Legal and Ethical
}Anti-discrimination legislation
}Ethical principles
}Codes of practice
}Privacy laws
}Operational Environment (1)
Computers have significantly effected the storage and
distribution procedures / requirements of documents
across an organisation.
Do you agree or disagree? What has changed?
}Operational Environment (2)
There will be a
}Requirement for performance
◦Does the document solve the problem for which it was designed?
}Requirements for document security
◦Is the document confidential ?
◦Is the document only for a group of people?
◦Does the document have a requirement of an audit trail of changes ?
}Software Packages
Documents may be created using a range of
commercial or organizational packages such as:
}Databases – MS Access, SQL
}Desktop publishing – MS Publisher,
}Spreadsheets – MS Excel
}Word processors – MS Word
}Visual Signage – MS Powerpoint , Web Tools
}Documents & Software Tools
}Word Processors are used for letters, memos, and word processing documents
}Spreadsheets are used for spreadsheets, wages, sales graphs, tables etc
}Publisher used for brochures and PR material
}Identify Information Management Tools Requirements
}Version control / version management
}Content management
}Document management
}Knowledge management
}Activity 4
IT Capability
}Consider the IT capability in a workplace.
Does the current capability cater for the creation, implementation and storage of all required documents?
}Document Requirements
}Identify documentation needs
◦The fewer documents that are designed and the fewer software products used, the more chances of users actually using them
}Determine the document types
◦Paper based
}Paper Document Types
}Stationary, labels and business cards
}Business forms
}Publications education customers
}Letters to customers
}Meetings and events
}Staffing and management
}Finance and accounting
}Electronic Document Types
Electronic documents can be delivered via
}HTML (web pages/web site)
}Online Help
}Electronic forms
}Computer Based Training material
Establish Quality Standards and Processes
Quality is not a fixed variable.
It cannot be determined without reference to time
and budget constraints.
}Establish Standards
Work with Standard Manuals
Your standard manual should include information on
how to :
}Perform the background research for a document.
}Design and develop a good document
}Review and edit a document
}Standards Manuals
}The content and approach of the manual should mainly target the user group of the manual.
}If the users are groups of technical writers the manuals will be very different from those developed for other groups.
}Ensuring ‘Fit-for-Purpose’
Although the style, format and order of the document
will vary according to its purpose and context, there
are some fairly global conventions that you need to
consider when determining suitability.
These include:
}The purpose of the document
}Identifying your audience
}Ensuring ‘User Friendly’
Don't exclude people from decisions that affect them.
}Keep your co-workers involved to keep your efforts alive.
}Anticipate objections to inconsequential points of style.
}Listen closely when others express concerns.
}Audience Analysis
}Education level
}Computer literacy
}Skills in English language
}Prior knowledge of the topic
}Cultural requirements
}Political requirements
}QA Review Process
}A Quality Assurance Review Process
◦Is one area where time and budget constraints can have a critical impact.
}Often review and quality assurance processes are sacrificed when time or money are running short.
}Standards And / Or Styles Manuals
}The manual should contain the following sections
◦Researching A Document
◦Designing A Document
◦Developing A Document
◦QA Review Process
◦Printing Paper Documents
}In-House Style Guides
Most companies will have a style guide that dictates
the fonts, colours and layout.
They will have specific instructions for items for which
there is no standard commercial style guides.
You may be confronted with which options to choose
when there are several possibilities
}Style guides can be company specific, industry specific or contain local items.
}Electronic Document Standards and / or Styles Manual
When implementing a strategy for both paper and on-
line documents one has 2 options:
}If the standards manual is large you may have to create a second document that deals with electronically distributed documents.
}If the manual is too small, then you may have to add a section on electronically distributed documents
}Document Creation and Automation (1)
}Documents can be created quickly by using document automation techniques.
}These techniques are generally of a more complex nature than most users are used to creating.
} However, by using these features, you can ensure that your users can become much more efficient at using the templates and standard formats used in your business.
}Document Creation and Automation (2)
Table of Contents: Large documents should use a table
of contents.
Index: An index is a list of key words found in your
documents along with references to the pages
use of colour
ØFinal document presentation
}Overall Standards and Design Tasks (3)
}Print quality
}Production of graphics
}Production of multiple and subsequent copies
}Quality standards
}Use of page layout software
}Obtaining External Assistance
}One can seek external expertise to ensure quality design and documents
}The various sources of external assistance are
◦Designers & Supervisors
◦Printers & Print Houses
Manage Template Design and Development
}Template Style Sheet
A template is used to coordinate the look and feel of a
document according to a set of styles relating to:
}Typeface, size and colour for heading and body text
}Front matter such as preface, figure list, title page
}Line spacing, margin widths on a all sides
}The styles and heading level
}Boilerplate content that is to be included
}Type of Templates
Templates will fall into 2 categories:
}The core templates developed showing front page, logos, header and footers
}Document specific templates containing instructions on how to use the template to complete a specific type of document
Many templates look good until they are printed
One should be thoughtful for both paper and web
}Rule for Templates
Keep It Simple
}Establish Core Concept
Core or basic template are the foundation upon which
any subject specific templates will be developed.
}Design Document Look and Feel
One must establish an overall look and feel that will
be consistent across all of your documents.
Address elements such as:
Front pages
Margins and line spacing
Headers and footers – layout and appearance
Fonts, font sizes and colors
}Document Specific Templates
The following content is included in the document
specific templates
}Standard Headings
}Standard Text
}Toolbars, Auto Text, Macros
}Speed up routine editing and formatting
}Combine multiple commands
}Automate a complex series of tasks
Definition – A Macro is a series of commands and
instructions put together as a single
command to accomplish a task
}Cross References
Cross references are references within a document that
will identify a piece of text to be placed automatically
elsewhere in the document.
Hyperlinks are links within or between documents that
allow you to navigate to the specified part of the
ØFunction or Motivation
ØTitled or Captioned
ØAppropriately Cropped
ØIntegrated Effectively
ØInterpreted Clearly
}Evaluate Paper-based Template
}After designing a template one needs to test it to ensure that it is suitable for the environment.
}The best way to do this initially is to get it reviewed by other professionals.
}Review the Key Elements of Each Document
}White space
}The Importance of writing style
}Getting Feedback
Once you have designed and produced your
document, you need to obtain feedback on the degree
of effectiveness and whether it is achieving the
purpose intended.
•Focus Groups
•Usability Testing
•Customer Feedback
•Team Feedback
}Obtaining Friendly
Ask a few good users to try the document and test
them out for you.
}Usability of features provided
}Instructions on the features which are not being used
needs to take care
}The level of literacy of the user group in the product.
}How much training, if any, will be delivered.
}Training Users in Document Specific Templates
Class room training? - one of the possibilities but may
not be the best approach.
The range of approaches may include:
}Briefing and walk through
}One on one mentoring
}Written instructions
}Template Management and Archive Strategies
}Store them securely
}Distribute them as a “read only” document (electronic)
}Establish processes for maintaining them
} Master Template Storage
}How will the master template be stored?
}Where will it be stored?
}Who will have access to it?
}Template Distribution
How is the template document distributed ??
}Direct to desktop
}Network location
}Provide the users with totally clean and NORMAL template
}Overall Document Production Process
1. Concept
2. Reason
3. Design
4. Testing
Establish strategy for maintenance and Continuous Improvement
}Monitor Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Strategies
There is an ongoing maintenance task related not only
to the templates and documents themselves, but to the
}Monitor Effectiveness of Template Design
How will you monitor the degree of use and
acceptance of your templates overtime ?
}When will it be done?
}Who will do it?
}What time and budget are available for it?
代写BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development