In the year of 2007, James wrote an essay called ‘Social Equity in a mass, globalized higher education environment: the unresolved issue of widening access to university’ and its main purpose is to evaluate the social equity of higher education in Australia especially focused on people from low social-economic status backgrounds in rural and metropolitan areas and Indigenous people. As to the structure of the essay, it mainly separates into 5 parts. The first part is about the concept of equity and its importance in higher education. The second part is brief introduction to the international patterns of participation in higher education. The following part is to analyze the social equity issue in Australia in a quite detailed and comparative way. In the next part, the author takes the University of Melbourne as an example to show these challenges of the excellence-equity social contract. The fifth part is the main part of this essay and the author dispels six myths that surround equity of access of higher education in Australia. These six myths include expanding participation will improve equity, free or low cost higher education will improve equity, improving equity involves the removal of barriers to access, the onus is with universities to resolve equity problems, widening participation will lower standards or lower retention and completion rates, and students can be selected for higher education on academic merit. On the basis of part five, the author recommends to take bold stepson so as to provide a series of ideas on the conditions for advancing equity of higher education in Australian. These steps are separated into seven aspects and the author explains their rationality respectively and in a detailed way. At the same time, the author holds such an idea that Australia should develop a new concept of equity among international students because more and more students in Australian universities are from foreign countries.
In a summary, the author thinks that it is quite necessary for Australia to re-invigorate its equity discourse so as to forming a new national scoping study on equity of access especially the nation should focuses on these people with low social-economic status background and rural areas together with local people. At the same time, the author holds quite strong belief that Australia will be able to recover its reputation in higher education all over the world after going through a few troubles.
毋庸置疑,高等教育的社会公平在社会公平中的地位越来越重要。在高等教育的社会公平的意义可以从宏观和微观的角度来看(Coates &克劳斯,2005)。从宏观上看,高等教育的社会公平在很大程度上与政府的政策制定密切相关。众所周知,高等教育的社会公平是一个典型的话题,它可以为个人和组织创造社会变革。对个人而言,高等教育的社会公平可以为他们提供良好的机会,提高他们的技能,以相应的方式提高他们的生活质量。对于一个组织,他们可以充分利用知识经济为生存在同行业竞争激烈(奥斯汀& Oseguera,2004)。从微观角度看,高等教育的社会公平是整个社会普及教育的有效途径,这是非常有利于个人发展的整个生命(克兰西& goastellec,2007)。从这两个方面来看,研究高等教育的社会公平问题是十分重要和有意义的。