代写 STATS 101/101G/108 Introduction to Statistics
代写 STATS 101/101G/108 Introduction to Statistics
STATS 10x Assignment 1
STATS 101/101G/108 Introduction to Statistics
Assignment 1, Second Semester 2016
Due: 3pm Monday 8 th August
Note: Question 1 must be completed before 3pm Wednesday 3 rd August
Note: Question 3 must be completed before 3pm Friday 5 th August
Read these instructions carefully
• Assignment 1 is worth 5% of your final mark.
• It will be marked out of 50 marks, 46 marks for the questions and 4 marks for communication and
presentation. See below for how communication and presentation marks are allocated. Your final
mark will be converted to a mark out of 10 which will be recorded towards your course work.
• Statistics is about summarising, analysing and communicating information. Communication is an
important part of statistics. For this reason you will be expected to write answers which clearly
communicate your thoughts.
• Communication and Presentation marks
• Demonstrate clear sentence structure: this includes correct use of full stops and capital
letters; not writing overly long or complicated sentences; attention to spelling and grammar.
• Demonstrate ability to communicate information clearly in sentences: this includes
sentences clearly conveying the correct idea; sentences making sense; comments not being
excessively long or short; conclusions following logically from previous statements.
• Assignment tidily set out and easy to follow: this includes the answers being clearly set out in
the correct order; the assignment not being messy; the assignment (including the correct cover
sheet) being clipped together or stapled.
• Student ID number shown somewhere on assignment: this should be on the inside of the
cover sheet or at the top of the first page of the assignment.
• Use (standard) A4 sized paper.
• Print your name and ID number legibly at the top right hand corner of each page with the surname
or family name underlined. Number each page in the top centre.
• Fill in a Department of Statistics Assignment Cover Sheet and attach to the front of the assignment.
• Cover sheets can be downloaded from Canvas.
• To make your marked assignment easier to find when it is returned, you could draw a coloured
pattern along the edges of the cover sheet or put some sort of small sticker on the cover sheet.
• Staple the cover sheet and your assignment together.
• Fold the cover sheet and assignment in half lengthwise with the cover sheet facing outwards.
• Do not write out the questions. Just write the question numbers and your answers.
• You may either type up your assignment or write it legibly by hand.
• Refer to the Worked Examples under assignment resources on Canvas for examples of how to set
out your answers.
Handing in
• Hand in to the appropriate assignment drop-off box to the left of the counter in the Student
Resource Centre, ground floor of building 301, by the plaza that connects buildings 301 and
303. Do not hand your assignment in to the unsecured assignment return boxes!
• Assignments handed in to the wrong place or received after the due time will not be marked.
Question guide
• Attempt questions 1 & 2 immediately.
• Attempt questions 3, 4, 5 & 6 when chapter 1 has been covered.
• Attempt question 7 when chapter 2 has been covered.
• Questions 3 & 4 require the use of iNZight software.
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代写 STATS 101/101G/108 Introduction to Statistics
Important notes
• We encourage working together. Working together is discussing assignments and methods of
solution with other students or getting help in understanding from staff and tutors. If you work
with other students, you must write up your final assignment individually in your own words.
• We view cheating on assignment work seriously! Cheating is: copying all or part of another
student’s assignment or allowing another student to copy all or part of your assignment.
• Penalties include: the student’s name will be entered on the university-wide Register of
Deliberate Academic Misconduct; loss of some or all marks for the assignment; the student(s)
involved referred to the University Discipline Committee.
• A student who allows someone else to copy their work is treated identically to the student who
did the copying.
Question 1. [5 marks] [Diagnostic Quiz]
For this question you need to do an online Diagnostic Quiz on basic maths skills needed for
statistics. This is a short multi-choice quiz with 10 questions. You will need a calculator to do the
The deadline is 3pm Wednesday 3 rd August (BEFORE the assignment is due). You can
only score marks for this question if you submit the assignment and earn marks for at least one of
the written questions.
On your assignment answers for this question, write whether or not you have attempted the
Diagnostic quiz AND clearly write your ID number.
If you attempt the quiz, then you score 5 marks for this question (as long as you earn marks for at
least one other written question in the assignment). It does not matter how many questions you get
correct in the diagnostic quiz, just attempting the quiz scores you ALL 5 marks.
Please take this quiz seriously. The results of the quiz will be used to identify students that would
benefit from additional help on these basic skills.
How to run the Diagnostic quiz:
You can find the Diagnostic quiz on Canvas. Look under Assignments Diagnostic Quiz. Have
your calculator with you before you start the quiz. To start the quiz click on ‘Take the Diagnostic
There is a one hour time limit on each attempt at the quiz. You can have up to three attempts at the
quiz. We have given three attempts to allow for any technical issues that may arise.
Question 2. [2 marks] [Course Assessment]
Read Assessment, page 2, Section A Course Information, in the Lecture Workbook.
(a) A final overall mark of at least 50% is ONE of the conditions necessary to pass the course. Another
condition is that the exam mark, considered by itself, must be at least a certain percentage. What is
this percentage?
(b) For this course, the assignments count 20% towards the final grade (assignments 1 and 2 are worth
5% each and assignment 3 is worth 10%). This 20% is fixed. Explain how the remaining 80% of
your final grade is determined.
STATS 10x Assignment 1
Question 3. [10 marks] [Chapters 1]
For this question you need to do an online iNZight Quiz on plots, tables and summary
statistics. This is a short quiz where you load a data set into iNZight to produce plots, tables
and summary statistics and then answer 10 true/false questions on what you see.
Before attempting the quiz, read the iNZight Quiz Guide from Canvas:
Assignments Assignment 1 iNZight Quiz Guide.
You can have up to 3 attempts at the quiz and your best mark will be used. We have given
three attempts to allow for any technical issues that may arise.
The deadline is 3pm Friday 5 th August (the FRIDAY BEFORE the assignment is
due). You can only score marks for this question if you submit the assignment and earn
marks for at least one of the written questions.
On your assignment answers for this question, write whether or not you have attempted the
iNZight quiz AND clearly write your ID number.
Question 4. [9 marks] [Chapter 1]
Ironman races are made up of 3 combined events: a swim race, a bike race and a running race.
The 2015 Auckland Ironman70.3 involved a 1.9km ocean swim, a 90.1km bike race and a
21.1km running race (giving a total of 70.3 miles – a half ironman distance). Separate times
are recorded for each event. Also transition times are recorded (the time taken between
finishing the swim race and starting the bike race plus the time taken between finishing the
bike race and starting the running race). Data for the race was recorded in the csv file
IronmanData which can be downloaded from Canvas. It includes the following variables:
Country the country the competitor was from coded as either NZ for New Zealand,
Aus for Australia or Other for other countries.
Gender the gender of the competitor coded as either Female or Male.
Agegroup the age group the competitor falls in coded as either 18to34, 35to44, 45to54
or 55to79.
Pro whether the competitor was entered into the competition as a professional,
coded as either Yes or No.
Rank the competitor’s unique placing in the race where 1 = 1 st , 2 = 2 nd , etc.
Swim the time the competitor completed the swim section of the race (minutes).
Bike the time the competitor completed the bike section of the race (minutes).
Run the time the competitor completed the run section of the race (minutes).
Transition the time the competitor took for transitions between races (minutes).
Total the total time the competitor completed the race (minutes).
Load the dataset into iNZight. For each of the following, use iNZight to create appropriate
plots and briefly comment on what the plot reveals. Hand in your plots with the comments.
(a) First explore swim times alone.
(b) Explore the relationship between swim times and any one of the categorical variables.
(c) Explore the relationship between swim times and any one other numeric variable.
(d) Explore the relationship between all three variables used in the above plots.
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© Department of Statistics
Question 5. [5 marks] [Chapter 1]
This question uses the ironman data from Question 4 again.
You need to load the data into iNZight and produce relevant summary statistics to answer the
questions below.
Note: when you are using two categorical variables, the order you put variables into iNZight
does affect the frequency table in the summary so carefully consider this.
(a) What proportion of these competitors were female?
(b) What proportion of male competitors were from Australia?
(c) Which of the country groups had the highest proportion of competitors who were aged 18 to
34 years old and what was that proportion?
(d) Of the professional competitors, what proportion were female?
Question 6. [4 marks] [Chapter 1]
In 2011, Dr Jeff Brand of Bond University carried out the Digital Australia and Digital New
Zealand surveys on digital media and games use. Some of the information from the New
Zealand survey is given below.
53% of gamers are males. Of the male gamers, 11% said their favourite type of games are
puzzle games, while 14% of the female gamers said their favourite type of games are puzzle
Use this information to answer the following:
(a) Construct a 2 2 table of counts displaying the results for this study. Complete the table.
(b) What proportion of gamers favourite game type is puzzle?
(c) Of the gamers whose favourite type of games are puzzle games, what proportion are female?
STATS 10x Assignment 1
Question 7. [11 marks] [Chapter 2]
Consider the following studies:
Study 1: A researcher into driver safety was interested in the effect of blood-alcohol level on
the length of time it takes a driver’s foot to reach the brake pedal following the sudden
appearance of an object 50 metres in front of the car. The researcher used a simulator that
mimics this driving condition to test reaction times. 80 (adult) volunteers were randomly
allocated to one of five groups: 0, 15, 30, 45 or 60 ml of alcohol. The volunteers consumed
the allocated amount of pure (tasteless) alcohol mixed with orange juice so that, apart from
the effects of the alcohol, they did not know which group they were in. Each volunteer then
had their reaction time measured on the simulator.
Study 2: A psychologist was interested in any difference in the ability of boys and girls in
identifying emotions from facial expressions. Actors were used to produce a series of 50
photos, with each photo depicting one of five emotions: fear, happiness, sadness, surprise
and anger. A random sample of 20 seven-year-old boys and 20 seven-year-old girls were
each shown the five photos (one at a time) and asked to identify each emotion. The number
of correctly identified emotions was recorded for each student.
(a) Answer the following questions for each study:
(i) Identify the groups that are being compared. (I.e., what treatments or factors of interest
are being compared?) DO NOT also say what is being measured to make the
comparison – you do this in (ii).
(ii) What is being measured to compare these groups? ONLY describe the variable being
measured. DO NOT also mention the groups being compared.
(iii) Would you describe the study as an experiment or an observational study?
- If it was an experiment, what part of the study design lead you to this conclusion?
- If it was an observational study, could an experiment have been easily carried out
instead? If so, briefly explain how. If not, briefly explain why not
(b) Could the results of a study such as Study 1 be used to argue that any overall difference in the
reaction time is due to the amount of alcohol due? Are there any concerns with generalising
the results of this study to all adults? Briefly justify both your answers.
(c) Which of the studies, if any, used a control group? For any studies with a control group, briefly
describe why it was needed.
(d) It was later suggested that gender could be a significant factor in Study 1. How could the
study design be modified to take into account the gender effect?
代写 STATS 101/101G/108 Introduction to Statistics