Business Writing 预科 assignment 代写

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  • Business Writing 预科 assignment 代写
    [Business Writing T1, 2017]
    Assessment Two: Essay
    1. Essay question
    Write a 1000-word essay in response to the following question:
    Implementing CSR policies is beneficial for a company’s bottom line. Do you
    2. Assessment guidelines
    This assessment is worth 30% of your final grade.
    Note, there are two-parts to the submission of this assessment: the essay and the sources.
    •  Part 1: Submit your essay to Turnitin (via Moodle) by 5pm, Sunday Week 10.
    •  Part 2: Submit a hard copy of your highlighted sources in your Week 11 class. You
    should print all the sources that you cited and referenced in your report, highlight the
    sections that you used, and bring this to class to submit to your lecturer. Attach the
    cover sheet to your sources.
    Note that late submission of either Part 1 or Part 2 will result in a late penalty being applied.
    See the subject learning guide for details of the late submission policy.
    You need to refer to a minimum of 5 credible academic sources in your essay, including at
    least 2 from the sources provided on Moodle.
    These sources must be paraphrased and/or quoted and cited in your report using correct
    Harvard in-text referencing. Remember to include a variety of citation styles - i.e. author
    prominent (indirect voice) and information prominent (external voice). Every in-text
    reference must match an entry in the reference list. The reference list should use La Trobe
    Harvard referencing conventions (see
    for details).
    Business Writing Assessment Two
    2.3. STRUCTURE
    Your essay should include the following sections:
    •  Introduction
    •  Body paragraphs
    •  Conclusion
    •  Reference List
    2.4. TURNITIN
    Turnitin is plagiarism detection software. You are required to submit your essay to Turnitin
    via the link in Moodle and will receive a ‘similarity score’ and report. The similarity score
    should be less than 20%. The similarity report will show you which sections are similar to
    other sources. You can submit and resubmit as many times as you like up to the due date;
    however, remember if you resubmit, the new similarity report will take up to 24 hours to
    appear. Use Mozilla Firefox (not Internet Explorer) to avoid assessment submission errors.
    Although PDF is supported, it is recommended to submit you work in .doc or .docx format.
    Make sure direct quotes are enclosed in “double quotation” marks, not ‘single quotation’
    marks, as Turnitin may not recognise single quotation marks.
    Your essay should follow these formatting guidelines:
    Font size
    Line spacing
    Text alignment
    Left aligned
    Font style
    Arial or Times New Roman
    Page numbering
    Bottom of page, right or centre
    Remember to set the spellchecker in your word processing software to Australian or UK
    3. Marking criteria
    The marker will use the rubric on the following page to guide the marking of your report.
    You will be able to view the score you received for each of the criteria via “Grademark” on
    Business Writing Assessment Two
    ​Business Writing 预科 assignment 代写
    Business Writing Assessment Two

    Business Writing 预科 assignment 代写