AcF 212: Principles of Financial Accounting 代写
AcF 212: Principles of Financial Accounting 代写
Department of Accounting and Finance
AcF 212: Principles of Financial Accounting
Lent Term 2017
Coursework question no. 3
(This question is the last of three pieces of work to be completed on AcF 212 as coursework.)
Briefly compare and contrast, and hence distinguish, the following pairs of ideas and state why the
difference(s) between them matter to financial reporting:
a) Historical cost accounting vs. current value accounting
b) Financial vs. Physical capital maintenance
c) Proprietary vs. Entity views of the company
It is suggested that in preparing your answer you re-read your lecture notes, textbook and reading
pack as well as carrying out further investigations via Onesearch or the wider internet. For at least
one part, using the concepts in the IASB’s CF might help you.
Word limit: maximum 700 words (and that includes absolutely everything!) You may split the word
limit between the three parts as you wish but make sure that you do justice to each part.
Marks: this piece of work is worth 7% of the total course mark.
Marking scheme: the mark split between parts will be approximately 2 marks for each of parts a) to
c) plus one mark for structure, referencing, grammar, spelling and presentation. Given that you are
covering big issues in a very tight word limit, you will need to ensure that you focus on the important
aspects of each: there is certainly no room for padding!
Submission details:
• You should submit an electronic copy of your answer to this question via Moodle by 12 noon
on Friday 10 th March 2017. (Lateness will result in lost marks.)
• For your submission, please use MS Word or compatible software.
• For this, and the other pieces of coursework submitted in this way for AcF 212, you should
incorporate, at the start of your document, a completed “Coursework Declaration Sheet”
available on the AcF 212 Moodle site. (The words in the declaration sheet will NOT be
counted as part of your 700 limit.)
• N.B. Ensure that the name of the file that you submit is simply your name in the format
“<surname>, <forename>” plus “<CWA 3>” and nothing else. Failure to do this will result in
lost marks.
PG, February 2017
AcF 212: Principles of Financial Accounting 代写