ACC2100/ACF2100 Financial Accounting 财务会计assignment代写
ACC2100/ACF2100 Financial Accounting Semester 1 2017
Reflective Writing Task (10%)
Due date: Wednesday 26th April by 4pm (Week 8)
Word Limit: 750 words
Task details:
This is a reflective writing task requiring you to reflect and identify one or two specific
materials in this unit that have changed your thinking in some way that will impact your
future practice as an accountant.
In essay format, you are required to:
• Clearly identify one or two materials in this unit that have changed your thinking (for
example, this can be specific aspects of lecture notes, tutorial questions,
presentations, textbook, lecture recordings and so on)
• Explain your thinking before engaging with the materials
• Explain how your thinking has changed since engaging with the materials
• Explain how your new understanding will impact your future practice as an accountant
(or other professional)
1. A hard copy of the assignment must be submitted in the relevant assignment box
on your home campus by the due date. Work submitted for assessment must be
accompanied by a completed and signed assignment coversheet.
2. A copy of your assignment must be uploaded to Moodle by the due date.
Failure to meet one or both of the submission requirements will result in late
penalties being applied.
Penalties for late lodgement:
A maximum penalty of 10% of the total mark allocated to this assessment will be deducted
for each day that it is late.
Special consideration:
Applications for an extension of time allocated to an in-semester assessment task must
be made by completing the in-semester special consideration form. The application form
must be submitted to the Chief Examiner for consideration no later than two university
working days after the due date.
• You must comply with Q manual requirements in the presentation and referencing of
your essay; plagiarism is prohibited. The Q manual is available at:
• Your assignment must include a signed cover sheet
• Your assignment should be structured as follows:
o title page
o essay (including brief introduction, body, and brief conclusion; no
subheadings are required)
o reference list
• The word count should be clearly noted on the title page; a penalty will be incurred if
the word count is exceeded by more than 10%
• The word count includes in-text citations but does not include the title page or
reference list
• When completing this assignment, you should refer to the marking criteria listed in
the marking rubric on Moodle
• You should reference the specific material(s) that have changed your thinking, and the
accounting requirements (relevant accounting standard). Research beyond this is not
required, however if you choose to research academic papers, this generally serves to
enhance your understanding.