MCD6020 Media & culture assignment 莫纳什 代写

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  • MCD6020 Media & culture assignment 莫纳什 代写

    Monash College Diploma
    Diploma of Arts
    Media & culture
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Description ................................................................................................................. 2
    Aim .............................................................................................................................. 2
    Objectives .................................................................................................................. 2
    Language Outcomes ................................................................................................. 2
    Learning and Teaching ............................................................................................. 3
    Unit Schedule ............................................................................................................. 4
    Assessment & Feedback .......................................................................................... 7
    Graduate Attributes ................................................................................................... 9
    Learning Resources .................................................................................................. 9
    Policies ..................................................................................................................... 11
    Assessment Details ................................................................................................. 13
    Contact Details
    Unit Leader:  Dr Caron Dann
    Team Leader:  Sarah Huaraka
    Email:  Sarah
    Reproduced and Published by:
    Monash College Pty. Ltd.
    Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 3800
    © Copyright 2017
    NOT FOR RESALE. All materials produced for this course of study are protected by copyright. Monash students are permitted
    to use these materials for personal study and research only, as permitted under the Copyright Act. Use of these materials for
    any other purposes, including copying or resale may infringe copyright unless written permission has been obtained from the
    copyright owners. Enquiries should be made to the publisher.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Media today operates in culturally diverse societies. In this unit you will be introduced to core
    concepts and theoretical traditions within media studies, including political economy, textual analysis,
    empirical studies and cultural studies. These are aligned with historical and contemporary examples
    of social, economic and political debates about media industries and audiences.
    This is a core unit in the Monash College Diploma of Arts, Part 2.
    This unit aims to assist you in examining ways in which power and influence are exercised through
    media in cultural and social life.
    When you have completed this unit, you are expected to:
    •  demonstrate an appreciation of the historical development of media industries;
    •  recognise and be able to apply available frameworks for critically understanding the relationships
    between media, culture and society;
    •  demonstrate an understanding of the social, economic, political and cultural factors that shape the
    production, distribution and consumption of media;
    •  demonstrate an appreciation of the ways that the mass media contributes to understandings of the
    Language Outcomes
    1.  Perform effectively during a prepared presentation
    2.  Participate effectively in groups during discussions of unit related content
    3.  Listen to and comprehend spoken texts including academic, multi-media and classroom genres
    4.  Use note-taking strategies to record information from spoken and multi-media texts and show
    understanding of them
    5.  Use a range of reading strategies to comprehend written and visual texts including textbook,
    media texts and academic genres
    6.  Identify key information and produce accurate notes and summaries from written and visual
    texts to demonstrate understanding
    7.  Write substantial, coherent and accurate texts following guidelines provided
    8.  Produce short coherent written texts that appropriately respond to timed assessment tasks
    9.  Support views with reference to literature, and by following academic conventions
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    University Skills & Australian Socio-cultural Awareness
    10.  Show effective independent research, critical thinking and learning skills
    11.  Show socio-cultural awareness of Australian university and global contexts
    Learning and Teaching
    This unit involves 1 x 2-hour, weekly lecture and 2 X 1.5-hour tutorials. You will complete learning
    activities prior to the lecture: the pre-session learning activities develop comprehension of knowledge.
    You may undertake assessment tasks before the lecture that will embed comprehension and provide
    learning analytics for the expert. Your immediate application of knowledge in the lecture will enhance
    content recall, critical thinking and the future application of content outside of the classroom setting;
    the learning analytics collected will guide subsequent lectures.
    In the tutorial classes, you will apply your knowledge and develop your critical thinking and
    communication skills through group discussions and interactive presentations. Feedback from both
    peers and the tutor aids in the development of key skills. You will be required to complete pre-class
    activities, including the completion of online readings and assessment tasks. You are expected to
    spend at least 2 hours a week in pre-class learning. Activities not completed within a seminar will
    need to be completed after class.
    You will be required to complete pre- and post-class activities, including the completion of online
    readings. You are expected to spend up to 5 hours a week in pre- and post-class learning – 4 hours
    before class (pre), then 1 hour after class (post).
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Unit Schedule
    Week Topic and Learning objectives Learning Activities / Readings
    Introduction Required reading
    Hodkinson, P. 2011, ‘Nation as “imagined
    community” ’, Media, culture and society: an
    introduction, Sage, Los Angeles, pp. 177-180.
    2  Nationalism, ethnicity and media
    Required reading:
    Hodkinson, P. 2011, ‘Media, ethnicity and
    diaspora’, Media, culture and society: an
    introduction, pp. 197-218.
    Further reading
    Ang, I. 2009, Henry Mayer Lecture 2009. ‘From
    Dallas to SBS: The popular, the global and the
    diverse on television’, Media International
    Australia, vol. 131, no. 1, pp.6-15.
    3  Media, gender and sexuality
    Required reading
    Hodkinson, P. 2011, ‘Media, gender and
    sexuality’, Media, culture and society:
    an introduction, pp. 219-242.
    Further reading
    McRobbie, J. 2000, ‘Jackie magazine: romantic
    individualism and the teenage girl’, in Feminism
    and youth culture, Macmillan Press, Houndmills,
    Jowett, L. 2010, ‘Representation: exploring
    issues of sex, gender and race in cult television’
    and ‘Angel’, in S Abbott (ed.), The cult TV book,
    IB Tauris, London, pp.107-116.
    4  Media communities  Required reading
    Hodkinson, P. 2011, ‘Media communities:
    subcultures, fans and identity groups’, Media,
    culture and society: an introduction, pp. 243-
    Further reading
    Muggleton, D. 2000, ‘Resistance, incorporation
    and authenticity’, Inside subculture: the
    postmodern meaning of style, Berg, Oxford, pp.
    Olaveson, T. 2004, ‘ “Connectedness” and the
    rave experience: rave as a new religious
    movement?’, in G. St John (ed.), Rave Culture
    and Religion, Routledge, London, pp. 85-106.
    5  Semiotics and myth
    Required reading
    Hodkinson, P. 2011, ‘Media Content, pp. 60-70.
    Further reading
    Danesi, M. 1999, ‘Cigarettes and High Heels’, in
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Week Topic and Learning objectives Learning Activities / Readings
    Of cigarettes, high heels and other interesting
    things, St Martin's Press, New York, pp.1-23.
    6  Textual analysis
    Required reading
    Barthes, R. 1977, ‘Rhetoric of the Image’, in
    Image Music Text, Fontana, Hammersmith, pp.
    Further reading
    Hodkinson, P. 2011, Media, culture and society:
    an introduction, ‘Media texts as an arrangement
    of signs’ and ‘Narrative, discourse and gender
    analysis’ (pp. 61-74) and ‘Constructing stories’,
    (pp. 135-138).
    Content analysis
    Required reading
    Gerbner, G., L. Gross, M. Morgan, N. Signorelli,
    J. Shanahan 2002, ‘Growing up with television:
    CuItivation Processes’ in J. Bryant and D.
    Zillman (eds.), Media Effects: Advances in
    Theory and Research, 2nd ed., Lawrence
    Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, pp. 43-67
    Further reading
    Hodkinson, P. 2011, ‘Media content’, in Media,
    culture and society: an introduction, pp. 74-81.
    8  Political Economy
    Required reading
    Hodkinson, P. 2011, ‘The media industry’,
    Media, culture and society: an
    introduction, pp. 40-59.
    Further reading
    Herman, E. S. & Chomsky, N. 2002,
    ‘Introduction’, Manufacturing consent: the
    political economy of the mass
    media, Pantheon Books, New York, pp. xi-
    9  Encoding/decoding
    Required reading
    Castleberry, G. 2016, ‘Understanding Stuart
    Hall's "encoding/ decoding" model through TV's
    Breaking Bad’, in K. Roberts & J. Kickly (eds.),
    Communication theory and millennial popular
    culture: essays and applications, Peter Lang,
    New York, pp. 84-95.
    Further reading
    Hodkinson, P. 2011, ‘Media users’, Media,
    culture and society: an introduction, pp. 92-97.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Week Topic and Learning objectives Learning Activities / Readings
    10  Uses and Gratifications
    Required reading
    Katz, E., J. G. Blumler, M. Gurevitch 1973,
    ‘Uses and gratifications research’, The Public
    Opinion Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 509-523.
    Further reading
    Lev-On, A. 2011, ‘Communication, community,
    crisis: mapping uses and gratifications in the
    contemporary media environment’, New Media
    & Society, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 98-116.
    11  Active audiences
    Required reading
    Jenkins, H. 2006, ‘Quentin Tarantino’s Star
    Wars?: Digital Cinema, Media Convergence,
    and Participatory Culture’, in M. G. Durham and
    D. M. Keller (eds.), Media and cultural studies:
    key works, Blackwell, Malden, pp. 549-576.
    Further reading
    Hodkinson, P. 2011, Media, culture and society:
    an introduction, pp. 97-100. 269-270.
    12  Conclusion & research project
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Assessment & Feedback
    Assessment is part of the learning and teaching process. Assessment fairly, validly and reliably
    measures student performance of intended learning outcomes. Monash College Diplomas aims to
    provide a learning environment where students receive ongoing feedback on their academic progress.
    Assessment methods develop core discipline skills and professional competencies. Students receive
    feedback on their achievements and areas for improvement, prior to undertaking final assessments.
    Feedback comes from teachers, your peers and yourself: it includes self-reflection, group discussions,
    guided readings, interactions with teachers, and assessments.
    Extensions for internal assessments need to comply with the Monash College Diplomas Special
    Consideration Policy:
    Special-Consideration-Policy.pdf. Extensions can only be approved by the Team Leader.
    Each year students can provide feedback on Diploma units through the Student Evaluation of
    Teaching and Units (SETU) process. Student opinions are highly valued, and this feedback is used to
    refine existing curriculum design and assessment tasks.
    All written assignments have a word limit. You should plan carefully to avoid being penalised: you will
    lose marks if your assignment is 10% more or less than the word limit.
    Assignments need to be word-processed, have a font size of 12pt, include a reference list, and have
    numbering on all pages. The unit code and name (MCD6020: Media and Culture), your name and
    student ID number should be included on each page.
    The reference list and in-text referencing must follow Harvard style. Guidelines can be found on the
    Monash Library website.
    Turnitin – (Access from Moodle)
    Turnitin is text-matching software which assists students with referencing and citing, and correctly
    acknowledging the work of others.
    Submitting a file to upload:
    Click on the Turnitin assignment on the Moodle unit homepage, and follow the instructions on the My
    Submissions page.
    For instructions on using Turnitin go to:
    Online Submission of Assignments:
    Click on the Assessment on the Moodle unit homepage, and follow the Submission Instructions on
    the Assignment page. You will be required to read and accept a Student Statement before submitting.
    You must keep an electronic copy of your assignment. We also recommend that you keep a
    hard copy.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Online Assignment Feedback:
    Assignments will be returned online through Moodle. Students will be sent an email notifying them
    that the marked assignment has been returned.
    Assignment grades are normally available 2 weeks after the date of submission. Assignments must
    be returned to students at least 4 days before the exam period starts, except when an assignment is
    sent to Faculty for moderation.
    Your assignments need to be submitted by 5pm on the due date unless a prior arrangement has been
    made with the Unit Leader or Team Leader.
    Assignment feedback will be provided to you within 2 weeks of assignment submission. Feedback
    may include: a criterion-based assessment rubric; written comments within the body of the
    assignment or at the end, and/or verbal feedback from your teacher. After marking, assessments will
    be available to students according to item 3.9 of the Monash College Diplomas Assessment
    Assessment Schedule
    Assessment Task  Details  Weight  Week Due
    A1: Multimedia report  Using the medium of your
    choice, explain a theory from
    weeks 1-4 (equivalent to 800-
    1000 words)
    20%  Week 4
    A2: Participation  Completion of tutorial
    worksheets; participation in
    10%  Weeks 1-12
    A3: Quizzes  Conducted online in lecture
    time; tests note-taking skills and
    comprehension of readings
    10% Weeks Weeks 3,
    5, 7, 9, 12 in
    lecture time
    A4: Presentation  5-minute talk in tutorial time on a
    media text that interests you
    5%  One of weeks 2-
    12, by roster
    A5: Essay  1000 words  25%  Week 10
    A6: Research proposal  1200-1500 words  30%  Week 12
    Requirements to Pass this Unit
    In order to achieve a pass in this unit, you must achieve 50% or higher for your overall mark. Your
    overall mark combines all your internal assessment marks.
    If you receive a 49N grade, you will automatically be awarded a 48N result.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Graduate Attributes
    With a focus on preparing students for transition into Monash University, Monash
    College Diplomas supports its students in developing:
    Specialised Knowledge in a Field of Study
    Understanding and application of key theories, concepts and knowledge associated
    with a field of study which assist the development of a range of professional skills.
    Communication Skills
    The ability to apply listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to communicate
    effectively in a range of academic and social contexts.
    Independent Learning Skills
    Confidence, resilience and organisational skills that build capacity for self-directed
    Collaborative Learning Skills
    The ability to respect diversity in opinion and the capacity to negotiate with others to
    achieve common goals.
    Learning and Thinking Skills
    The ability to collect, analyse, evaluate and synthesise information in order to
    critically and creatively solve problems.
    Social and Cultural Awareness
    An appreciation for social responsibility and cultural diversity.
    Leadership Skills
    Initiative, drive and adaptability to solve problems, achieve goals and potentially lead
    Learning Resources
    Details of the prescribed and recommended resources for successful completion of this unit are listed
    Required Textbook
    • Hodkinson, Paul 2011, Media, Culture and Society, Sage, LA. Available at campus bookshop
    • Selected unit readings, available as digital files and via links on Moodle
    Additional Readings/Resources
    Cunningham, S. and S. Turnbull (eds.) 2014, The Media and Communications in Australia. Allen
    and Unwin, Crows Nest. This book will be particularly useful to students who do not have a
    background in or knowledge of Australian media.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Learning Management Systems (Moodle)
    Moodle is an online teaching and learning environment which aims to enhance learning. It delivers
    important resources which may include: lecture and tutorial notes, links to websites, self assessment
    quizzes, and online discussions which allow you to interact with fellow students.
    To access this site, go to: and log in using your authcate username and
    password. Once you are logged in, you will see a list of units you are enrolled in that use Moodle. If
    you expect to see a unit and it is not there, contact your lecturer.
    Your lecturer will demonstrate how to use the Moodle site and explain what is expected of you,
    including any online assessment that must be completed there. Check Moodle regularly to be kept
    up-to-date with important information for your unit as it becomes available.
    The Monash University Library website contains details about your borrowing rights and how to
    search the catalogues. To learn more about the library and the various resources available, please go
    to: and Kate Roberton
    ( is the subject librarian for Monash College at the Matheson Library,
    Clayton Campus. Kate can assist you with finding research for your assignments, as well as the
    •  How and where to start researching for your assignment topic
    •  Effective use of online databases and the internet
    •  Finding and evaluating academic journal articles
    •  Searching the Library’s collections
    •  Citing and referencing
    For your current and future studies, you will need to build your knowledge and skills around academic
    searching, using databases, retrieving information and using correct referencing techniques. It’s a
    good idea to refresh and update your skills before you start the assessment tasks. You can do this by
    completing the tutorials available on the library website.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Academic Integrity
    Monash College is actively committed to preventing plagiarism, cheating and collusion for the
    protection of the College’s reputation and standards for current and future students. Severe penalties
    may be imposed on students who engage in, or who support other students engaged in, activities
    which seek to undermine the integrity of the unit assessment process.
    Plagiarism: To take and use another person’s ideas and/or manner of expressing them and to pass
    them off as your own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement.
    Cheating: Seeking to obtain an unfair advantage in an examination or in other written or practical
    work required to be submitted or completed by a student for assessment.
    Collusion: The presentation of work which is the result in whole or in part of unauthorised
    collaboration with another person or persons.
    For further information, refer to the 2.5 Late Penalties section of the Monash College Diploma
    Assessment and Procedures Policy:
    Applications for extension of time to submit an assessment
    If you require an extension of time to complete and submit your assessment task, you will need to
    apply for special consideration.
    Failure to submit an item of assessment by the due date without an approved extension of time will
    incur a penalty.
    The Application for Special Consideration for In-Trimester Assessments form is available from:
    Students may also apply for special consideration if they believe that illness or other serious cause
    has substantially affected their work during a teaching period or performance in an exam.
    For further information regarding special consideration and penalties for late submission of an
    assessment, refer to 2.5 Submission of assessed (non-test/non-exam) tasks section of the
    Monash College Diploma Assessment and Procedures Policy:
    Student attendance will be monitored to support students and to assist positive learning outcomes.
    For further information refer to the Student Attendance Policy:
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Students with a disability
    If you have a disability, medical or mental health condition that may impact your study, you can apply
    for support to study at Monash College. Disability Advisers can individually discuss and arrange
    reasonable adjustments to enable you to participate productively and independently in your studies.
    For further information contact Disability Services:
    Phone: 990 55704
    Drop In: Social Justice Unit, Level 1, Gallery Building (Building 55), Monash University, Clayton
    For students based at Caulfield Campus, a Disability Adviser/Coordinator is available for personal
    appointments on Wednesdays. Phone 990 55704 for an appointment.
    Equal Opportunity
    Monash College is committed to promoting equal opportunity for staff and students in employment,
    education and service delivery in accordance with universal principles of equity, fairness and social
    For further information refer to the Monash University Equal Opportunity Policy:

    MCD6020 Media & culture assignment 莫纳什 代写
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Assessment Details
    MCD6020: Media and Culture
    Assessment 1: Multimedia report
    Status:  Individual
    Hurdle:  Must be submitted
    Weighting:  20%
    Word limit:
    Equivalent to 800-1000 words (depending on the medium used, some
    assignments will not have an applicable word count). Further details on work
    required will be discussed in class
    Due date:  Week 4, Friday, 5pm
    The aim of this assignment is to introduce you to theories in Media Studies. Theories seek to explain
    how the world works, and may be thought of as kinds of models of the world. This means they can be
    illustrated in different ways in different mediums. In this exercise, we invite you to show us what it is
    you are really good at or love doing, and to be creative. Additionally, we want you to start getting into
    the habit of explaining things using your own words.
    In the medium of your choice, explain one of the theories discussed in weeks 1-4. Show how the
    theory works. You should choose a medium that you enjoy and that you know you can do well in. For
    example, this might be a written form such as an essay (with a diagram or illustrations if you like), or it
    might be a poster, an artwork (digital or hard copy), a comic strip, a slide presentation, a video
    blog/interview/drama, a piece of creative writing, or even an animation.
    To help you identify the theories you are interested in, try answering one of the following questions:
    ● How is an ‘imagined community’ formed? See Benedict Anderson
    ● How does media stereotyping perpetuate subordination? See Stuart Hall
    ● How are ‘new ethnicities’ created via diaspora? See Stuart Hall
    ● What is ‘the male gaze’? See Laura Mulvey
    ● How is ‘subculture’ related to media? See Dick Hebdige
    Use the index search in your text book to find out more about the writer and the theory. You may also
    use the internet to find more information. However, you must explain the theory using your own
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    words. Direct quotations must be kept to a minimum: a couple of short sentences only for quotations
    that are particularly pithy, wise or famous, for example, ‘The medium is the message’ (Marshall
    McLuhan). If you are doing a formal written work, you should also use in-text citations in the Harvard
    style. All assignments should include a reference list, as a separate attachment to your submission if
    If your submission is in a format not able to be uploaded, such as a piece of real (not digital) art, it
    must be easily portable and brought to the tutorial immediately preceding the due date & time. You
    should also note on a Word document the title of your work, format, how it is to be accessed, and a
    link if applicable (e.g. to a Prezi presentation). If it is a piece of art, take a photo of it and paste to the
    document. Upload this document to Moodle in place of a submission.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    MCD6020 Assessment 1: Multimedia Report marking rubric
    High Distinction
    Understanding of the theory 30% 
    The theory is
    or there is no
    presentation of
    a theory
    Shows some
    of the theory,
    though this may
    be uneven
    Shows a solid
    of the theory
    Demonstrates a
    high level of
    of the theory
    Shows a
    understanding of
    the theory, well
    beyond what is
    usually expected
    at this level
    Communication skills 25% 
    The idea of the
    theory cannot
    be understood
    from what is
    Shows some
    ability to
    elements of the
    theory and
    attempts to use
    one or more
    Shows good
    ability to
    ideas behind
    the theory and
    to apply them to
    Shows strong
    ability to
    ideas behind
    the theory and
    to integrate apt
    Shows exceptional
    ability to
    ideas behind the
    theory and to
    integrate examples
    to spread new light
    on the concepts
    Medium 25% 
    The medium
    used works
    against the
    expression of
    the idea
    The medium
    used is
    adequate to
    express the
    The medium
    used is well
    suited to the
    expression of
    the idea
    The medium is
    used to great
    effect for
    expression of
    the idea
    The medium used
    helps express
    eloquently the
    elements of the
    Presentation polish 10% 
    presentation is
    sloppy or in
    draft form
    presentation is
    adequate, but
    could be
    Care has been
    taken in the
    presentation is
    polished and
    shows a high
    degree of skill
    The presentation is
    polished to
    standard, with few
    or no errors
    Originality 10% 
    The content is
    derivative or
    The content is
    found, but has
    the beginnings
    of an original
    The content
    builds upon
    other ideas in a
    new manner
    The content
    builds on other
    ideas in a
    clever and fresh
    The content is
    original, building
    on other ideas in a
    brilliantly effective
    Raw mark:
    Penalty (if any):
    Final mark:
    Marked by:
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    MCD6020: Media and Culture
    Assessment 2: Participation
    Status:  Individual
    Hurdle:  n/a
    Weighting:  10%
    Word limit:  n/a
    Due date:  Weeks 1-12
    This assessment is based on your participation in unit activities and your demonstrated engagement
    with weekly topics. You will be asked to complete weekly work sheets, and to contribute to group
    and general class discussions. In order to do this, you will need to be familiar with the lecture slides
    and readings listed in this unit outline.
    This assessment is not about being ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, but about taking an active interest in class
    activities and showing that you have tried to do the readings each week, that you know what the topic
    is and that you have looked up words and terms you don’t understand.
    Students who regularly contribute in class, who ask questions and who show they are interested in
    the topics and have prepared for discussion will find their hard work pays off, not only in a high mark
    for this assessment, but also in assisting them in all the other assessment tasks for this unit.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    MCD6020: Media and Culture
    Assessment 3: Quizzes
    Status:  Individual
    Hurdle:  Must be attempted
    Weighting:  10%
    Word limit:  n/a
    Due date:  Weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 in lecture time
    The aims of this assessment are to embed consistent reading and good note-taking habits. The
    results, available as soon as the quiz closes, also provide feedback to students and staff.
    The quizzes are undertaken online in 10 minutes during the lecture time. You will need to bring an
    appropriate device such as tablet or laptop computer to the lecture. There will be 5 questions each
    week. You will not be able to do the quiz at a different time unless you have a medical certificate for
    that day or other acceptable documentation. ‘Computer malfunction’ is not an excuse, and paper
    versions of the quiz will be available at the lecture in case students have a problem with their device.
    Students are advised to prepare for quizzes by doing the weekly required reading and taking notes of
    the main concepts and points. You will not have time to go through readings looking for answers, so
    you need to be familiar with the material and summarise it into note form.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    MCD6020: Media and Culture
    Assessment 4: Presentation
    Status:  Individual
    Hurdle:  Must be completed
    Weighting:  5%
    Due date:  One of weeks 2-12 in tutorials, as allocated
    Select a media text to discuss in class. This should be something you find interesting—it doesn’t have
    to be something you like: in fact, it can be something you dislike. Examples of types of texts you could
    choose are an ad, song, poster, TV show excerpt or other short video clip, news story or headline.
    Choose your text carefully, with a view to using it as a starting point for Assessment 6, the Research
    Follow these guidelines:
    •  Explain why you chose this text.
    •  Relate your text to one of the topics from this unit. For example, you might choose to talk
    about how an ad shows gender bias, or about the news values involved in producing a
    particular news story. It doesn’t have to be the lecture topic of the week in which you are
    •  The emphasis of your presentation should be on the text you chose. Find a text you
    like/dislike/find interesting, and then think of how it might be analysed or discussed using one
    or more of the key theories and concepts from the unit. (Do not simply summarise the reading
    from the week in which you are presenting and use the media text as an example. Rather, the
    emphasis of your presentation should be the other way round).
    •  You should show the text to the class via YouTube, website or other appropriate link. DO
    NOT make a slide show of your presentation. The total time you will have is 5 minutes
    (including any video presentation). After your presentation, you will be asked to answer
    questions about the text and the issues it raises.
    Criteria for marking:
    ● Preparedness and introduction of the text
    ● Vocabulary and connection with the unit
    ● Timing and conclusion of presentation
    ● Audience awareness
    ● Response to further discussion and questions
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    MCD6020: Media and Culture
    Assessment 5: Essay
    Status:  Individual
    Hurdle:  Must be attempted
    Weighting:  25%
    Word limit:  1000 words
    Due date:  Week 10, Friday 5pm
    The aims of this essay are to encourage you to focus on some of the research methods used in
    media studies, to help you with reading academic articles, to provide practice in summarising and
    paraphrasing, and to develop skills for integrating other sources into your essays. You will also be
    taught how to cite and reference using the Monash University Harvard style.
    Summarise and discuss an academic article from the readings of weeks 2-10 that incorporates
    empirical research or textual analysis. Your essay should include:
    •  A summary of findings.
    •  A summary of the method used by the author and the steps they have taken to complete their
    •  Discussion of the article with consideration of an additional 4 readings from the unit.
    The essay must be in your own words (no direct quotations) with in-text citations and a reference list
    provided. This is not a research essay, so additional research beyond the article and 4 readings is not
    •  Ideas for how to integrate other sources:
    •  Consider whether other research you have read about in the text book or in required readings
    supports the findings.
    •  Consider whether other research conflicts with or throws doubt on the findings.
    •  Use the text book to help explain difficult concepts.
    •  Illustrate your understanding of difficult concepts using examples from your other sources.
    •  Provide background to the research.
    •  Discuss how the research provides a new approach or insight.
    Presentation requirements:
    •  Save as a document using Microsoft Word software for English language (.docx)
    •  Use a standard English 12-point font and 1.5-2 line spacing
    •  Use Australian English
    •  Your document should be left aligned or justified
    •  Give your essay a title and number your pages
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    Referencing requirements: In this subject, you are required to use the Harvard in-text referencing
    style following the Monash University Library’s guidelines. Take note of the following:
    •  You must indicate when you use material from other sources. To do this, use in-text citations
    with the author or authors’ family names, the date of publication and the page number the
    material appears on.
    •  You are also required to provide a list of references on a separate page at the end of your
    assignment. Only the sources you actually used, and cite within the essay, should be included
    in the reference list. The reference list should be in alphabetical order by the first author’s
    family name.
    •  More information is provided in the Harvard referencing document on Moodle. Instructions will
    also be given in class.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    MCD6020 Assessment 5: Essay marking rubric
    N (0-49)  P
    High Distinction
    Accuracy and completeness 25% 
    The theory is
    or there is no
    presentation of a
    Shows some
    of the theory,
    though this
    might be
    Shows a solid
    of the theory
    Demonstrates a
    high level of
    of the theory
    Shows a
    understanding of
    the theory, well
    beyond what is
    usually expected
    at this level
    Structure 25% 
    Lacks attention
    to correct
    academic essay
    format, resulting
    in jumbled
    Shows some
    ability to use
    discussion) and
    has attempted
    an introduction
    & conclusion
    Shows good
    ability to use
    correct essay
    structure and to
    material into
    Shows strong
    ability to
    required essay
    into themes and
    and to write an
    introduction &
    Shows exceptional
    ability to use
    paragraphs with
    topic sentences
    and all the
    components, plus
    a comprehensive
    introduction &
    Integration of sources and discussion 25% 
    No integration of
    sources; and/or
    uses irrelevant
    sources; and/or
    doesn’t use
    Uses some
    sources, though
    their role may
    be unclear
    sources and
    them clearly
    Uses relevant
    sources to help
    complex ideas
    or other
    Uses sources
    precisely and
    succinctly to show
    how the research
    fits into academic
    debate about
    Referencing 15% 
    Lacks many or
    all in-text
    citations; and/or
    lacks a
    reference list
    Has attempted
    to reference in
    Harvard style,
    but there are
    some errors,
    thus room for
    Mostly uses in-
    text citations
    correctly; care
    has been taken
    with the
    reference list,
    though there
    might be minor
    Uses in-text
    including page
    numbers where
    reference list is
    complete and in
    the proper
    Referencing is
    correct throughout
    to a professional
    Writing and editing 10% 
    Lots of
    and/or spelling
    errors with little
    evidence of
    Adequate, but
    could be
    Evidence of
    care taken in
    expression and
    presentation is
    polished and
    shows a high
    degree of skill
    The presentation is
    polished to
    standard, with few
    or no errors
    Raw mark:
    Penalty (if any):
    Final mark:
    Marked by:
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    MCD6020: Media and Culture
    Assessment 6: Research proposal
    Status:  Individual
    Hurdle:  Must be attempted
    Weighting:  30%
    Word limit:  1200-1600 words
    Due date:  Week 12, Friday 5pm
    This assessment will bring theories and methods together so that you have an idea of how media
    studies is undertaken in professional settings by media practitioners and at universities.
    In this unit you have learnt to explain theories in your own words (assessment 1), looked at how
    media studies might allow you to analyse things you find interesting (assessment 4), and gained an
    understanding of method (assessment 5). In this final task, you need to bring these skills together.
    Starting with the media text you analysed in your presentation, or if you prefer, someone-else’s
    presentation that you thought interesting, develop a research project. If you want to change to a
    different perspective on the topic, for instance how users interpret or use the text, feel free to do so.
    Your project should use the following headings and provide the following information. The word limits
    are only suggestions: the right word limit for each section will depend on many factors, for example on
    the type of topic you are doing and how much research already exists on it. Consult your tutor for help
    with information for the sections of your specific topic.
    •  Title: The name of your research project
    •  Introduction (150-200 words): Provide some background material with a description of the
    media text or phenomenon that interests you. Note that you must provide sufficient
    information for someone who has never heard of the topic to know what you are talking about.
    •  Aims (100-150 words): Develop 3-4 questions on what you’d like to find out about the issue.
    •  Literature review (350-400 words): What are some of the different studies already on this
    topic or on similar issues? Use the required readings and text book to find examples. What do
    they say about the questions you would like answered? Use further references you find
    yourself: these may be a combination of scholarly and media sources.
    •  Theoretical frame (300-350 words): What theory do you think best explains or illuminates
    the issue? Explain it in your own words, using scholarly references.
    •  Method (300-350 words): What method or methods would you use to find out more? Explain
    why you would choose these methods. What were some of the findings relevant to your
    project? The recommended readings for the essay (see the previous assessment) will help
    you choose a method and justify it. Use the contents page and index of the textbook to
    explore other approaches.
    •  Expected conclusion (120-160 words).
    •  Reference list (not included in word count). No set number of references, but we suggest
    6-10 scholarly sources and 2-4 media sources if relevant.
    Unit Outline
    Diploma of Arts
    ABN: 064 031 714
    CRICOS: Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
    MCD6020 Assessment 6: Research Proposal marking rubric
    Clarity of the topic or issue to be analysed 20%
    information for
    the reader to
    what is being
    Provides a basic
    explanation of
    the topic or
    issue, though
    this might not be
    completely clear
    Provides a
    description or
    background of
    the topic or
    Provides a clear
    description of the
    topic or issue
    Provides a clear
    and precise
    description of
    the topic or
    issue, and
    presents it in an
    Research aims and questions 20%
    It is not clear
    what the
    student wants
    to find out
    There is at least
    one clearly
    stated research
    aim, but the
    questions need
    further work; or
    there are
    questions but no
    clear aim
    The topic of the
    research is
    clear and the
    questions are
    The topic of the
    research is clear;
    the questions
    are appropriate
    and carefully
    Research aims
    are clearly
    written and the
    student has
    questions with a
    fresh angle
    Knowledge of research on the topic (literature review) 20%
    Does not
    research on
    the topic
    Is aware of one
    similar research
    project, but its
    relevance is not
    the main
    research on
    this issue
    Shows familiarity
    with the main
    research on this
    issue and
    explains clearly
    its relevance
    Engages with
    the main
    research on this
    issue and
    demonstrates a
    high level of
    Choice and explanation of theoretical frame 20%
    The theory
    discussed is
    irrelevant to the
    topic or issue;
    No theory is
    The theory is
    A relevant
    theory is
    introduced in a
    basic fashion
    A relevant
    theory is
    a competent
    level of
    A relevant theory
    is summarised
    completely with
    skill and
    A relevant
    theory is
    completely and
    accurately, and
    used insightfully
    to explain the
    Explanation and justification of the method(s) chosen 20%
    The method(s)
    chosen is/are
    are not suitable
    for answering
    the questions
    At least one
    method suited
    to answering the
    questions was
    chosen, but the
    method needs
    A suitable
    method to
    answer the
    questions (or
    methods) was
    selected and
    methods to
    answer the
    questions were
    chosen and
    clearly explained
    methods were
    chosen, then
    explained and
    justified in a
    Raw mark:
    Penalty (if any):
    Final mark:
    Marked by:
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