代写25556 The Financial Do Australian Banks make excessive
代写25556 The Financial Do Australian Banks make excessive profits?
WRITTEN REFLECTION – Do Australian Banks make excessive profits?
25556 The Financial System Spring 2016
Submission: By
6pm, Friday 7rd October 2016 in the
box marked “Finance 6” in the student lounge on level 5 in Building 8 (in front of the blue pods). You may also submit it in your tutorial on 6
th and 7
th October 2016.
Maximum words: 600 words (including words used in footnotes/endnotes, on graphs or in tables but not in the reference list)
I acknowledge that I understand what
plagiarism means; that is the submission of a written reflection by a student who has copied all or some material from another student’s work or source. Consequently,
I certify that I wrote this written reflection by myself and have not copied material written by someone else.
Student name:
Student number:
Tutorial Time & Day /Tutor’s Name:
Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………
<50% |
50-64% |
65 -74% |
75- 84% |
>85% |
Discussion and understanding of relevant key issues and facts. (Out of 4) |
< 2 |
to 2.4 |
to 3 |
to 3.4 |
> 3.4 |
Use of examples/illustrations from personal experience or industry. (Out of 2) |
< 1 |
to 1.3 |
to 1.5 |
1to 1.7 |
> 1.7 |
Your own thoughts or opinion to show your awareness and understanding of the research you have undertaken. (Out of 4) |
< 2 |
to 2.4 |
to 3 |
to 3.4 |
> 3.4 |
Spelling and grammar (P)
Referencing (P)
Deduction for late submission of written work
TOTAL MARK (Out of 10 to be scaled to 15% of the Assessment)
Evidence of plagiarism found in written reflection by this marker. |
None |
Moderate amount |
Significant amount |
Other comments………………………………………………………………………
This cover sheet is to be attached to the front of your Written Reflection
代写25556 The Financial Do Australian Banks make excessive profits?