代写 MGC2021Organisations and society assignment
MGC2021Organisations and society
Assessment task title: World of Work (WoW) Essay
Due Date: Thursday 18th August 2016 by 4pm (Week 4)
Weighting/Value: 20%
Details of Task: With reference to academic debates introduced in either week 2 (identities) or 3 (bodies), critically evaluate the relationship between classical and critical/contemporary understandings of work organisations.
Release date: From week 1
Word limit: 1500 words
Presentation requirements: You are required to submit a fully formatted, typed essay
following academic conventions surrounding referencing, structure and style. For more information please refer to the Q manual:

Estimated return date: Week 6
Hurdle requirements: None
代写 MGC2021Organisations and society assignment
Criteria for marking: See unit moodle site for the assessment marking rubric.
Learning objectives assessed: Assesses learning outcomes 1 and 4.
Submission details: Essays should be submitted electronically (in word format, NOT PDF) via Moodle and hard copy by the deadline. Hard copy submission is via assignment boxes located in the Department of Management on the 11th floor of the Menzies Building (West Wing). Both submissions must have coversheets.
Penalties for late lodgement: Late lodgement incurs a penalty of 10% per day (this includes weekends). Assignments are considered late if they are not lodged by 4pm on the allocated day. Assessment coversheet: Work submitted for assessment must be accompanied by a completed and signed assessment cover sheet, available at:

Additional information: Some suggestions to help you write your WoW essay:
● Your answer should show a close engagement with at least 5 academic articles, highlighting that you have both understood the underlying argument and can relate it to the question.
● The word limit is there to help develop your ability to synthesise arguments and write in a
concise style.
● Remember that clarity of prose is important – not only in terms of clearly communicating your
ideas to the examiner (thus evidencing your knowledge), but showing your depth of understanding (since being able to articulate ideas in an accessible prose signifies a high level of comprehension).
代写 MGC2021Organisations and society assignment