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    University of Melbourne
    Faculty of Science
    (SCIE1000 0) 4)
    Semester 2
    Subject Coordinator
    Celia McMichael
    Room 1.17, 221 Bouverie St 
    Phone: 8344 6704
    Co-ordinator, Lecturer: Dr Celia McMichael (Geography)
    Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Vicki Lawson (Biomedicine/Pathology)
    Lecturer: Prof. Nick Haslam (Psychology)
    Lecturer: Prof. Mark Elgar (Biology: Evolution and Behaviour Group)
    Lecturer: Dr. Nick Golding (Evolutionary Ecology)
    Subject structure
    This is a 12-week subject. Each week, students are expected to attend:
    •  One 2 hour lecture per week (12 in total)
    •  One 1-2 hour lecture/seminar per week (12 in total).
    Lecture/seminar times and venues
    •  Thursdays: 11am – 1pm
    Venue: Physics South-L108 (Laby Theatre)
    •  Fridays: 12:00pm – 2:00pm
    Venue: Elisabeth Murdoch-G06 (Theatre A)
    Weekly readings are listed in this subject outline and are available on the LMS. Each week there
    are one to two required readings (listed in bold). 
    Why do we have pandemics?
    Pandemics refer to diseases that extend across large geographic areas, are spread via transmission
    between places (by people, enteric organisms, and vectors), have high rates of transmission and
    minimal population immunity, cause serious symptomatic illness, are (sometimes) new/novel, and
    are infectious. Pandemics include HIV/AIDS, cholera, influenza, plague, and West Nile disease. The
    term pandemic has also been used to describe non-infectious diseases, such as obesity, that
    represent a high global burden of disease and are geographically extensive. Pandemic threats are a
    major global concern.
    Determinants of pandemics operate at the micro level (e.g. cells) through to the macro level (e.g.
    societies, environments). Causes of pandemics include, for example: emergence of pathogens and
    human-to-human transmission; use or misuse of antimicrobials; changes in pathogen-host-
    environment interactions; and ecological, behavioural, or socioeconomic changes that support the
    emergence/spread of disease. Understanding, prevention and control of pandemics requires multi-
    disciplinary work and collaboration.
    In this subject we consider the insight of different disciplines for understanding and responding to
    pandemics, including evolutionary ecology, biomedicine, psychology and health geography. Cases
    and examples of pandemics will be drawn from around the world and across time.
    In the final week of semester, the views of ‘the human’ that are held by the four disciplines will be
    compared and contrasted, in light of what has been revealed in studying pandemics. This concluding
    discussion will demonstrate the aspects of the human to which each discipline gives priority, and at
    which scales.
    Subject Objectives:
    At the completion of this subject, students will have:
    •  Understanding of the varied manner in which scientific disciplines understand ‘the human’ -
    at the scales of the cell, body and society - and how this can form a multi-faceted ‘human
    sciences’ perspective.
    •  Knowledge of the ways in which four disciplines – Evolutionary Ecology, Biomedicine,
    Psychology and Geography - contribute to a ‘human sciences’ perspective to pandemics.
    •  Capacity to define, describe, and explain the concept of pandemics.
    •  Familiarity with key historical and modern pandemics.
    At the completion of the subject students should have developed the following skills:
    1. critical analysis
    2. cross-disciplinary thinking
    3. capacity to apply theory and concepts to practical examples
    Wk. Date “Discipline” Topic
    1  27 July  Multi.  Why do pandemics occur?
    28 July  Biomed  Infectious disease case study investigation/activity
    2  3 Aug  Geog.  Introduction to key global pandemics
    4 Aug  Biomed.  Determinants of pandemics (“pandemics in a test tube”)
    3  10 Aug  Evol. ecol  Transmission dynamics
    11 Aug  Evol. ecol  Transmission dynamics
    4  17 Aug  Evol. ecol  Resistance and virulence
    18 Aug  Evol. ecol  Resistance and virulence
    5  24 Aug  Biomed.  Biomedicine: infectious disease and pandemics
    25 Aug  Biomed.  Test weeks 3-4; scenario-based learning/biomed focus
    6  31 Aug  Biomed.  Examples/attributes of pandemics
    1 Sept  Biomed.  Scenario-based learning/biomed
    7  7 Sept  Psych.  Pandemics and insights from psychology
    8 Sept  Psych.  Test weeks 5-6; scenario-based learning/psych focus
    8  14 Sept  Psych.  Pandemics: evidence & answers from psychology
    15 Sept  Psych.  Pandemics: evidence & answers from psychology
    9  21 Sept  Geog.  Pandemics in place and space; insights from geography
    22 Sept  Geog.  Test weeks 7-8; scenario-based learning/geog focus
    10  5 Oct  Geog.  Understanding pandemics through health geography
    6 Oct  Geog.  Pandemics and place: micro and macro perspectives
    11  12 Oct  Multi  Understanding pandemics through a multidisciplinary lens
    13 Oct  Geog.  Test weeks 9-10; discuss assignment
    12  19 Oct  Multi  Pandemics past and future: human science perspective
    20 Oct  Geog.  Critical reflection: inter-disciplinary views of infectious disease
    -  30 Oct  -  Major Essay/Assignment due
    1)  Four in-class multiple choice tests: 40% (4 x 10%).
    DUE DATE: Tests will be held IN-CLASS on 25 August, 8 September, 22 September, and 13 October.
    Each test will consist of 20-30 multiple choice questions and will cover the previous two weeks’
    PLEASE BRING: your student number, a black pencil, an eraser.
    2) Major Essay/Assignment: 60%
    DUE DATE: 30 October 2017, 11:59pm
    WORD LENGTH: 2,000 words maximum plus references
    REFERENCING: 8+ references are expected.
    SUBMISSION: Submit your essay using the Turn-it-in Link on LMS
    MARKING: The marking rubric (provided on LMS) outlines the primary criteria for marking this
    assignment. You are expected to utilise perspectives from core disciplines (biomedicine,
    evolutionary ecology, psychology, geography).
    TOPIC: Consider the following scenario (note: Agouti virus is not an actual virus)
    The recent Agouti virus outbreak in East Asia is a population health emergency of international
    concern. It has already resulted in over 12,000 cases in East Asia. In recent weeks, three cases of
    Agouti virus have been identified in South America, and two in Australia. Early symptoms of the virus
    include fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and muscular aches. More advanced symptoms
    appear between 4 to 10 days. The virus can cause haemorrhagic fever. There is no specific
    treatment for the virus, but early diagnosis and hospitalisation can aid recovery. The disease has an
    estimated case fatality rate of 20%. Rates of Agouti virus mutation are high: their genomes can
    accrue genetic differences while spreading geographically; the virus is able to adapt rapidly to novel
    environments with the potential to alter sensitivity to immune responses.
    Humans can contact the infection if they are exposed to infected saliva, faeces and urine from
    rodents or contaminated dust where infected rodents live; rodents are the primary reservoirs
    worldwide. Wild rodent hosts are most frequently found in rural or semi-rural areas. The outbreak
    in East Asia was preceded by an unusually wet conditions caused by a strong La Niña event. The rains
    boosted the food supply available to rodents (insects, vegetation) leading to 10-fold increase in their
    Agouti virus has devastated individuals, families and communities, increased burden on essential
    health services, and isolated affected populations. Factors that affect exposure to the virus include
    farm work, herding, sleeping on the ground and poor housing conditions that increase contact
    between humans and rodents.
    QUESTION: Examine how each of the four disciplines – evolutionary ecology, biomedicine,
    psychology, geography – might understand the causes of the “Agouti virus” and contribute to
    aspects of prevention, treatment and control. Discuss the value of a multi-disciplinary approach to
    this pandemic threat.
    Week 1 (Multidisciplinary)
    In this subject – cells to societies – we will be drawing on insights from evolutionary ecology,
    biomedicine, psychology and geography in order to understand the question ‘why do we have
    pandemics?’ In this first week, we explore the concept of pandemics, discuss the need for
    multidisciplinary perspectives and collaboration in understanding and responding to pandemics, and
    introduce the idea of human sciences.
    Morens, D., Folkers, G.K., Fauci, A. 2009. What is a pandemic? The Journal of Infectious Diseases,
    200: 1018-21. Available at
    Week 2 (Multidisciplinary)
    We introduce key pandemics – both historic and current – such as the Black Death, Spanish Flu, and
    HIV/AIDS and zoonotic infections (i.e. a disease that can be spread between animals and humans).
    We note the significance of clinical, scientific, psychological, socio-cultural and environmental factors
    in terms of understanding and responding to (global) infectious diseases.
    Armelagos, G.J., Brown, P., Turner, B (2005) Evolutionary, historical and political economic
    perspectives on health and disease. Social Science and Medicine, 61: 755-765.
    Week 3 (Evolutionary Ecology; transmission dynamics)
    This week we will look at pandemics from the perspective of ecological dynamics. The rate of spread of
    an infectious disease depends on some key parameters - like how many people are infected by each case
    and how quickly cases recover. If we understand the transmission cycle and know these parameters, we
    can use population dynamics to anticipate whether an outbreak is likely to lead to a pandemic, and what
    we need to do to stop it.
    Heesterbeek, H., Anderson, R. M., Andreasen, V., Bansal, S. et al. (2015). Modeling infectious disease
    dynamics in the complex landscape of global health. Science, 347(6227), 4339–4339.
    Week 4 (Evolutionary Ecology; resistance and virulence)
    Eminent biologist and theist Theodosius Dobzhansky’s observation that “nothing in biology makes
    sense except in the light of evolution” is especially relevant to understanding the relationships
    between humans and pathogens. This week provides an introduction to Darwin’s simple, but
    frequently misunderstood, explanation of the evolution of adaptation by natural selection, and an
    account of its remarkable success in explaining the diversity of life. The theory will then be applied
    to two adaptations that are of critical interest to studies of disease – antimicrobial resistance and
    pathogen virulence – and how ideas derived from evolutionary theory might help mitigate these
    Dobzhansky, T. 1973. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. American
    Biology Teacher 35 (3): 125–129.
    Stearns, S. 2012. Evolutionary medicine: its scope, interest and potential. Proceedings of the Royal
    Society B 279: 4305–4321.
    Week 5 (Biomedicine)
    This week provides an introduction to biomedical understanding of infectious disease. Disease
    occurs when structure (anatomy) and function (physiology and biochemistry) are impaired. The
    immune system (immunology) defends our bodies from infection (microbiology) and disease
    (pathology). Diseases can be prevented, treated or cured (pharmacology).
    Kumar et al. (eds) 2013. General Pathology of Infectious Disease. In Robbins Basic Pathology, 9 th
    edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders.
    Week 6 (Biomedicine)
    This week considers biomedical perspectives as to the attributes of pandemics. We consider the
    attributes of the organism and host that contribute to pandemics using examples from historical and
    contemporary pandemics.
    Maher, B. & Butler, D. 2009. Swine flu: one killer virus, three key questions. Nature, 462: 154-157.
    Week 7 (Psychology)
    This week we explore the role of cognition in responses to pandemics. Using HIV/AIDS as a primary
    example, we explore how people perceive risk and the common biases associated with risk
    perception. We also discuss decision biases such as unrealistic optimism that may lead people to
    behave irrationally in the face of disease risks, and how they may impede efforts to control
    infections. The role of cognitive change in efforts to prevent infection and promote positive health
    behaviour change will also be discussed.
    Fisher, W. A., Fisher, J. D., & Shuper, P. A. (2014). Social psychology and the fight against AIDS: An
    information-motivation-behavioral skills model for the prediction and promotion of health
    behavior change. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 105-193. [read only pp. 105-157)
    Week 8 (Psychology)
    This week our attention shifts to emotional and social dimensions of reactions to pandemics. We
    explore the role of attitudes and emotions such as fear and disgust in responses to threats of
    infection and examine the stigma attached to infected persons. The concept of the “behavioural
    immune system” will be introduced. Using examples from HIV/AIDS, SARS and Ebola we explore how
    stigma and disgust may have evolved as a response to pathogens. Special emphasis will be placed in
    the fascinating psychology of disgust, which is arguably an emotion that arose as a disease-
    avoidance mechanism. Finally, social processes involved in infectious disease transmission will be
    examined via research on social networks.
    Oaten, M., Stevenson, R. J., & Case, T. I. (2009). Disgust as a disease-avoidance mechanism.
    Psychological Bulletin, 135, 303-321.
    Schaller, M., & Park, J. H. (2011). The behavioral immune system (and why it matters). Current
    Directions in Psychological Sciences, 20, 99-103.
    Week 9 (Geography; global themes)
    Infectious diseases pose challenges for understanding the web of causation, including their
    geographic, social, economic, and environmental determinants. In this week, we consider health
    geography and large-scale drivers of infectious disease and pandemics: population mobility, human-
    environment interactions, health-care access, and poverty/inequality.
    Mayer, Jonathon (2000) Geography, ecology and emerging infectious diseases. Social Science and
    Medicine, 50(7-8): 937-952
    Famer, P (1996) Social Inequalities and Emerging Infectious Diseases. Emerging Infectious Diseases
    2(4): 259-269
    Week 10 (Geography; local perspectives)
    In this week we consider examples of geographic research on infectious diseases. We focus on the
    ‘local’, and examine the ways in which socio-cultural experiences, localised experiences of health
    care access, stigma, and changes to everyday life shape understanding and responses to infectious
    disease and epidemics/pandemics.
    Colin McFarlane, Renu Desai & Steve Graham (2014) Informal Urban Sanitation: Everyday Life,
    Poverty, and Comparison, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(5): 989-1011.
    Week 11 (Multidisciplinary)
    In this week, we consider infectious disease epidemics/pandemic threats – with a focus on zoonotic
    diseases. We analyse them from a human sciences perspective, asking questions from different
    disciplinary perspectives.
    Cascio, A., Bosilkovski, M., Rodriguez-Morales, A.J., Pappas, G. 2011. The socio-ecology of zoonotic
    infections. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 17: 336–342
    David Nabarro, Chadia Wannous (2016) The Links Between Public and Ecosystem Health in Light of
    the Recent Ebola Outbreaks and Pandemic Emergence. EcoHealth. Available at:
    Week 12 (Multidisciplinary)
    In this final week we consider infectious disease from a multi-disciplinary/human sciences
    perspective. Infectious diseases have caused deadly pandemics such as the Black Death pandemic in
    the fourteenth century (bubonic/pneumonic plague), and HIV/AIDS. They are often biological
    expressions of social inequalities. While some are becoming better controlled, it is highly unlikely we
    can eliminate most emerging infectious diseases. Global and local responses will need multi-
    disciplinary insight in order to curtail the epidemic and pandemic potential of infectious disease.
    Morens DM, Fauci AS (2013) Emerging Infectious Diseases: Threats to Human Health and Global
    Stability. PLoS Pathog 9(7): e1003467. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003467
    Jones, K.E., Patel, N., Levy, M.A. Storeygard, A., Balk, D., Gittleman, J.L. & Daszak, P. (2008) Global
    trends in emerging infectious diseases. Nature, 451: 990-993.
    Other relevant references:

    Dibble, C., Wardell, S., Carle, K. (2007) ‘Simulating pandemic influenza risks of US cities’, Simulation Conference
    (Winter), pp 1548 – 1550
    Bossak, Brian and Welford, Mark (2010) ‘Spatio-temporal attributes of pandemic and epidemic diseases’,
    Geography Compass, 4(8), 1084-1096
    Craddock, S. (2000) ‘Disease, social identity and risk: rethinking the geography of AIDS’, Transactions of the
    Institute of British Geographers 25(2), 153-168
    Gould, W., and Woods, R. (2003) ‘Population geography and HIV/AIDS: the challenge of a “wholly exceptional”
    disease’, Scottish Geographical Journal, 119(3), 265-281
    Hunter, Mark (2007) ‘The changing political economy of sex in South Africa: the significance of unemployment
    and inequalities to the scale of the AIDS pandemic’, Social Science and Medicine, 64(3), 689-700
    Johnson, Niall (2006) Britain and the 1918/19 Influenza Pandemic: A Dark Epilogue. London, Routledge
    Gostin, L.O., Lucey, D., Phelan, A. (2014) The Ebola Epidemic: A Global Health Emergency. JAMA 312(11): 1095-
    Hay, S., Battle, K.E., Pigott, D.M. et al. (2013) Global mapping of infectious disease. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B
    Biol Sci. 368(1614): 20120250.
    Hunter, Mark (2011) ‘Beyond the male migrant: South Africa’s long history of health geography and the
    contemporary AIDS pandemic’, Health and Place 16(1), 25-33
    Linard, C and Tatem, A. (2012) Large-scale spatial population databases in infectious disease research.
    International Journal of Health Geographics. 11:7 DOI: 10.1186/1476-072X-11-7
    Morse, Stephen (2007) ‘Pandemic influenza: studying the lessons of history’, PNAS (Proceedings of National
    Academy of Science), 104(18), 7313-14
    Pain, Rachel, Smith, Susan (eds) (2008) Fear: Critical Geographies and Everyday Life. Ashgate, Aldershot UK. (ch
    6 by Ingram is about pandemics)
    Pybus OG, Tatem AJ, Lemey P (2015) Virus evolution and transmission in an ever more connected world Proc
    Biol Sci. Dec 22; 282(1821):20142878. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.2878.
    Phillips, H., Killingray, D (2003) eds The Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-19: New Perspectives. London,
    Reid, Ann et al. (2004) ‘Evidence of an absence: the genetic origins of the 1918 pandemic influenza virus’,
    Nature Review Microbiology, 2, 909-914
    Richard, SA et al. (2009) ‘A comparative study of the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in Japan, USA and UK:
    mortality, impact and implications for pandemic planning’, Epidemiology and Infection, 137(8), 1062-72
    Robson, E. et al. (2006) ‘Young caregivers in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa’,
    Population, Space and Place 12(2), 93-111
    Veterinarians without borders (2010) One Health for One World. Available at:
    Wallace RG, Kock R, Bergmann L, Gilbert M, Hogerwerf L, Pittiglio C, Mattioli R, Wallace R. (2016) Did
    Neoliberalizing West African Forests Produce a New Niche for Ebola? Int J Health Serv. 46(1):149-65.
    Other relevant resources
    Centralized information system for infectious diseases (CISID).
    Global Health Atlas.
    World Bank Health Nutrition Population Statistics.
    The topic for assignments and their submission dates are notified at the start of teaching and
    extensions will not normally be permitted. However, if the need arises - e.g. medical reasons or any
    other circumstances outside the control of the student – an application (with documentation) for an
    extension of up to one week should be made directly to Dr Celia McMichael
    ( before the due date for that assignment. For Special
    Consideration, if a longer extension is required, please refer to the Student Portal (or see
    Standard penalties will apply for late submission for essays/assignments, unless an extension has
    been granted: the mark awarded for the student’s work will be reduced by 10% for each day the
    work is late. Essays submitted later than 5 days after the due date will not be marked, therefore
    receiving no marks.
    The Major Essay must be submitted via the Turn-It-In link on LMS.
    Students are required to complete all in-class tests. If you are unable to attend a test, you must send
    an email directly to Dr Celia McMichael ( before the test. Students
    who are not granted special consideration will be awarded 0% for that test. For students who are
    granted special consideration: upon missing one test, will be marked out of 90 (i.e. can still
    hypothetically get 100% by getting 90/90); upon missing two or more tests, will be assigned an
    alternative assessment piece worth 10% at the end of semester (week 12) that may comprise a short
    essay and/or multiple choice test (and they will be marked out of 90).
    Students needing assistance with writing should contact the academic skills unit.
    It is expected that you attend lectures and seminars as scheduled throughout semester unless there
    are exceptional circumstances. If you miss a lecture/seminar please make a time to listen to the
    lecture recordings later in the week.
    It is University policy that cheating by students in any form is not permitted, and that work
    submitted for assessment purposes must be the independent work of the student concerned (or,
    where joint work is specifically permitted, the joint work of the students concerned). This is in
    keeping with the rules made by University Council under Regulation 12.2.10.R1.
    See: for details.
    To withdraw from a subject or take a leave of absence from a course, a student must complete the
    appropriate form and return it to the Faculty of Science Student Centre before the census dates
    detailed in the next section. Failure to withdraw officially from a subject will result in the student
    being given a ‘Fail’ grade as well as financial liability for the fees of the subject.