代写 MKTG1053 Service Quality

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  • MKTG1053 Service Quality (Semester 1, 2016)
    Weighting/Value: 10%
    Submission Date: In Week 5’s tutorial
    You are to demonstrate your understanding of a selected set of services marketing
    theories/concepts through the preparation of a service experience report detailing a service you
    have experienced with links to (i.e., application of) relevant services marketing theories and
    In your report, provide details of a specific service experience you have encountered (if
    appropriate, provide details of the date, time and duration of the service experience, the driver
    for its purchase and/or consumption, and other information that can help paint a clear picture of
    the service experience for the reader), and demonstrate your understanding and comprehension
    of services marketing concepts and theories via the appropriate application of relevant theories
    and concepts in your analysis of that service experience, which could center around (but not
    limited to) the following concepts:
    -  The three-stage model of service consumption
    -  Perceived risks involved in service consumption
    -  Drama/theater metaphor
    -  Expectancy-disconfirmation model of satisfaction
    -  The flower of service model
    -  Service quality (SERVQUAL) dimensions
    -  Gaps model
    -  Fishbone diagram
    -  Pareto analysis/charts
    -  Blueprint
    -  Detailed break down of the monetary and non-monetary ‘costs’ associated with the
    service consumption
    -  Detailed analysis of any one of the seven marketing mix element pertaining to that
    service experience
    Your aim should be to achieve ‘depth’ in your analysis rather than ‘breadth’. That is, focus on
    discussing only a limited number of concepts well and in detail, rather than make brief
    references to many concepts.
    Your report must be no more than four (4) pages in length (inclusive of all photos/
    diagrams/tables and references), and should feature Times New Roman no smaller than size 12,
    and ‘1.5 lines’ spacing.
    You must submit your report electronically via the Turnitin link in Grade Centre in Blackboard, as
    well as via hardcopy to your tutor, accompanied by a completed and signed Assignment Cover
    Sheet AND a Turnitin originality report (with a similarity index of no greater than 10%).
    Please refer to the attached assessment matrix for the assessment criteria by which your work
    will be assessed.
    Assessor: Mr. David Fitzgerald / Dr. Gauri Laud / Ms. Jessica Pallant / Mr. Simon Thornton
    MKTG1053 Service Quality (Semester 1, 2016)
    Student Name:  Student ID:
    Assessment Criteria  NN
    Not shown
    Very good
    Clear and detailed explanation of the
    service experience
    Clear and detailed analysis of the
    service experience
    Use (i.e., application) of relevant
    theories/concepts to analyse the
    Evidence of a good understanding of
    the selected theories/concepts
    General presentation of the report:
    quality of diagrams, grammar/spelling,
    layout  (including keeping to page limit)
    Overall Grade: NN PA CR DI HD