MKT11905 Assignment 市场论文 ACADEMIC 代写
MKT11905 Assignment 市场论文 ACADEMIC 代写
Please read about the Sourcing Task in the separate file in the Assessment 2 Briefs Folder.
Brief: the Questions
Answer ONE of the following questions:
1. Ang (2011) has coined a new term: Community Relationship Management (CoRM). Discuss the proposition that this is a more appropriate description of relationship marketing in social media than Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Use examples of real, named organisations.
Source: Ang, L. (2011), ‘Community relationship management and social media’
Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management, 18, 1, pp. 31-38 (Available via ABI/ Inform, (Proquest) via the Edinburgh Napier Library online)
MKT11905 Assignment 市场论文 ACADEMIC 代写
2. “To any CEO who is sceptical today about social enterprise, you have to be totally connected with everyone who touches your brand. If you don’t do that, I don’t know what your business model is in five years.” (Ahrendts in Chaffey and Smith, 2013, p.1)
Discuss the above statement. How does it affect the Direct or Digital Marketing Manager? Use examples in your answer.
Source: Angela Ahrendts, Burberry CEO, quoted in Chaffey, D. and Smith, P. (2013)
Emarketing Excellence (4
th Edition), Abingdon: Routledge
3. Armstrong (2014, p.68) states that “greater customer empowerment means that companies can no longer rely on marketing by intrusion. Instead they must practice marketing by attraction - creating market offerings and sparking brand conversations that engage customers…”
Evaluate this statement and discuss its implications for Social Media Marketers. Use examples.
Source: Kaufman, I. and Horton, C. (2015)
Digital Marketing: Integrating Strategy and Tactics with Values, Abingdon: Routledge
one of the above questions as an
extended essay.
This is an individual assignment, not a group one.
Your answer should be a maximum of 3,000 words long. Recommended length is 2,500 words.
If you need to, you may append information in an appendix. It should be no more than 2 pages long and is not included in the wordcount.
You should also include a List of References (not a Bibliography). It is not included in the wordcount.
Your answer should be submitted in paper form using normal submission procedures, to HKU SPACE by 7pm on Friday May 22nd 2015.
You should submit your answer at the same time electronically in Turnitin®UK. This will be made accessible to you via the module Moodle site. ALL assignments must be entered into Turnitin®UK. This is the University’s text-matching software (see Academic Misconduct below). You may input drafts, and evaluate them, yourself. Submission into Turnitin closes on the same day as normal submission.
Read the Assignment Assessment Criteria and accompanying guidelines below for further guidance as to what is being looked for.
Assignment Assessment Criteria
Criterion |
% of marks allocated |
1. Demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the functions and issues raised. |
50 |
2. Use of examples of real, named organisations |
10 |
3. Skills of Critical Evaluation |
20 |
4. Use of evidence and referencing, including from the WWW |
20 |
Explanation of Assessment Criteria
1. Demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the functions and issues raised.
· Have you identified and discussed the major issues raised by the question? The answers to all of the questions require reference to major issues facing DDM today. They will all require you to go beyond, or to develop further, issues mentioned in the Module Text or lectures. Students who ignore these issues will lose marks here.
· Your answer must demonstrate that you understand in depth DDM and the particular issues addressed by the question. This will often be both in theoretical terms and in practical terms, understanding the difficulties these issues pose for Direct and Digital Marketers (such as data or organisational or implementation issues).
· Does your answer have an appropriate scope? Eg If it was connected with digital marketing, are social media, wireless digital and push digital, such as email, considered as well as websites?
2. Use of examples
· Do you use examples?
· Are your examples of real named organisations (eg HSBC, SPCA), networks (eg Facebook) or media (eg a specific email campaign)? Just naming networks is not enough – we want other examples too. Some of your examples must be of real, named organisations.
· Are they relevant to the points you’re making?
· Are they used well, so that they really make the points you’re making clearer?
· Is it clear where they came from eg referenced to a source, anecdotal (someone told you), your own experience.
· Are they treated critically eg do you evaluate whether they were successful?
3. Skills of Critical Evaluation
· Students who merely repeat or describe basic theory, or the arguments of others, will lose marks here, and probably under other criteria too (eg depth of understanding).
· Instead we wish to see you use evidence from the research or arguments of others to support arguments which you develop yourself. You must be able to critically evaluate established theory, or commonly-held assumptions, or the arguments of others and show, with justification, where they are good, where they may be inadequate and where they have been developed by others.
· This may also involve analysis of data you discover (although you are not expected to undertake primary research).
· We do not want just a string of paraphrases or quotations of others’ work. We wish to see you interpret and use such sources critically and intelligently to build and support your arguments about the issues raised in the question.
· In other words, we wish to see you display Masters-level skills of critical evaluation, which you will have used in other similar assignments on your programme.
· The easiest way to think of this is “I must be evaluative.” This may involve you evaluating an example as good practice, useful, has flaws, poor practice; or evaluating a source as useful, introducing new ideas, developing the work of others, leaving questions unanswered, giving insufficient or inappropriate evidence, drawing conclusions unjustified by the evidence.
· And we wish to see plenty of You in your work.
4. Use of evidence and referencing
All of the points under this heading are used to determine your mark under this criterion.
· We wish to see you using
appropriate sources to support your arguments.
i. The best sources in such an essay are
academic journals.
To get the best marks on this criterion, use some.
iii. Articles by consultants and practitioners, and textbooks, are the next best sources.
iv. Company websites, or websites purporting to explain DDM, may yield useful material, but often will be of poor quality.
v. The Module Text itself, and quotations from sources used within it, will be regarded as not being quite as good as I and iii, because you have used little effort to obtain them.
vi. Blogs by experienced consultants or practitioners, or even academics, may or may not yield useful insights or information – many do.
vii. This is a
List of References, not a Bibliography, so every source you reference will have at least one citation in the text and vice versa.
A requirement is that some of your sources must have been found on the WWW.
i. This is a minimum of 5 references, but could be more.
ii. You can include articles in academic and practitioner journals in this, but the fact that they were found on the WWW must be stated in the List of References (see c.viii below).
· Your use of appropriate external sources, as above, must be correctly
presented and referenced.
Quotations should not take up more than 5% of your essay. They should be presented as quotations and cited accordingly in the text (with page number). A useful guideline is:
always quote Definitions and reproduce Diagrams, but otherwise try to avoid quoting – paraphrase instead
Paraphrasing a source in (mainly) your own words may be presented as such, with citation in the text.
Summarising a source’s argument in your own words is presented and cited like a paraphrase.
iv. Paraphrasing and summarising are two main ways in which external sources are used in essays and reports (and, for a future occasion, in dissertations). To check on how to do them, and cite and reference them, read
Using and misusing sources... (available on your Moodle site or under “Don’t Plagiarise” in the Student Portal, where it is also a video (screencast). “Don’t Plagiarise” is most easily accessed via the Turnitin button in the top-line menu in the module Moodle site.)
v. Synthesising a number of sources by brief paraphrases of their content or meaning in one paragraph, or simply mentioning them, is the other common way of using and referring to sources.
vi. Quotation, paraphrasing and summarising should ALL be
cited in the text and
referenced in the List of References at the end. This includes www-derived material.
vii. Note: poor formatting of citations or references (eg John 2009, where the first name is used instead of the last) will be penalised under this criterion.
To indicate that you obtained a source on the internet, we ask you to either include the URL at the end of the conventional Reference
or to relate it to a well-known web source, such as an academic database, at the end of the conventional Reference like this: “Via Emerald” or “Via Ingenta”. (This is a procedure particular to this essay).
ix. Note:
cutting-and-pasting off the internet is a form of quotation and should be presented and referenced as such.
x. Note also: Referencing something is only part of the job of acknowledging its source. It also needs to be
presented correctly. If you present and reference something as a paraphrase like this (Revuelta 2006), and it turns out to have been a quotation “which should have been presented like this” (Revuelta 2006 p4), then you are committing a breach of Student Conduct Regulations. For an explanation, see
Using and misusing sources... (Slides 14 & 15)
All essays will be entered onto the University’s text matching/ plagiarism detection software, Turnitin®UK. You must do this yourself via the Turnitin “plug-in” on your Moodle homepage. (If you can’t get into it, email it to the Module Leader instead). This detects:
Matches to other students ie collusion between students (but it only shows matches against students in your own class AFTER submission date)
Matches to external sources. (It uses a huge archived database of internet and academic or magazine articles). These matches might be correctly referenced quotations – or they might reveal plagiarism or other incorrect presentation. You will be able to make that judgement by evaluating your Turnitin Originality Report. So will your Module Leader after submission.
All such cases of plagiarism or collusion will not be penalised under the assessment criteria. They will be treated as academic misconduct and dealt with under the University’s Student Conduct Regulations. The penalties for offences here are much greater. You have been warned!
This reminder is necessary because the temptation to cheat on such a coursework is huge and students have not been able to resist it in the past. In the past, some students were not able to obtain their MSc Marketing because of offences committed on this module. Hence the warning!
After submission, when your assignment is entered into Turnitin®UK, you will be able to click on it and view the Originality Report for your coursework.
It is possible to use this function to enter your own coursework into Turnitin®UK in draft form in advance, to check that you have not inadvertently failed to cite or reference something. As you re-enter versions, they over-ride the previous one. (Turnitin will not allow you to submit a draft less than 24 hours after the previously-submitted draft). Your final version should be submitted here too. (We only assess the Originality Report for Plagiarism on final submission). You can do this from the Turnitin link in the module Moodle homepage. You should only do it here – putting your essay into Turnitin on another module will cause Turnitin to treat it as from two different students.
15 MKT11905 DDM HK Assmt 2 Brief .docx
MKT11905 Assignment 市场论文 ACADEMIC 代写