31258 Innovation for Global Relationships Management代写
31258 Innovation for Global Relationships Management代写
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
School of Systems, Management and Leadership
31258 Innovation for Global Relationships Management
Spring 2017
Assignment 1: Written Research Report (15%)
Due date: Start of your tutorial 4th September 2017 (week 7)
Softcopy is to be submitted to UTSOnline by the beginning of your tutorial.
This is a group assignment with three students from same tutorial class. On your assignment cover sheet state all the namesand SID’s of the studentsin your group.
A penalty of 10% of possible marks will be imposed per day for assignments submitted after the due date.
The Marking Guide is with Assignment 1 in UTSOnline.
Use Harvard/UTS referencing throughout your assignment (refer UTS Library site for details).
Assignments will be made available during week 8.
Personal feedback for your report will be entered into your report. General feedback affecting the class will be provided verbally prior to return of your reports during the week 10 tutorial.
Assignment worth: 15% of the total subject mark
31258 Innovation for Global Relationships Management代写
This assignment addresses the following course objectives:
1. Explain the impact and opportunities of IT within the Australian and global economic context by using computer tools such as portals, etc., to maintain relationships and grow these opportunities.
2. Discuss how IT adds value to business in e-commerce, relationship and knowledge management, user modelling for customer satisfaction, outsourcing, offshoring and software development by using computers for innovation that leads to competitive advantage.
Graduate Attributes
This assignment addresses the following Graduate Attributes:
A.1 Needs Analysis, A.2 Prioritise, A.3 Constraints, uncertainties and risks,
A.4 Sustainability B.1 Problem solving, E.1Communicate Effectively, E.2 Teams, F.3Cross-cultural, F.4 Global perspective.
Write a report which includes the following;
a) Explains how companies can use IT to win customer business. In your report comment on;
a. Inhibitors to successful deployment of IT innovations, and,
b. Identify where ITdeployment has been most successful.
Also in your report;
b) Explain what affectsthese technology changes could have on company structure and employees.
c) Discuss how the technology solutions employed may be different for;
a. Different customer segments (i.e. markets);
b. Different customer types (i.e. final and intermediate consumers);
c. Different sized companies.
Note: To be successful in this assignment you need to exhibit analysis of your research in all your discussions, and then the deductions resulting from that analysis.
Assignment format
Length: 2,500 words (max)
Font size: 12pt (min)
Line spacing: Double line spacing
Headers & Footers: Display “Assignment 2’ with your team member names
and date
Cover sheet: UTS standard coversheet (available inAssignments in
Referencing: Use Harvard/UTS referencing only
(See Referencing in the UTS library website)
• Executive Summary and Conclusion. 1 mark
• Clear description and reflective analysis of your research. 5 marks
• Views well-argued and backed by relevant references and/or example. 5 marks
• Identification of barriers and possible areas for improvement from your research. 2 marks
• Grammar and presentation. 1 mark
• Quality of references used, and reference list. 1 mark
Maximum marks: 15
For group assessments in this Subject, students will be assessed as a team, where each member of the team will receive the same mark for the assignment. If you have trouble with the operation of your group, ask the Tutor for advice (preferably ask as a group). If some of the groups feel that other members are not contributing, the Tutor should be informed and a group meeting held to produce a solution. In extreme cases a group member may be asked by the Lecturer to do extra work or accept a lower mark. No complaints about group operation will be considered after the assignment has been handed in.
NOTE: Questions in relation to the assignment should be posted to the Discussion Board on UTS Online. Make sure you have read the Assignment outline before you ask your question. Questions on the assignment that are received via email will not be answered.
31258 Innovation for Global Relationships Management代写