MAN1100D MANAGEMENT 管理学 assignment 代写
Trimester 1/2017
Guide to Researching, Writing
and Referencing the Essay
The aim of the essay is for students to gain experience and develop skills in examining, analyzing, researching and writing up a report style essay addressing a topic on a major component of the course.
It is important to start exploring the subject material well before the due date. This gives time to adequately research and reflect on how you are going to develop your argument. You should reasonably expect to begin preparation at least four weeks before the paper is due.
1. You must argue your case, don’t restate or describe facts.
2. We do not have a single right answer in mind. You need to develop your unique argument based on your own research and analysis.
3. Logically examine competing views you find in the literature.
4. Include the use of business examples to support your ideas.
Students may choose one topic from the two listed below and write an essay of 1500 to 2000 words in length. The essay must follow the report style outlined in this document. Please read the essay grade descriptors (page 6) to understand how your assignment will be graded. Time management and meeting deadlines are critical management skills. Therefore, essays must be handed in on the date specified. (Check Unit Outline for information on penalties for late submission.)
Please Note:
Essays are individual works
(no group working will be accepted.)
1. Effective leadership is about using a combination of authority, power and leadership approaches - to influence people to achieve organisational goals. Discuss.
2. The corporate social responsibility and ethics in management may be easy to define but difficult to implement because managers are expected to maximise economic performance at the same time. Discuss.
Tips and Guidelines for report-style assignment
Before you start.
Before you start ensure that you have carefully read through the assigned topic and understood what is being asked. To understand what the question is asking you will need to read around the topic. A good place to begin is the relevant section/s in the textbook. Read those and develop an outline of the key areas which you will need to research further.
Getting started.
You will need to locate other articles related to the topic. These can be located in management texts, journal articles and in manual indexes. The following information may help you to locate information on the computers in the ECU Library.
Log in to ECU library computers and go to
You will need your ECU username and password to login.
Go to Meta Quest and locate the Business database – from there you will be able to type in a search word or words which will locate articles that may have information useful for your essay research.
Please Remember: If you rely on textbooks, even from other units, you will deny yourself valuable marks, simply because current journal articles, monographs, etc provide a better picture of the current state of research.
Preparing a draft.
In order to develop a clear and logical essay you should prepare a plan of your essay and then a rough draft. Remember
ALL sources of information
must be acknowledged and correctly cited, not just direct quotations.
Plagiarism will result in failure.
Writing the final Copy.
The final copy of your essay should contain:
· ECC Cover page
· Your own Cover Page created with the information outlined below
· Table of Contents (on a separate page)
· Introduction
· Main Body with headings to delineate the sections
· Conclusion
· List of References (on a separate page)
Cover page:
The cover page needs to indicate: The assigned question written in full, including the question number, your name and student number, the title of the unit, the name of your lecturer, the day and time of class, and the due date of the essay.
MAN1100D MANAGEMENT 管理学 assignment 代写
Table of contents:
This is a list of major headings and page numbers.
The introduction reveals your understanding of the topic and the direction you intend to pursue. It should outline the main purpose of your essay, describe the approach to be taken, and why the topic is important. Any interpretations or definitions may also be included in this section. It may acknowledge any limitations or constraints. The introduction should be concise and direct, an outline without detailed discussion.
Main Body:
Your argument should be developed in a logical, well thought out sequence. In order to emphasise and clarify the major concepts or issues, the body of your discussion should be divided into relevant chapters or headings.
The essay should demonstrate your ability to find information relevant to the topic, to understand it, and your analytical and critical thinking skills. Present alternative theories and empirical evidence and make a critical appraisal of these.
A good essay will contain reference to a number of studies and you must acknowledge the source of all information, not just that which is directly quoted. However,
your assignment should not simply be an edited version of other people’s words and ideas. It is important to critically analyse these works and to offer your own opinion substantiated by evidence.
A conclusion should draw together the main ideas in your discussion and summarise your thoughts on the topic. It should also include the implications of this topic for managers and may indicate aspects that require further consideration or research but should
not introduce new material.
List of References:
Your essay must include in-text and end-text referencing. If you are not sure what this means be sure to seek clarification from your lecturer. Failure to properly acknowledge within your essay and with an end-text reference list will result in heavy loss of marks.
All references cited in the body of your essay should be listed in full at the end of the essay. You should
not have any reference in your reference list, which is not included in the text of the essay. Your list of references should include a
minimum of 5 quality sources, including at least 3 academic journal articles (peer-reviewed). Additional points will be awarded for evidence of extra research information acquired from other sources such as newspaper articles, current affairs programs, World Wide Web, interviews etc.
Remember: Referencing should be in accordance with the Edith Cowan University referencing guide at . For this and subsequent tertiary level studies it is advisable to become familiar with and use this guide.
Search engines
Students must keep in mind that any tertiary submission is required to meet requisite tertiary standards, therefore only academically acceptable search engines should be utilised. The search engines available on the business database in the ECU library are useful and can be located on the ECU library computers at engines such as Google and Wikipedia are not acceptable sources for assignment in-text and end-text references. The use of search engines such as Google and Wikipedia will not be counted as an acceptable assignment in-text or end-text reference.
In-Text Referencing:
Basic format should include the Author’s Surname(s), Date of publication, and page numbers.
i.e., (Mintzberg, 1975, p.50)
End-Text Referencing:
Journal articles
Author’s name(s). (Year of publication). Title of article.
Name of Journal, volume, month/number, page numbers.
i.e., Mintzberg, H. (1975). The Managerial Job: Folklore and Fact.
Harvard Business Review, July-August, 49-61.
Author’s name(s) (Year of Publication).
Name of Text, edition. Place of publication: publisher’s name.
i.e., Schermerhorn, J. (1989).
Management for Productivity, 3rd edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Writing in Academic Style
Academic work should be written in the third person. All assertions and observations should either be backed up with sound argument based on logic and reason, or with a citation as to the source. You need to proof read your essay, not only for spelling errors, but for grammar, syntax and style. Non-sequitur ideas (ideas which don’t follow logically from the preceding discussion), clumsy wording and unnatural syntax all detract from the overall content of your essay. If you feel uncertain about your abilities in this area, get someone else to proof read for you.
Tip: This is another area where valuable marks may be lost. Make sure you leave time to tidy up your final copy.
1. All papers must be typed
2. They must be double-spaced.
3. Your margins should be at least 2.5 cm.
4. Limit use of first person to a few practical/personal examples in the latter part of the main body of your paper and to a few of your summary points, if absolutely necessary, in the conclusion.
STUDENT NAME: ______________________________________ /20
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unacceptable
16+ 14 – 15 10 – 13 8 - 9 7 and under
Overall Presentation & compliance with format requirements
Excellent O O O O O Poor
High degree of compliance Non-compliance
Essay edited in terms of grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.
Well-edited O O O O O Poorly edited
In-text referencing
Correct referencing O O O O O Incorrect referencing
End-text referencing
Correct referencing O O O O O Incorrect referencing
MAN1100D MANAGEMENT 管理学 assignment 代写
QUALITY sources of information – academic journals, textbooks, etc.
Adequate O O O O O Inadequate
Topic clearly outlined and explained - INTRODUCTION
Excellent O O O O O Not outlined
Content & key issues of the essay relevant to the topic
Highly relevant O O O O O Little relevance to topic
Depth of essay
Covered in depth O O O O O Superficial coverage
Essay examines the relevant literature - especially the journal articles sourced
Thorough examination O O O O O Minimal examination
Develops independent (own) arguments & views as the essay is developed
Well-developed arguments O O O O O No own development evident
Clear CONCLUSION based on the arguments in the body of the essay
Strong conclusion O O O O O No conclusion evident
Comments: ________________________________________________________________________