explain the likely focus of due diligence 代写
explain the likely focus of due diligence 代写
1. Basing your answers on the technical information you have received on biofuels and after undertaking further research of the biofuels industry, consider the following:
What would be the 5 major commercial concerns the Company would have in successfully selling its biofuel to customers? How, if at all, could any of these concerns be mitigated by contractual means?
2. One of the key elements in the definition of a patent is “industrial applicability”. Discuss the interpretation of this concept in the most important UK case on the point Eli Lilly v Human Genome Sciences 2011 UKSC 51 available both in summary and in full judgment at www.supremecourt.uk. What criteria do you adopt in assessing the judgment and why? (70%) How convincing is the judgment (30%)?.
3. Please answer both parts of this questions:
(A) Please find a private or public company acquisition concluded in the last 5 years. Describe the parties’ activities and explain the likely focus of due diligence. Explain any merger control issues as far as they are revealed in the press.
(B) As a manager involved in regular negotiations, explain (i) how you would try to ensure you only created contractual relations when you intended to? And (ii)if you do intend to create contractual relations how would you maximise the chances - by the terms of the contract - that the other party.
explain the likely focus of due diligence 代写
Please ensure if you reference an article or book, that you give the exact page number. Otherwise it is not a valid reference and marks will be deducted.
Please ensure to give the full URL of internet based pages
Please ensure to give the page number of any PDF document you refer to, not just it’s URL.
International law firms produce many guides on law which are valid sources of information. The Legal500.com lists the leading US and UK law firms.
If you can find model contracts they could be useful to support your arguments for questions 1 and 3. They are not necessary; just useful. One such source is PSL lexisnexis. Ask your library advisor how to access this. Other model contracts are freely available online, some of which may be good, some not so good. Critically assess what you find.
For question 2, if you are aiming for a merit or above, I expect you to have read the judgment in full and be able to reference particular paragraphs of the judgment in our argumentation. Before reading the judgment, however, you should do 2 things: read the relevant section in a IP law Textbook and then read the summary of the judgment available on the supreme court website.
Enjoy and good luck !
explain the likely focus of due diligence 代写
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explain the likely focus of due diligence 代写