代写SIT340/740Research and Development in Information Techn
代写SIT340/740Research and Development in Information Technology
Research and Development in Information Technology
Assignment 2 Guideline
Assignment 2: Final Report (60 marks)
After you have done the literature survey, you will identify an unsolved problem in an relevant area
related to one or more of these 6 main research fields: 1. Health Informatics, 2. Internet of
Things (IoT) and Smart City Paradigm, 3. Cloud Computing, 4. Big Data, 5. Data Analytics,
and 6. Network and System Security. You will develop your own method/strategy/algorithm to
solve the problem. You will develop a working system/program to validate your idea. You will set
up different evaluation criteria to measure your method/strategy/algorithm. You will compare your
method/strategy/algorithm with existing method/strategy/algorithm based on the evaluation criteria.
Then you will write a comprehensive final report based on the work you have done.
Submission: You must submit an electronic copy of your assignment in either Acrobat (.pdf) or
Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) via CloudDeakin.
Delays caused by student’s own computer downtime cannot be accepted as a valid reason for late
submission without penalty. Students must plan their work to allow for both scheduled and
unscheduled downtime.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that they understand the submission instructions. If you
have ANY difficulties ask the Lecturer for assistance (prior to the submission date).
Copying, Plagiarism:
This is an individual assignment. You are not permitted to work as a part of a group when
writing this assignment.
Plagiarism is the submission of somebody else’s work in a manner that gives the impression that the
work is your own. For assignments, plagiarism includes the case where two or more students work
collaboratively on the assignment. The School of Information Technology treats plagiarism very
seriously. When it is detected, penalties are strictly imposed. Deakin University uses Turnitin as the
program that allows you to check whether there is any unoriginal material in your work, please refer
to http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/clouddeakin/help-guides/assessment/plagiarism.
Additional Requirements and Notes
1. Any text, table, figure, and code adapted from any source must be clearly referenced.
2. All assignments must be submitted through CloudDeakin. Assignments will not be accepted
through any other manner without prior approval. Students should note that this means that
email and paper based submissions will ordinarily be rejected.
3. Submissions received after the due date are penalised at a rate of 10% (out of the full mark) per
day, no exceptions. Late submission after 3 days (including weekend and public holidays)
would be penalised at a rate of 100% out of the full mark. Close of submissions on the due date
and each day thereafter for penalties will occur at 11:59 pm Australian Eastern Time (UTC
+10 hours) with Daylight Saving.
4. No extension will be granted without an acceptable reason.
5. Assignments are normally marked and returned within 15 business days after the due date.
Assignments submitted after the due date will normally take longer to mark and return. As this
unit does not have exam, the marks of assignment 2 will not be released until the final grade is
certified by the University.
Page 1 of 5 Guideline
The essence of this unit
As the unit title indicates, research and development is industry application/problem solving
oriented, differing it from software implementation or project management. You are expected to
think about innovations and contribute to the field of your interest with providing a solution or
systematic assessment for the recent and existing research problems. You are not expected to invent
anything brand new, but it will be great if you could incrementally improve any unsolved problem.
The structure and length of this final report
The recommended structure of the final report should include these parts, and in this order:
1) Title (between 5 to 15 words using only letters and avoid using hyphens and any
2) Abstract (a 100-200 word summary of this report);
3) Introduction (the problem statement, the motivation of this work, the importance of this
work - around 300 words);
4) Related work (a condensed summary of existing solutions, which were presented your first
assignment. State what their drawbacks are, from the point of view of the above defined
problem statement - around 400 words);
5) Your new solution or systematic assessment (the framework of your solution, assumptions
and limitations, and all the details of your solution. Explain why your solution is expected to
be better than others under the same conditions - around 1000 words);
6) Evaluation of your solution (analysis, simulation, and comparison with the previous
solutions. You will develop a working system/program to validate your idea. You will set up
different evaluation criteria to measure your method/strategy/algorithm. You will compare
your method/strategy/algorithm with existing method/strategy/algorithm based on the
evaluation criteria - around 1000 words);
7) Conclusion (a summary of your contribution and an overview of future work. You should
highlight what the major qualitative and/or numerical highlights of the analysis in the
previous section - around 200 words);
8) References (a minimum of 20 references).
The length of the final report is around 3,000 words. (Note: Please consider the above
suggested words-allocation as an average choice; you can totally define a new words -allocation
by your own. You have a maximum of 3000 words, which allow you to show your capability of
creating and demonstrating a new idea and presenting it well. If you are confident that you can
present everything in less than 3000 words, that is ok; otherwise, you have more space to earn
marks. The length does not make you lose any marks; but insufficient content does.)
How to write abstract?
Remember that you have 100-200 word limit so please use simple language to summarise the
problem and your innovative solution. This is the best chance to attract readers' attention.
How to write introduction?
The introduction should be sufficiently self-contained to comprehend the essence of contribution for
people generally working in IT area. They should be able to correctly understand what the
important aspects of the contribution are, and how good the contribution is. The problem statement
needs precise definition. Conditions, context, assumptions, and limitations of the research done
should be briefly stated. The introduction should therefore attempt to present a full version of the
report in a concise, readable, and intuitively clear form.
Page 2 of 5 How to write related work?
Since you have done your first assignment, this part should not be difficult for you. It is a
condensed summary of existing solutions. It should collect known results relevant to the problem
stated, whether or not they are used in your solution. You should state what their drawbacks are,
from the point of view of the above defined problem statement.
How to write your new solution part?
You should present your solution in a plain way that it can be easily understood. You should give
the framework of your solution, assumptions and limitations, and all the details of your solution.
Explain why your solution is expected to be better than others under the same conditions. It is good
to clearly and concisely present the key idea before discussing any steps of your
Remember that a figure may be worth a thousand words. Important new concepts, and new ideas,
can be illustrated by examples and figures as appropriate, to help the reader in understanding them,
and to demonstrate your own understanding of these concepts. Examples should not be trivial, but
meaningful and helpful.
How to write the evaluation part?
The evaluation could be analytical, by simulation, or by implementation. Analytical analysis could
provide, for example, the proof of validity of the major ideas of your solution. You should give
analysis, simulation, and comparison with the previous solutions in this part. You will develop a
working system/program to validate your idea. You will set up different evaluation criteria to
measure your method/strategy/algorithm. You will compare your method/strategy/algorithm with
existing method/strategy/algorithm based on the evaluation criteria. Graphs or tables are good way
to illustrate your evaluation results.
How to write conclusion?
Conclusion part is a summary of your contribution and an overview of future work. You should
highlight what the major qualitative and/or numerical highlights of the analysis in the previous
Recommended reading
• Ivan Stojmenovic, "Editor's Note: How to Write Research Articles in Computing and
Engineering Disciplines," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp. 145-147,
February, 2010.
The final report will be marked using the following marking criteria:
1. (4 marks) Abstract - It concisely summarises the problem and your solution. The length of the
abstract is within 100 words.
2. (4 marks) Introduction - It clearly defines the problem statement, gives the motivation of this
work, highlights the importance of this work, and briefly introduces your solution.
3. (4 marks) Related work - It covers representative existing solutions and gives an analysis on
their drawbacks.
4. (15 marks) Your new solution - It precisely describes the framework of your solution,
assumptions and limitations, and all the details of your solution.
5. (25 marks) Evaluation of your solution - It quantitatively and/or qualitatively presents the
analysis, simulation, and comparison with the previous solutions. The evaluation criteria are
clearly given. The evaluation results are clearly presented.
6. (4 marks) Conclusion - It provides a summary of your contribution and an overview of future
7. (4 marks) The final report is clearly structured according to the guideline, nicely presented,
and well written. The length of the final report is within the scope given in the guideline.
References are correctly cited and formatted.
8. (5 marks) * Bonus points: The report gives the theoretical proof that can demonstrate the
effectiveness of your solution, in addition to the experimental evaluation. The bonus points are
not affected to the penalty from late submission. The bonus points could be given regardless
how many marks you receive according to the marking scheme. That is, you could reach 65
marks in total for this assignment if you get full mark based on the marking scheme, if you are
working really hard!
(The detailed marking scheme is shown in Table 1)
Page 4 of 5 Table 1. Marking Scheme.
Assignment Task 2 (60%=60 Marks)
Criteria Excellent Good Marginal Not Shown
1: Summarise It concisely summarises a Narrow down but not General scope no No abstract (0
A Report In narrowed problem and its sharp (2-3 Marks) specific focus (1 Mark)
An Abstract solution (4 Marks) Mark)
2:Write an It clearly defines the problem Narrow down the General scope No introduction
Introduction statement, gives the motivation problem but not sharp without specific section (0
of this work, highlights the (2-3 Marks) focus (1 Mark) Mark)
importance of this work, and
briefly introduces the solution
(4 Marks)
3: Conduct A It covers representative existing It covers existing It only covers No related work
Survey For solutions (including most solutions on a general existing (0 Mark)
Related Work related work) and gives an narrowed problem and solutions, but does
analysis on their drawbacks (4 gives an analysis on not focus on related
Marks) their drawbacks. But solutions (1 Mark)
4: Provide A It precisely describes the It describes the The solution is not Generally
New Solution framework of the solution, framework of the narrowed down, or describe
assumptions and limitations, solution, assumptions no specific existing
and all the details of the solution and limitations, and technique is solution, but
(13-15 Marks) most details of the detailed. For provide no new
5: Conduct A It quantitatively and/or General numeric No numeric results No case study.
Experimental qualitatively presents the results are provided. are provided. But Or only use
Study analysis, simulation, and But no sufficient some case studies numeric results
comparison with the previous evaluation criteria, for are given to verify from existing
solutions. The evaluation example, evaluating the proposed work to
criteria are clearly given. The only one metric. The solution (8-14 demonstrate the
evaluation results are clearly results are presented Marks) solution (0-7
presented (20-25 Marks) (15-19 Marks) Marks)
6: Give A It provides an excellent It provides a good It provides a No conclusion
Conclusion summary of the contribution summary of the marginal summary (0 Mark)
and an overview of the future contribution and an of the contribution
work (4 Marks) overview of the future and an overview of
work (3 Marks) the future work (1-2 Marks)
7: Present A The final report is clearly The report structure is The report structure No structure,
Report using structured according to the complete. The is incomplete and for example, no
Suitable guideline, nicely presented, and presentation is easy to presentation is hard separated
Structure and well written. The length of the follow. References are to follow. sections (0
Writing Skills. final report is within the scope correctly cited and References are not Mark)
given in the guideline. formatted (2-3 Marks) correctly cited and
References are correctly cited formatted (1
and formatted (4 Marks) Mark )
8: Bonus The report gives the theoretical The report draw some No any theoretical analysis (0 Mark)
Points proof that can demonstrates the theoretical conclusion
effectiveness of your solution, from the experimental
in addition to the experimental results (1-3 Marks)
evaluation (4-5 Marks)
代写SIT340/740Research and Development in Information Technology