BEA705 Financial Institutions and Markets 代写
BEA705 Financial Institutions and Markets 代写
BEA705 Financial Institutions and Markets – Assignment, S2, 2017
Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania
Lecturer: Dr Biplob Chowdhury
Due Date: Week 11 - Monday 2 nd October at 11.59pm
Word Length: The report length is limited to 2000 words. Students are required
to work and submit the assignment INDIVIDUALLY.
Course Weighting: 20%
BEA705 Financial Institutions and Markets 代写
You were workg as a financial risk analyst in Prospect Bank - a small bank in Australia.
The bank was in process of review their market risk measurement and management.
Your boss – Katherine- believed that Prospect Bank should apply the approaches of th
four largest Australian banks to Prospect Bank. Thus, Katherine had asked you to prepare
a report to review the approaches of these four largest Australian banks to market risk
measurement and management. The report length is limited to 2000 words.
You will need to go to the websites of each of the four largest Australian banks including
National Australia ; Commonwealth Bank of Australia; Australia and New Zealand
Bank and Westpac Bank. In their websites, you will need to download their latest annual
report. From their latest annual report, find their approaches to market risk
measurement and management.
In your report, you will need to do the following tasks:
1) Summarise different categories of market risks defined in the annual reports.
2) Compare the methodologies these four largest banks use to measure and manage
market risks.
3) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of each methodology used by these four banks
in measuring market risks. Note that you will need to do research to support your
arguments in this part.
Presentation Guidelines:
You are expected to write this assignment in Word or PDF format in a clear and logical
manner and should include a cover page available on the TSBE website at:
Only ONE file is allowed for submission.
The report length is limited to 2000 words. The final mark will be deducted for
excessive words.
Assignments must be typed. Please, keep a copy of your assignment as well.
You must use size 12 font Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, 1-inch margins and 1-inch
top/bottom margins. Tables can be single-spaced and the font size should not be smaller
than 8pt; and tables must be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals. Any
illustrations used must be very clear and easy to understand.
Reference Guidelines:
Citation in text: Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the
ference list (and vice versa). Unpublished results and personal communications are not
recommended in the reference list.
Web references: As a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the
was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates,
reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given.
You must provide full references to sources used in your assignment. You are
recommended to use the Harvard referencing system detailed at:
Submissions guidelines:
Your assignment must be submitted electronically via the Dropbox on MyLO. The
electronic copy should be lodged via MyLO no later than 11:59 pm on Monday 2 nd
October, 2017. ONLY ONE submission is allowed.
The submitted filename must specific your surname and your student ID, for example
“Surname_Student ID”.
If you have problems submitting your assignment, you MUST contact your lecturer
immediately explaining the situation by email AND attach your assignment in the email
before the due time. In your email, you must clearly identify in the title of your email that
you experiencing a problem in BEA705. In the body of the email, explain the specific
The late assessment, Extension Policy and Academic Misconduct policy applies. Please refer
to these policies in the Unit Outline.
BEA705 Financial Institutions and Markets 代写