代写Industry Research Project MNG93003
代写Industry Research Project MNG93003
Industry Research Project
Week 1
What is Industry Research?
Natalie Herold
Today’s lecture
• Overview of the unit
• Teaching team
• Assessments
• Learning structure & learning management
• What is (industry) research?
• Tasks for the next workshop Aim of unit – You be the consultant!
The unit allows a student to complete a substanQal
independently directed industry project using evidence-based
research and present a well documented business report in a
form suitable for presenta6on to a business board or
industry panel.
• Gold Coast Tutorials (face-to-face)
! Fridays 3-5 pm AEDT (2-4 pm AEST)
! room B7.27
Natalie Herold • Online Lectures
! for all students
! Mondays 5-6 pm AEDT (4-5 pm AEST) Teaching team (con6nued)
Dr Jakob Trischler Online Tutorials for Distance
Educa6on students
! Tuesdays 6-8 pm AEDT (5-7 pm
! online (Blackboard Collaborate)
Chrys Gunasekara SCU Sydney tutorials
! Face-to-face tutorials
! Fridays 12-3 pm AEDT
! Lismore room
John Hopwood SCU Melbourne
! Please contact John by email for
more details
(john.hopwood@scu.edu.au) Teaching team (con6nued)
Dr Genevieve
The Hotel School Sydney tutorials
! Online (Blackboard Collaborate) in weeks
1, 2, 3, 5,6,8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
! Face-to-face in weeks 4 and 7
! For more details please contact by email
Dr Alana Harris
The Hotel School Melbourne tutorials
! face-to-face
! Mondays 2-3.30 pm AEDT
! Room 3.12
Dr Farai Manwa
• AddiQonal support (if required) for
accounQng and finance research projects
• ! for all students (only if referred to by
primary tutor)
• Short wriEen response
Week 3 – date: Sunday 27 November, 11:00pm
500 words
• Research proposal (presentaQon recorded through Blackboard
Week 6 – date: Sunday 18 December, 11:00pm
max 15 minutes
• Research Report
Week 13 – Sunday 5 February, 11:00pm
7000-7,500 words
50% This unit…
Learning Structure
• 1 hr Collaborate lecture
– Sundays, 5pm-6pm AEST
• 2 hr tutorial & consulta6on 6me
– Check last slide for tutorial Qmes at your locaQon
– Par6cipa6on is essen6al and expected!
– CombinaQon of interacQve online tutorial and consultaQon
Qme to discuss the progress of your research projects
Independent study with support by your tutor
(know who your tutor is!) Learning Management
Independent Work
– Self-directed!!! ! Tutor is a GPS device – we are here to let you
know when you are off track – but you have to do the driving
– You will have to research and conduct a literature review! You
will have to know:
• how to access the databases in the library
• how to sit for hours and read / review / take notes / read
代写Industry Research Project MNG93003
We cannot do this for you!
Use of Readings and Unit Resources
– It is very unlikely that there are any unit materials that you will
reference in your report.
– The readings are there to help you develop a template / tools
for your research project Learning Management
• Par6cipa6on in tutorials is essen6al and the foundaQon for
progress in this unit
• Communica6on:
– Your tutor is your primary project-related contact!
– Use Discussion Board to post your quesQons!
• A challenging aspect of this unit is working with an external
organisaQon (and with respect to ethical clearance*) Advice for the unit
• Choose a project in your discipline!
• Amend tutorials!
• ‘Complexity is a killer’ – keep the following things simple:
– Scope of your research
– Research design (how you go about collecQng data)
– Your language and use of jargon (write with your audience in mind, they are pracQQoners, not
• Time… Time… Time… - it is not on your side!
– In 13 weeks you need to deliver a big research project. You need to dedicate many hours per
week, every week, towards your project (remember it is a double weighted unit).
• Ask for Help Ooen / Listen to response well!
– We are here to help, we want everyone to succeed… when we give informed advice we
appreciate it if such advice is integrated into a project / plan
– Only speak to 1 person (your tutor) about your project!
• Keep it Real!
– You are doing industry research to improve an organisaQon or understand a sector… Don’t get
too academic with your argument – but also don’t disregard good theories Textbook(s) – all as ebooks through
SCU library!
Hair, JF, Celsi, M, Money, A, Samouel, P & Page, M
2016, Essen<als of Business Research Methods, 3rd
edn, Taylor and Francis, New York.
ebook available at:
Hardcopy available through the Coop bookshop
www.coop.com.au Textbook(s) – all as ebooks through
SCU library!
Crowther, D & Lancaster, H 2008, Research Methods; a
concise introduc<on to research in management and
business consultancy, 2nd edn, Elsevier, Oxford.
ebook available at:
Hardcopy available through the Coop bookshop
www.coop.com.au Textbook(s) – all as ebooks through
SCU library!
Yin, R 2011, Qualita<ve Research from Start to Finish,
Guildford Press, New York.
ebook available at: hmp://scu.eblib.com.au.ezproxy.scu.edu.au/
Hardcopy available through the Coop bookshop
www.coop.com.au Today’s lecture
– What is industry research
– Ideate on a project! What is research? What is research?
Research is a process of invesQgaQon that
adopts previously used approaches to develop
new understandings knowledge
The objec<ve of academic research, whether by
sociologists, poli<cal scien<sts, or anthropologists, is to try
and find answers to theore<cal ques<ons within their
respec<ve fields. In contrast, the objec<ve of applied social
research is to use data so that decisions can be made.
- Herbert J. Rubin, Applied Social Research, p6-7
What is research
• Study guide:
fundamentally, all research aims to improve outcomes
through developing knowledge and ac<ons to
address problems.
• Two types of research: Social & Applied
For the academy For the Industry/Company What is research in the context of a
business or organisaQon?
Resource-based view of the firm
Barney (1991) & Peteraf (1993)
• A firm is a collecQon of
resources. The resources have
the potenQal to create
sustainable compeQQve
advantage if they are a) valuable,
b) rare, c) hard to copy, d)
Grant (1996)
• Human producQvity is knowledge
dependant; thus the knowledge
held or created by a firm is a
major source of their
compe66ve advantage But truly… what is research about
! Undertaking an invesQgaQon to:
• Develop new knowledge
• For the purpose of solving problems or
improving outcomes
• While adhering to established pracQces and
Processes for undertaking research Evidence based research What is evidence-based?
What is evidence-based research
DefiniQon from your study guide:
• It replicates, in part or in whole, previously used/validated research
approaches or studies
• Is embedded in, linked to, and references a research discipline
(such as the management or finance discipline) and seminal, peer-
reviewed research within that discipline
• CriQcally evaluates the use of research tools, design and analysis
procedures to ensure that the research conclusions are derived
• Produces results and conclusions that are jus6fiable and
defendable in front of peers, business managers alike and other
Processes for undertaking research Deciding on a research project
Organisa6onal and/or
staff performance
(most common approach)
Feasibility study /
Business plan
(mostly for new ventures or
business expansion)
Process gap analysis
(process evaluaQons) Deciding on a research conQnued
What is the problem? Find a real world problem to solve! Important points to consider when
deciding upon your research topic
• Try to sQck with your academic discipline
• Access to a company/organisaQon
• Ideally your current or a previous employer/your own
• AlternaQvely, a community group you’re involved with
• AlternaQvely, a friend’s/family member’s business
• What is/was the most pressing problem in my company?
• What do I need to know to make my own company more
successful? (self-employed) Other things to consider when
deciding upon your research topic…
the next steps
• What have other people done (literature review)?
• What is the standard in my industry/ discipline?
• What knowledge do I need to improve the situaQon?
• What is the most effecQve way to collect such knowledge?
• How can I be sure that the conclusions I come up with are valid and
unbiased? Check out some research that is out
McKinsey&Company hmp://www.mckinsey.com/insights
Boston Consultancy Group hmp://www.bcg.com
PriceWaterhouseCoopers hmp://www.pwc.com
EY hmp://www.ey.com
KPMG hmp://www.kpmg.com
This week’s task – Prepare for tutorials
Think of
• a partner organisaQon for your project
• a specific, real-life problem this organisaQon is
faced with
• All ideally within the discipline of the degree
you are enrolled in
Distance Educa6on students
See you @ the first online tutorial with Jakob
This Tuesday 6 – 8 pm AEDST (5 – 7 pm AEST)
Blackboard Collaborate
Gold Coast students
See you @ the first face-to-face tutorial with Suman
This Friday, 3 - 5 pm AEDST (2 – 4 pm AEST)
Room B.7.27
SCU Sydney students
See you @ the first face-to-face tutorial with Chrys
This Friday, 12 – 3 pm
Lismore Room SCU Melbourne students
contact john.hopwood@scu.edu.au for more details
代写Industry Research Project MNG93003