Essay格式:Guide to In-text Citation and Referencing

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    Guide to In-text Citation and Referencing
    1)  If you are paraphrasing from any source in which the author’s name is given,
    you must mention the author’s surname, date of publication and the page
    For example: 
    Chase (1979:204) reported that…
    According to Henderson and King (1987:176),…
    2)  If you are summarising the overall idea of a book or article, you just have
    mention the author’s surname and date of publication. The page number is not
    For Example:
    The study concluded that there was no clear link between obesity and genetics (Smith,
    3)  If you are citing from a source written by more than two authors, rather than
    writing the name of every author, use the name of the first author followed by et
    al, which means and others.
    For example:
    Jones et al (2001) explained that…
    4)  If you are using an authoritative source but there is no author, you should cite the
    name of the organisation in the text.
    For example:
    A report published by the BBC (2004) indicated that…
    There has been a slight increase in the number of homeless children in developed countries
    in the last 10 years (UNESCO, 2008).
    5)  If you are giving exact quotations, you should identify the page numbers on
    which the quotations can be found.
    For example: 
    Black (2007:143) claims that, ‘……………………………..’
    6)  If the quotation is 3 lines of longer, you should indent the whole quotation.
    For example: 
    The presence of ghrelin added weight to the argument: 
    Made in the stomach, ghrelin levels rise when people are hungry and wane after a meal.
    People who get injections of the hormone gorge themselves, while those suffering from a
    rare disease that keeps ghrelin levels unusually high tend to be obese overeaters
    (Callaway, 2008:129).
    7)  If you are referring to the work of an author who is cited in someone else’s work,
    you must mention both authors.
    For example: 
    O’Neill (2000, cited in Bell, 2003:64) discovered that…
    * Please note that only the author of the book/journal that you read should be included
    in the reference list. In this example, only Bell would be in the reference list.
    Comment [KHEI1]: Please note that et
    al should be in italics 
    The way you reference the information that you cite depends much on the type of source
    that you use. Here are some examples.
    1.  BOOK
    Book: Single author 
    Author. Date. Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher.
    Chase, J.A. (1979). Advertising: the hits and myths. New York: Doubleday.
    Book: Multiple authors
    Authors. Date. Title. Place: Publisher.
    Henderson, R.S. and King, P.Q. (1987). The tenets of moral philosophy. New York: Van
    Book: Chapter from an edited book with different contributors 
    Author. Date. Title: subtitle of the chapter. In Editors of book (Eds.), Title of book. (page
    reference). Place: Publisher.
    Andrews, R.A. (1989). Language. In K. Smith (Ed.), Variety of memory & consciousness.
    (pp 252-267). London: Penguin. 
    Book: No author
    Title. Date. Place: Publisher.
    Oxford English Dictionary. (2003). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 
    2.  ARTICLES
    Article: Journal has a volume number and an issue number 
    Author. Date. Title of article. Title of journal, volume (and issue) number, page reference.
    Kruger, J.P. (1988). Sexism in advertising. Communicare, 7(2), 12-15.
    Article: Newspaper - Author (name of reporter/author is known)
    Author. Date, including month & day. Title of article. Title of newspaper, page reference.
    Stewart, M.T. (1988, May 17th
    ). Privatisation in the dock. The Guardian, p.12. 
    Article: Newspaper - anonymous (no name of reporter/author)
    Title of article. Date, including month & day. Title of newspaper, page reference.
    New drug appears to sharply cut the risk of death from heart failure. (1993, July 30th)
    The Washington Post, p. 4.
    Comment [KHEI2]: Please note that
    this should be author of the chapter and not
    the editor of the book 
    3.  INTERNET
    Author. Date (created/last updated). Title of website. Date you retrieved the information.
    Full web address
    Brown, K. (2005). Teaching and Learning. Retrieved March 6th
    , 2006 from:
    Article: Internet anonymous - (no name of reporter/author)
    Title of Website Organisation. Date (created/last updated). Title of article. Date you
    retrieved the information. Full web address
    Home Office (2010). Clever fakes found at Heathrow. Retrieved September 15th, 2010
    4.  Conference Papers
    Author. Date Title of paper. Title of conference (in italics). Location and date of
    conference. Place of Publication: Publisher. Page references.
    Edwards, G. (2008) Poverty in developed nations, Tackling social problems in the
    developed world: The 12th
     Annual UK Social Policy Conference. University of Leeds 12-
    14 October. Cambridge: The Cambridge Institute for Social Development, 56-67.
    Don’t forget that your final reference list MUST be in alphabetical order, with the author’s
    SURNAME followed by the initial(s) of the first name. If you are unsure about which name is the
    surname, remember that it will come after the first name in the publication.
    For example:
    Dogancay, S. (2005). Intercultural communication in English language teacher
    education. English Language Teaching Journal, 59(2), 28-36.
    Home Office (2010). Clever fakes found at Heathrow. Retrieved September 15th,
    2010 from:
    Li, Y. (2006). Chinese learners as seen from the perspective of a visiting
    Chinese lecturer. The East Asian Learner, 2(2), pp109-117
    Rao, Z. (2001). Matching teaching styles with learning styles in East Asian
    contexts. The Internet TESL Journal, 7/7. Retrieved May 19th
    , 2008 from:
    Smith, M. and Casey, G. (1990). A study skills handbook. Oxford: Oxford
    University Press.
    Swan, B., Bell, M. and Watson, S. (2001). Learner English. Cambridge:
    Cambridge University Press.
    Comment [KHEI3]: Please not that this
    is a journal. The journal title is in italics but
    the article title is not.
    Comment [KHEI4]: Please note that
    this is an internet article. The article title is
    in italics
    Comment [KHEI5]: Please note that
    this is an e-journal and not available in
    print. This is why the URL is necessary
    Comment [KHEI6]: Please note that
    this is a book so the book title is in italics