BEA111: Principles of Economics 代写
BEA111: Principles of Economics 代写
BEA111: Principles of Economics 1
Essay Instructions
Much of what we study in this unit drives everyday economic behaviour. The concepts and
theories we study go a long way in explaining complex, real-world events. These two
writing assignments are designed to get you to apply the economics you learn in this unit.
The first essay requires you to use economics to explain and analyse an event reported in a
newspaper or magazine. Reading the popular press (magazines and newspaper etc.) like an
economist will help illustrate the scope of economic reasoning. The second essay requires
you to use economics to analyse market failures and evaluate proposed solutions. The
essays are also intended to introduce you to writing in economics.
Essay #1: The first essay is structured around supply and demand analysis. Find a recent
article in a newspaper, magazine, or online news site that discusses an event that can be
explained with demand and supply analysis. The article should be no older than six months.
The essay should be around 500 words.
1. Very briefly summarize the article – attach the article to your essay.
2. Carefully draw a supply and demand model. Carefully label all parts of the diagram.
3. Define the market that the supply and demand model represents. This includes
precisely defining the good or service and the structure of the market. Be precise!
4. Using a supply and demand diagram, provide an explanation of the event described
in the article. Illustrate all changes to supply and/or demand in your diagram.
Importantly, you must provide economic arguments for the changes illustrated in
the diagram. For example, if the demand or supply curve shifts you must carefully
explain the cause of the shifts using economic arguments.
5. Explain the new equilibrium.
Essay #2 : The images below illustrate two important real world problems. Choose (1) one
of the two images. For the image you choose write a brief essay which addresses each of
the following:
1. Identify the real world problem depicted in the image and provide a brief overview
of its importance
2. Identify and carefully outline the economic explanation for why the real world
problem occurs
3. Identify (2) two policies that the government can use to address the economic
problem that you have identified and explain how they would each work. Use
appropriate diagrams to support your economic arguments.
Your answer should be in the form of a short essay, using the three tasks above as
subheadings. Write your essay as an applied economist, not as a journalist or advocate.
Your essay should be based on sound economic thinking and supported by analysis. Avoid
using emotive or judgmental language. Your essay should provide clear and concise
coverage of the policy related issue. It should be written using clear and economical
language, have a logical structure and engage the reader. Check your essay carefully for
spelling and grammatical errors.
Image #1
Image #2
Lectures and Tutorials:
We will carefully work through examples illustrating how to write the essays. There will be
plenty of opportunities for students to seek advice in the lectures and tutorials.
First Essay is due Friday, April 8 before 4:00pm.
Second Essay is due Friday, May 6 before 4:00pm.
The essays will be submitted via Dropbox. Details will be provided prior to the submission
deadline. Please note that all essays will be analysed for plagiarism using detection
software. Please read the unit outline concerning plagiarism.
Each essay is worth 10 percent of you final mark. A precise assessment rubric for each essay
can be found on MyLo.
BEA111 Principles of Economics 1 - Assessment Rubric for Short Essay#1
10–8 (High Distinction) 7 (Distinction) 6 (Credit) 5 (Pass) 0-4 (Fail) Weight
Summarize the article
Real world event correctly
and clearly identified.
Real world event correctly
Real world event correctly
identified with some
Real world event correctly
identified with major
Real world event incorrectly
10 percent
Identify and explain the
economics of the event
Economics of the event are
correctly and clearly
Correct and comprehensive
application of economics to
explain real world problem.
Economics terminology
used correctly throughout.
Economics of the event are
correctly and clearly
Correct application of
economics to explain real
world problem.
A minor error in economics
terminology present.
Economics of the event are
correctly identified.
Largely correct application
of economics to explain real
world problem.
Several minor errors in
economics terminology
Economics of the event are
correctly identified.
Limited or confused
application of economics to
explain real world problem.
Many errors in economics
terminology present.
Economics of the event are
incorrectly identified.
Incorrect application of
economics to explain real
world problem.
Significant errors
demonstrating no
understanding or no attempt
to use economics
40 percent
Correct supply and
demand diagram
Diagram provided and
changes illustrated with no
errors logic.
Changes were effectively
supported in the essay.
Diagram provided and
changes illustrated with no
errors in logic.
Changes were supported in
the essay.
Diagram provided, but
changes illustrated with
minor errors in logic.
Changes were supported in
the essay
Diagram provided, but
changes illustrated with
major errors in logic.
Changes were supported in
the essay
No diagram provided or not
discussed in the essay.
30 percent
Communicate economic
thinking clearly in a
written report
Paper logically organised
and written in a style that
engages reader.
Free of grammatical,
spelling and punctuation
Paper logically organised.
Essentially free of
grammatical, spelling or
punctuation errors.
Paper does not always flow
in a logical manner,
however an attempt at a
logical argument is
Grammar, spelling and
punctuation generally
Paper shows some attempt
to organise in a logical
manner, but often
Grammatical, spelling and
punctuation errors are
Paper is disorganised and/or
Many grammatical, spelling
and punctuation errors.
20 percent
BEA111 Principles of Economics 1 - Assessment Rubric for Short Essay#2
10–8 (High Distinction) 7 (Distinction) 6 (Credit) 5 (Pass) 0-4 (Fail) Weight
Describe the real world
problem depicted in the
Real world problem
correctly and clearly
Extent/importance of
problem effectively
supported with evidence.
Real world problem
correctly identified.
Extent/importance of
problem supported with
Real world problem
correctly identified.
Extent/importance of
problem not supported with
Real world problem
correctly identified.
Extent/importance of
problem not addressed.
Real world problem
incorrectly identified.
Extent/importance of
problem not established.
10 percent
Identify and explain
economics behind real
world problem
Economic issue correctly
and clearly identified.
Correct and comprehensive
application of economics to
explain real world problem.
Economics terminology
used correctly throughout.
Economic issue correctly
and clearly identified.
Correct application of
economics to explain real
world problem.
A minor error in economics
terminology present.
Economic issue correctly
Largely correct application
of economics to explain real
world problem.
Several minor errors in
economics terminology
Economic issue correctly
Limited or confused
application of economics to
explain real world problem.
Many errors in economics
terminology present.
Economic issue incorrectly
Incorrect application of
economics to explain real
world problem.
Significant errors
demonstrating no
understanding or no attempt
to use economics
30 percent
Identify and explain first
policy to address economic
Policy clearly and concisely
explained, and its
application to the issue
discussed correctly.
Policy introduced, and
connections between the
policy and the issue have
been identified.
Policy introduced, and a
limited description of the
policy’s relevance to the
situation is provided
Policy provided, but no
explanation of the policy’s
relevance to situation is
No relevant policy provided. 20 percent
Identify and explain
second policy to address
economic issue
Policy clearly and concisely
explained, and its
application to the issue
discussed correctly.
Policy introduced, and
connections between the
policy and the situation have
been identified.
Policy introduced, and a
limited description of the
policy’s relevance to the
situation is provided
Policy provided, but no
explanation of the policy’s
relevance to situation is
No relevant policy provided. 20 percent
Communicate economic
thinking clearly in a
written report
Paper logically organised
and written in a style that
engages reader.
Free of grammatical,
spelling and punctuation
Paper logically organised.
Essentially free of
grammatical, spelling or
punctuation errors.
Paper does not always flow
in a logical manner,
however an attempt at a
logical argument is
Grammar, spelling and
BEA111: Principles of Economics 代写
punctuation generally
Paper shows some attempt
to organise in a logical
manner, but often
Grammatical, spelling and
punctuation errors are
Paper is disorganised and/or
Many grammatical, spelling
and punctuation errors.
20 percent
BEA111: Principles of Economics 代写