MIS171Business Analytics DATASET - Cleveland 代写

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  • MIS171Business Analytics DATASET - Cleveland 代写

    MIS171Business Analytics
    Assignment One
    T2 2017
     MIS171Business Analytics DATASET - Cleveland 代写
    Marks:           20%
    DueDate:               5 pm, Thursday 17August 2017(Thursday of the inter-trimester break Week)
    Please submit theelectronic copy to the portal and the print copy to your lecturer’s locker (Burwoodstudents: Level4,Buildingla).
    This isan individual assignment, which requires youtoanalyseadataset,interpretthe results andthen reportyourfindings toa personwith little orno knowledgeof statistical dataanalysis.
    Theassignmentusesthefile“Assignment 1 and 2 DATASET - Cleveland.xlsx”whichcanbedownloadedfromtheMIS171section in Moodle (in the Deakin CollegePortal).
    Cleveland Corp.isanAmericancar partsmanufacturer with a factory in Adelaidewhich employs2,000people.The companywishestostudy itsfull‐timeworkforcebydeveloping an employeeprofilethatmeasuresfactorssuchassalary,jobsatisfaction, andcareerprogress.
    Youwillbeplayingtherole ofJohn Smith,aSenior Analystatthecompany.Seniormanagement of Cleveland Corphasaskedyoutoconducta survey oftheiremployees.Youdecidetotakea randomsample of450staffandconductthesurveyviacompanyinternalmail.The results are saved in the data set “Assignment 1 and 2 DATASET- Cleveland.xlsx”.
    George Tim,HumanResourcesManager atCleveland,haswrittentoyouregardingtheCleveland employee survey.Hisletter to youis reproduced below.

    For Attention:                       John Smith, Senior Analyst                                                9/8/2017
    From:                        Tim George, Human Resources Manager
    Regarding:              Analysis of employee survey
    RegardingtherecentlycollecteddatafromtheClevelandCorp’s employeesurvey,pleaseprovidemewith answerstothefollowingquestions.Yourresponseswillassistourdepartmentinconstructingthe employeeprofilerequiredbyseniormanagement.
    1.         Pleaseprovideanoverallsummaryofemployees’ salaries.
    2.         Please provide an estimate of the proportion of employees who are “Moderately satisfied” or“Very satisfied”with their job at Cleveland Corp.
    3.         Senior management isalsointerestedinhowsalary isrelatedtogender.Does thereappeartobeanyrelationshipbetweenanemployee’ssalaryandtheir gender?
    4.         Canyoupleaseprovidean overall summaryof how Cleveland Corp employees rated their relations with the management?
    5.         Senior managementisinterestedinwhichnumerical variables,ifany,seemtoinfluencean employee’s salary.Please provide a summaryof these relationships if any.
    Please present your written findings in a report(no more than two pages), with an appendix (no more than eight pages) containing the results of your analysis, by no later than 5.00pm on Thursday 17 August 2017.
    Tim George

    Part1: DataAnalysis
    Toprepareareplytothe manager’s letter, youwillneedtouse Excel to analysethedata set“Assignment 1 and 2 DATASET - Cleveland.xlsx”thoroughly.
    Youwillneed to applytechniquesyou have learned during lectures and tutorials inWeeks 1 to 4 such as:
    ·         tables
    ·         graphs, and
    ·         summarymeasures.
    You DO NOT need to perform any additional analysis other than what you have learned in weeks 1, 2,3 and 4!
    Please use the worksheets ‘Q1’ through ‘Q5’ to work on each question. You mayinitially producemoreExcel output thanyou need,so you will only need to copy and paste the relevant output from these worksheets to the ‘Results’ worksheet. Keep in mind the page limit of 8printed pages for the analysis AND that the presentation of the results will be marked too!
    The managerhasaskedfora numberof taskstobedone.Thefollowingguidelinesforeachquestionshouldbefollowed:
    1.       Pleaseprovideanoverallsummaryofemployees’ salaries.
    You will need to use numerical analysis methods to summariseoverall salaries. In the report, you will also need to write aboutaverages, variability etc. as presented in the examples in the relevant lecture and tutorial.
    1. Please provide an estimate of the proportion of employees’ job satisfaction(that is,who are“Moderately satisfied” or “Very satisfied”with their job)at Cleveland.
    You will need to use categorical variable analysis methods to provide this estimate. In the report, you will also need tostate the estimate and discuss the limitations of this type of estimate.
    1. Senior management isalsointerestedinhowsalary isrelatedto gender.Does thereappeartobeanyrelationshipbetweenanemployee’ssalary and their gender?
    You will need to focus on whether there is a difference or not. If yes, make sure you describe them. If not, you should explain why you think there is no difference.
    1. Can you please provide an overall summary of how Cleveland Corp employees rated their relations with the management?
    You will need to use categorical analysis methods to summarisethe variable. In the report you also need to briefly describe your findings. Examples can be found in the relevant lecture and tutorial.
    1. Senior management is interested in which numerical variables seem to influence an employee’s salary. Please provide a summary of these relationships if any.
    Once more you will need to use techniques for the analysis of two variables. You will need to analysesix (6) numerical relationships. In each case, the type of the relationship – if there is one – and its direction and strength are of interest.Make sure you comment on what you find in each case.

    ·         Beforedoinganyanalysis,classifyall yourvariables aseither numericalorcategorical.The techniquesyouwillusedependon thetypeofdatayouhave.
    ·         As mentioned above, theanalysis section(Part 1) yousubmitshouldbenomorethan8pagesofcomputeroutput.Youmightproducemuchmorethanthisinitially,butyoushouldtrimit downtoonlyshowthemostrelevantresults.
    ·         Whensatisfied,you should copy-and-pasteyouranalysisoutputintoaWorddocument.
    ·         Youranalysisshouldbepresentedinthesamesequenceas themanager’s questions,andeverything should be clearlylabelledandgroupedaroundeachquestion.
    ·         Also, make sure, there are no table or graph “breaks” across two pages.
    ·         Poorly presented or unorganised analysis or excessive output (more than 8 pages) will be penalised.
    ·         Save your computer analysis frequently (every 10 to 15 minutes).
    Part2: Report (that is,yourreply to the Manager’s letter)
    Write a letter tothe manager, explainingessentialinformationandconclusionsfromyour data analysis.Youareallowednomorethantwopagestoconveyyourwrittenfindings.
    ·         KeeptheEnglishsimpleandtheexplanationsbrief.
    ·         Avoidtheuseoftechnical statisticalterminology.Yourreader will not necessarily understand evensimplestatisticalterms,thusyourtaskis toexplainyouranalysis usingplain, understandable language.
    ·         Thereportistobewrittenasa standalonedocument(that is, assumefor the scenario that the managerwillonlyreadyour report, andnotlookatyouranalysisoutput).Thus,youshouldnothaveanydirectreferencesto youranalysisinyourreport.
    ·         Whenwritingyourreply,makesurethatyouactually provide the information the manager requested in herletter to you. That is, answer the manager’s questions.
    ·         Donotincludecomputeroutputtablesandchartsin yourresponsereport.
    ·         Numberyouranswersinyourreport1,2a, …etc.,tomatchthesequenceof the manager’s requests.
    ·         Includeanintroduction atthestartofthereportandasummary/conclusionattheend.
    ·         Markswillbedeductedfortheuseoftechnicalterms,poorgrammar,awkwardsentencestructure,poorspelling andpunctuation,irrelevantmaterial,poorpresentation/organisationandlettersthatareovertwo (2) pageslong.

    Assignment ChecklistBEFORE YOU FINISH:            
    Part 1 (Data Analysis)
    1.       Have you applied the correct analysis techniques?
    2.       Is the analysis in the same order as the manager’s requests?
    3.       Is every table and every graph clearly labelled?
    4.       Are there tables or graphs that are broken across 2 pages?
    (If yes, make sure you change that!)
    5.       Is the analysis output no more than 8 pages long?
    Part 2 (Report)
    1.       Is your report written in simple English?
    2.       Is it free of grammar and spelling mistakes?
    3.       Is it free of technical language?
    4.       Is it free of Excel output (tables, graphs)?
    5.       Are the answers numbered and in the same order as the manager’s requests?
    6.       Is thereport no more than 2 pages long?
    Assignment submission:
    Your submission will comprise two (2) parts:
    ·         Part 1:Data Analysis (max. 8 pages)
    ·         Part 2 : Report (max. 2 pages).
    Both parts may be contained in a single file, but their content must be separated. That is, you will submit one MS-Word document only. This MS-Word document will have two parts. Failure to separate Part 1 and Part 2 will be penalised. Furthermore, marks will be deducted for each part where the page limit is exceeded.
    The Assignment must be submitted both,
                i.            electronically and
              ii.            in print format by the due date.
    o   10% of available marks will be deducted if the assignment is only submitted in one format.
    Electronic submission:
    There will be a link in Moodle under Week 6 labelled “Assignment 1 Online Submission”.
    Print copy submission:
    1)      Your print copy assignment submission must be identical to your electronic submission!
    Differences will be penalised.
    2)      You must complete the Deakin College Assignment Cover Sheet (Deakin College Student Portal: Student -> Forms -> Forms).
    3)      The completed Assignment Cover Sheets must be stapled together with the print copy. Loose paper is not acceptable. Your lecturer assumes no responsibility for lost pages!
    4)      The print copy must be placed in your lecturer’s locker.
    (For Burwood students: level 4, building LA. Assignments will not be accepted at Deakin College Reception).
    Students must maintain backup copies of all their assignment work. Electronic loss of data is common but is NOT a satisfactory excuse for an extension of the submission date.
     MIS171Business Analytics DATASET - Cleveland 代写
    Checking before your SUBMISSION:
    1.       Are the files identical with the printed assignment?
    2.       Have you completed the Deakin College Assignment Cover Sheet (Deakin College Portal: Students -> Forms -> Forms -> Assignment Cover Sheet.pdf)?
    3.       Is the entire assignment, with the completed cover sheet(s) on top, stapled together?
    4.       Did you submit your files online in the Deakin College portal using the link “Assignment 1 Submission “under Week 6 and an identical print copy to your lecturer’s locker?
    Late submission of assignments:
    Extension for medical reasons
    If your work is late due to medical reasons, you will not need to seek the prior approval from your lecturer. However, you must attach a Doctor’s certificate to your assignment with a note that the work is late for medical reasons.
    Please note that, in these circumstances, the medical certificate must cover the entire period of the extension, from the time the assignment was due until the time it is submitted.
    Penalties for late submissions
    Assignments received late and without prior approval, will be penalised. A penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted for every day the assignment is late. Assignments received after one (1) calendar week and without an approved extension, will not be accepted, and therefore considered not submitted.
     MIS171Business Analytics DATASET - Cleveland 代写