代写ACG102 Design & Typography

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  • 代写ACG102 Design & Typography
    ACG102 Design & Typography
    Students complete the following assessment tasks by the prescribed deadlines. Based on contemporary 
    typography and publishing tasks these 3 assessments are 
    designed to build the cornerstone of individual knowledge 
    and develop fundamental skills within both an industry 
    led and academic environment.
    1)  Digital Type Aerobics    D u e : 
    Week 4    Weight: 30%
    3 x 10% assessment tasks
      Assessment 1 requires students to complete a series of knowledge and skill building  
      exercises in 3 parts over 4 weeks. This sees the practical application of rudimentary  
      software actions; as well as demonstration of fundamental contextual knowledge of  
    discipline specifc type anatomy and type history.
    2)  Publication Layout       Due: Week 7    Weight: 30%
    In Assessment 2 students address an industry standard publication brief. Students are 
    provided with 1 text article and range of images and will creatively resolve and meet the 
    specifcations of an industry led brief. This involves the practice and command of formal
    type qualities such as type and font selection, readability and legibility and scale and size 
    considerations. Additionally page layout and widows and orphans will be addressed as well 
    as considerations of page fow, navigation and image tone and presentation.
    3)  Community Type Critique     Due: Week 11   Weight: 40%
      Assessment 3 offers the opportunity to design for screen based environments. Students  
      visually document 4 examples/applications of typography in the community.  This may 
    be chosen from anywhere such as street or building signage, publication, flm, letter
    boxes, buildings, packaging, engineering or way fnding devices etc. From this visual
    documentation students develop a 1000wd critique using discipline specifc language.
      Students take their written critique and 4 photographs and develop a screen based   
      presentation over at least 5 pages.Page 3
    Assignment 1)  Digital Type Aerobics
          Time line   - Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4
          Deadline   - Week 4 (Sunday 11:59pm)
        Weighting   - 30%
          Deliverable  - 2 x PDF to Cloud Deakin drop box
              - 1 x online activity quiz
                PDFs are to be titled correctly:
    First Name_Last Name_ACG102_A1 task a.pdf  
    First Name_Last Name ACG102_A1 task c.pdf
    Assessment 1 requires students to complete a series of knowledge and skill building exercises in 3
    parts over 4 weeks. The 3 tasks require demonstration of fundamental contextual knowledge of type
    anatomy and type history.  The assessment provides the practical application of rudimentary software 
    actions within an industry based software environment. 
      Task a) 10% - Produce a 2 colour text based poster diagrammatically identifying
    at least 10 parts of a type character.
      Task b) 10% - Complete the typeface anatomy quiz online at Cloud Deakin
      Task c) 10% - Design and produce a 2 colour poster on one of
        the following: the typeface Garamond, or Bodoni, or the typeface Trajan    
    from Carol Twombly or Avenir from Adrian Frutiger
    - Develop fundamental knowledge of the history of typography and communication design
    - Develop practical digital literacy skills by the transmission of ideas and solutions negotiated     
      through project based scenarios.
    - Develop skills and knowledge of using communication design visual and theoretical 
      principles to communicate effectively through the print based medium. 
    - To identify and apply appropriate research methodologies.
    - Enhance self-directed learning, with attention to research, conceptual analysis, detail & deadlinesPage 4
    Weekly Schedule for Assignment 1
    Week 1:  Introduction to the unit, guides & assessments
    Context & Content
     - Typography
     - Digital Publishing
     - Software - InDesign
    Introduction to Assignment Task 1
    Refer to Cloud Deakin week 1 resources
    Week 2: Explore the parts of the letter
    - Demonstrate InDesign task 1
    Assignment Task 2 to complete online
    Refer to Cloud Deakin week 2 resources
    Week 3 Expand on History of Type
    - Provide exemplars for Task 3
    Demonstrate InDesign Task 3
    Refer to Cloud Deakin week 3 resources
    Week 4: Finalise and present Assignment 1 task 1 & 3 posters
    - Discuss submission of Assignment 1 tasks 
    Submit to drop box. Page 5
    Assignment 1: Task  A
    Digital Type Aerobics: Task A) 10%
    Produce an A4 2 colour text based poster diagrammatically identifying at least 10 parts of a type
      We read, see and scan some form of type everyday. Type is a powerful communication tool 
    and by choosing the right typeface, body text and display faces, we can suggest certain moods,
    emotions or tone. When type is misused people notice, such as using a child like typeface in a 
    marketing presentation or a script font in legal proceedings. This task introduces you to typeface 
    anatomy and the type glossary which will help you break down the barriers to understanding the 
    fundamentals of type and type selection.
    A good trades person understands exactly how to use all the tools and materials they have
    at their disposal in order to produce the best result. This is the same for designers, it is important to 
    have a good working knowledge of letter forms and their properties so that designers can efectively 
    communicate in an increasingly cluttered world.
    Anatomy of a Typeface
      Terminology used for diferent parts of a type character is extensive, and it is important that
    you are aware of the commonly used terms:
    Typeface anatomy retrieved from http://www.thinkingwithtype.com/contents/letter/ on 10th Feb 2015Page 6Page 7
    You are required to use the word hamburger or conviviality and design and produce a 1 x
    A4 2 colour text based poster that correctly identifes at least 10 parts of a typeface anatomy. Refer to
    the lecture resources in Week 1 & Week 2 to complete this task. Print out your A4 poster for Week 4
    class. Submit it online Week 4.
    See the expected outcome of the task below: Page 8
    Assignment 1: Task  B
    Digital Type Aerobics: Task b) 10%
    Prior to week 4 students will complete the Assignment 1 Task b Activity on Cloud Deakin. This
    interactive quiz has 10 questions, each worth 1 point for a correct answer, no points for incorrect
    answers. The answers require a one word response that relate to the terminology of type anatomy.
    You get one chance at this quiz.
    Example Question:
     What is the correct terminology for the blue highlighted part of a letter? 
    Answer Required: 
     Page 9
    Assignment 1: Task  C
    Digital Type Aerobics: Task c) 10%
    Design and produce a 2 colour presentation poster based on one of the following typefaces: 
    Garamond, Bodoni, Trajan from Carol Twombly or Avenir from Adrian Frutiger.
      The typefaces we access each day on our computers and in our font lists often have a rich 
    and varied history we know nothing about. This assessment requires students to select one of the
    following a) Garamond, b) Bodoni, c) the typeface Trajan from Carol Twombly or d) Avenir from Adrian
    Frutiger. Make your choice and research the typeface and general history that surrounds the typeface.
      4 steps
    1) Develop an understanding of the specifc characteristics and qualities of the typeface, critical
    histories and structural attributes and nuances. 
    2) Write a very brief 500 word text recognizing the most salient features of the typeface to
    provide a focus on an informative design. Do not copy and paste from the internet.
    3) Develop 10 hand drawn concept layout sketches of the poster. Trying to explore the spirit of the
    typeface. Choose one of these layouts to take to the next level.
    4) Move to InDesign - replicate your chosen thumbnail design and resolve it digitally.
      Web settings document - 1024 x 768px
    2 colours
    Using an image of / or the actual typeface, + 500 words of text
    Submitting - Week 4 (Sunday 11:59pm)
    Export your document as an interactive PDF and submit to the drop box
    Collate your 10 sketches and submit them as 1 multipage PDF to the drop box
      titled correctly Siri_Smith_ACG102_ A1 task c.pdf 
      Siri_Smith_ACG102_ A1 task c sketches.pdf  Page 10
    Assessment Criteria
    **Expected outcome of the task below
    Marking Criteria: What the assessor will be looking for when marking this assignment:
    Demonstration and application of the knowledge of communication design history and typography as it
    relates to contemporary poster layout.
    Ability to complete tasks demonstrated through project based scenarios
    To identify and apply appropriate research methodologies.
    Resolved design presentation and creative production
    Ability to explore communication design visual and theoretical principles to communicate efectively
    代写ACG102 Design & Typography