代写KGG320 Surveying Scoping the Surveying Industry
代写KGG320 Surveying Scoping the Surveying Industry
KGG320 Surveying
Scoping the Surveying Industry
Research and Reflective Essay
In this unit, a variety of experienced surveyors with particular skills and career experience in specialist areas of the surveying industry contribute to the teaching. Their presentations will be framed around common themes, specifically:
· Their personal background: training, education and career
· Recollections from their career: major technical advances, major new products or services
· The surveying methods employed in their areas of specialisation
· Their views on future prospects in their areas of specialisation, and the impact of those
potential changes on the surveying industry, and
· Where possible, field demonstrations or site visits.
The specialist topics discussed in this unit are:
· Engineering Surveying
· Cadastral Surveying
· Hydrographic Surveying
· Mine Surveying
· High precision surveying and industrial metrology
Part A
As part A of this assessment task, you are required to prepare notes from these sessions and from your own independent research. For each of the sessions and for your additional research, your notes should be written under the following headings:
· A changing industry: Under this heading, highlight the key historical, current and predicted
future changes to the specialist area of the industry being discussed in the session.
· Specialist methods and technology: Under this heading, highlight aspects of the specialist
area that require technology or methods that are unique, or largely unique, to that area.
· Specific training or licensing requirements: Under this heading, highlight any specific
education, training, certification or licensing requirements required in order to undertake
work in the specialist area.
· New products, new services: Under this heading, highlight any new trends emerging in this
specialist area. These might include new technologies or methods that provide improved efficiency, accuracy or reliability; or they may be new technologies or methods that allow new services or products.
The class sessions and presentations from practitioners will provide a substantial introduction to each of these topics. However, you are expected to incorporate wider reading and research into

your essay. Much of this may come from the ‘grey literature’. Some relevant resources are listed at the end of this document.
Part B
Additionally, from your notes, you should attempt to compile and consolidate your own view of the surveying industry: its scope, its current development trajectory, and the changing role of surveyors.
Essay length
As a guide, limit your notes for each specialist session (Part A) to one page for each of the sessions, and allocate a maximum of 2 pages to your reflective summary (Part B).
Links to unit’s intended learning outcomes
1, 2, 3, 4
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria are attached below.
Date due
5.00pm Thursday 13th October, Week 26. Submit via the MyLO Assignments.
In this assignment, you will be addressing the latest methods, technologies and trends in the Surveying industry. Think carefully about how you will search for information to support your learning. Information about new ideas and developments are already impacting on the industry or that are expected to impact on the industry over the 1 to 5 years is likely to be sourced through industry magazines, journals and websites. Information about research efforts and directions that may impact on the industry over the next 5 to 15 years is likely to be sourced from the research and academic literature. Note that a high mark for this assignment will depend upon you accessing information through a mix of resources and not just depending on what you hear from the class presentations.

Some resources to get you started:
A useful listing of online resources is provided at: http://surveying.mentabolism.org/pubs.htm Although slightly out of date [Last Revised: 14 Jan 2011], it provides useful links to online and print newsletters, periodicals, and publication catalogues (although with a strong North American bias).
Industry Journals
Journal of Spatial Science
· Published by the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute, this is the industry sector journal
for the Australia and New Zealand Region
· Available from the UTAS library
Australian Mine Surveyor
· Journal of the Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors
Journal of Surveying Engineering
· Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers
The American Surveyor
· http://www.amerisurv.com/ P.O.B. (Point of Beginning)
· http://www.pobonline.com/
Industry Magazines
Position Magazine
· Australasian Magazine available by subscription; distributed to full members of the
Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute. Copies are supplied to the University and will be made available for perusal.
Professional Surveyor Magazine
· North American website and industry magazine
Industry Websites
Spatial Source
· http://www.spatialsource.com.au/
· From the same publishers as Position Magazine, Spatial Source provides a comprehensive
coverage of news and views for the Australian Surveying and Spatial industry.
Mining Journal On-Line
· http://www.mining-journal.com/

Professional Societies
Visiting the homepages of the national and international scientific and professional societies will provide you with links to journals, industry publications, editorial and opinion pieces, etc. Some key professional societies are:
· FIG: International Federation of Surveyors
· SSSI: (Australasian) Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (including professional streams:
Land Surveying, Hydrography, Engineering & Mining Surveying.
· IFHS: International Federation of Hydrographic Societies
· ISM: International Society for Mine Surveying
· AIMS: Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors
· Mine Surveyor.net
· ISPRS: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
· ASPRS: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
代写KGG320 Surveying Scoping the Surveying Industry