代写 MMM132/MMMP132 management 迪肯 assignment

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  • 代写 MMM132/MMMP132 management  迪肯 assignment 

    ASSIGNMENT 1Part B (2, 2016)
    These guide notes are provided to assist you with your writing and presentation of assignment 1 Part B.  Please remember to consult with your lecturer about ANY questions you have about the assignment and/or information provided to you here.
    Please remember your report must focus on one of the following organisations:
    ·         Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
    ·         Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Limited (DPE)
    Title / Cover page
    ·         Not included in word count
    ·         Provide title of report, name and website of organisation, unit code and unit name, student name and ID, class number, your tutor name, the date the report was completed
    ·         No page number on Title/Cover page
    Executive Summary (approximately 200 words)
    ·         Included in word count
    ·         Provide summary of the complete report including:
    o   stating purpose (what is the purpose of the report)
    o   how information was investigated (company information, website, academic articles)
    o   what you found, and what your findings mean (for example, you investigated the mission of the organisation, what did you find?  Did you find the mission closely links to theory/articles about what constitutes a mission/vision statement …?)
    o   Provide a page number.  Use i as page number as this page precedes Table of Contents.  Page number using 1, 2 etc begins on introduction page.
    Table of Contents
    ·         Not included in word count
    ·         Show sections and sub-sections that FOLLOW this page and page numbers for each section
    ·         Do not provide a page number for this page
    ·         Do not include title page, or Executive Summary in this section as both precede the Table of Contents
    1.0   Introduction(approximately 100 words)
    ·         Included in word count
    • Main topic (reason report was requested/background of purpose)
    • Overview of the task (what your report will cover – analyses of …)
    • Structure of the report (what will be analysed first, next …)
    • Note:  your Introduction will be the first entry in your Table of Contents, will have a section heading of 1.0 Introduction, and will have a page number of 1.
    Your Introduction will be followed by the main body of your report, in other words your analysis and discussion across questions 1 – 5.  The main body should be approximately 2000 words in total.
    2.0   Section heading(this will be your first ‘question’ response so to speak.  Choose an appropriate heading, state what will be analysed in this section.  Given you are discussing purpose of the organisation, its mission, size, profit/not-for-profit orientation, and locations you can provide section numbers for each as outlined below)
    ·         2.1      
    ·         2.2
    ·         2.3 etc.(you decide how many subsections you need/want for each section.  You DON’T need to have three, this is an example only)
    3.0   Section heading(this section will be on question 2 response.  Choose an appropriate heading, state what will be analysed in this section.  Again you may wish to use section numbering indicated below for each of the three external environmental factors/conditions you will be analysing)
    ·         3.1
    ·         3.2
    ·         3.3 etc.
    4.0   Section heading (question 3 response.  Choose an appropriate heading, state what will be analysed in this section. 
    ·         4.1
    ·         4.2
    ·         4.3 etc.
    5.0         Section heading (question 4 response.  Choose an appropriate heading, state what will be analysed in this section.
    ·         5.1
    ·         5.2 etc
    6.0   Conclusion
    ·         You can provide section numbering here but you DO NOT have to.
    ·         Ensure your conclusion draws from your major findings from previous sections of analyses (state what your report has found)
    7.0         Reference List
    ·         Separate page, with a heading ‘Reference List’
    ·         Provide a page number here too
    ·         List all sources cited in the report (and no more)
    ·         List according to the author-date Harvard system, in alphabetical order of first named author family name
    ·         Provide urls for any websites used (urls are needed when you have accessed a source from an internet source so your reader can then use the same url to find the source)
    ·         Provide retrieval date for internet sources
    ·         No bullet/number listing
    ·         Provide page numbers for articles used
    ·         If you’ve used more two or more ‘documents’ from your chosen organisation’s website which were published in the same year, clearly show this as follows:
    o   Deakin College 2016a for in-text reference
    o   Deakin College 2016a ‘About Us’ (plus full source detail in reference list)
    o   Deakin College 2016b for in-text reference
    o   Deakin College 2016b ‘Our Culture’ (plus full source detail in reference list)
    Follow the instructions on pages 2 & 3 of the assignment document.
    Write your own plan of analysis for each of the questions, following the template provided to you for assignment 1, Part A.  In other words, for each question in assignment 1 Part B, determine:
    ·         What do I have to do?
    ·         Why do I have to do this?
    ·         How do I do this?
    Please make sure you provide ANALYSIS as you address each of the five question areas.  This is limited in question 1 (you’ll note this question is worth fewer marks than the remaining four questions).
    Your readers are NOT interested in how well you can gather information about the organisation.  They work there, they know this information.  What they are looking for is your ability to provide insight and ANALYSIS of the organisation across each of the areas the questions refer to.  Use your articles (at least one per question) and text(s) to assist you to provide the evidence from theory as you analyse the organisation.   Your aim is to use the ‘theory’ (from your articles and texts) to tell your readerabout the management concepts you are discussing in each question, and to use your evidence from the organisation itself (how it ‘practices’ the concept) so you can compare and contrast theory and practice of management.  There may be similarities, there may be differences too.  Look for these to provide your analysis.
    Remember to provide a reference every time you ‘refer’ to any information you obtain from any of your sources.
    Remember you can use ‘other’ sources such as newspapers, industry magazines etc that are NOT academic for this assignment.  Check the assignment document itself for sources that are not to be used.
     代写 MMM132/MMMP132 management  迪肯 assignment 
    Before submitting your assignment, ensure you have met the requirements according to the marking rubric provided.  If you are unsure about any aspects of this please discuss with your lecturer.  Remember also you can consult with the Academic Skills Advisors, make appointments through Deakin College Reception.
    Your lecturer CANNOT ‘review’ your final draft before submission but CAN provide guidance you request as you work on your report.  Make appointments as needed!
    Good luck.
    Your MMM132/MMMP132 Team

    Trimester 2, 2016
    (Individual Business Report - Topics 1-4)
    Format: BusinessReport.
    Word count:2,500 words (Word count excludes cover page, table of contents, reference list and any appendices) 
    DUE:  8.00 am Monday 22 August 2016.  PLEASE NOTE DUE DATE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO MONDAY 22 AUGUST 2016, 8.00 AM
    Submission:  on-line via assignment submission box in week 6 on MMM132/MMMP132 Moodle site
    Value:     30% (30 marks)
    Preparatory study
    To prepare forthisassignmentyou are advised tocomplete the followingsteps.
    1.       Read thereportwriting informationonthe Deakin Study support site:http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/academic-resources/report-writing.
    2.       CompleteAssignment/Tutorial/Homeworkactivities in weeks 1-5.
    3.       Completethe‘Personalinsight’Quiz in Chapter2 on p.46 of text.
    4.       Carefullyresearch information aboutyourselectedorganisation.
    5.       Citeandreference at leastone academicjournalarticlefor eachand every question1-5inthe report (at least 5 academic journal articles to be used).
    6.       Use Deakin College AS (Academic Skills) Moodle site for information about report writing, researching, use of academic articles, referencing.
    7.       Consult your lecturer as needed!
    The scenario
    Assumethatyouhavegraduated from Deakin Universityand havebeen short-listed fora graduateposition in either The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) or Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Limited (DPE).
    Forthenextstageoftheposition selection process,youhavebeen asked toresearch and writea reportthatcritically analyses, evaluates, and reflects onspecific aspects of theorganisation you selected.
    Report requirements(200 - 500 words per section up to 2000 words)
    1.       Describe the purpose of this organisation, its mission in 2016, its profit/not-for-profit orientation, and locations. (To start read pp. 93-94 and Table 4.1 of the textbook)
    2.       Describe one factor/condition from the organisation’s generalenvironment.  Analyse the impact of this factor on the organisation in 2016 and explain how the organisation could deal with this factor. (To start read pp. 34-37 and pp. 40-41 of the textbook).
    3.       Describe one factor/condition from the organisation’s specific environment. Analyse the impact of this factor on the organisation in 2016 and explain how the organisation could deal with this factor. (To startread pp. 34, and pp. 37-41 of the textbook).
    4.       Describe and evaluate the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and ethics of this organisationwith reference to the theories on pp. 52–59 of the textbook.
    5.       Complete the personal insights quiz “What’s the Right Organisational Culture for Me?” in Chapter 2, p. 46 of your textbook. Then report on your results from this quiz and reflect on how well you think you might fit into this organisation and its organisational culture. (See pp. 42-44 and Figure 2.3 of the textbook to guide your discussion). Please remember to cite the quiz with an in-text citation.
    ·         Use only publicly available information on this organisation.
    ·         As theorganisation wants to hire independent thinkers, it is keen to receive constructive criticism from you.
    ·         Do not contact the organisation.
    ·         Present your findings inthe formofawrittenreport (seebelow).http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/academic-resources/report-writing
    Business Report Format
    (Adapted from http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/academic-resources/report-writing)
    Title page
    (notincluded in theword count)
    ·         Titleof report - should clearlydescribewhatthe reportisabout
    ·         Nameandwebsiteoforganisation
    ·         Studentnameand IDnumber
    ·         Unitcodeand unitname
    Executivesummary Thisis a summary ofthewholereport.Outlinethetask,explaintheresearchprocessused,whatyoufound,and whatyour findingsmean intermsofyourown preferences(approx.200 words).
    Table ofcontents
    (notincluded in theword count)
    Listthe majorandminorsectionsofyourreport. Remember to use appropriate headings per section, do NOT use the question as a heading, or use the word ‘Body’
    Introduction Setthescene;givesomebackground information aboutthereport/organisation;statetheaim/purposeof theinvestigation.Provideanoutlineof the main sectionsin thebody ofthereport(approx.100 words).
    Body Organise the body of the report into sections with clear headings for each of the five report requirements. The analysis of each question 1 to 5 (page 1) should identify the theory relating to what you investigated, what you found about the organisation, your interpretationand critical analyses of what you found, with correctly cited evidence drawn from appropriate academic textbook and journal sources. Remember to include at least one academic journal for each of the five sections. Each section should be answered in approximately200 -500 words, up to a total of2000 words for this whole section of the report. See the marking rubric for allocation of marks for each section.
    Conclusion Summarisewhathasbeenachievedin thereport.Use theinformation fromthebody of yourreporttoidentifytheanticipated futuredirectionof theorganisation in lightof theenvironmentsdiscussed inthebody of thereport,and the‘match’betweenyou and thatorganisation ina graduaterole(approx.200 words).
    Recommendations NOTrequired inthisassignment.
    (notincluded in theword count)
    A listof allof thein-textsourcesthatyou cited in the reportusing theDeakinHarvard referencing style: http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support/referencing/harvard
    (not included in the word count)
    Anyinformation (graphs,charts,tables orotherdata)you used in yourreportbutdid notincludein thebody.

    Sourcesand references
    a)      For each question from 1 – 5 of the assignment you are required to cite at least one academic journal article you have used (a minimum of five journal articles for the report). These academic journal articles are available from the Deakin University Library online databases.  You can access themost appropriate databases as a Deakin College student, go to Deakin University library homepage and click ‘Deakin College’.  Please check with your lecturer, or library staff if unsure.
    b)      Inadditiontothe minimum fivejournalarticles above, youcan cite otheracademic references such asbooksandbook chapters.You canalso citerelevantindustry ororganisationalreportsofyourchosenorganisation.
    c)      NotethatWikipedia,answers.com, generalwebsites andyourorotherpersonalopinionsoropinionsofferedonsocialnetworkingwebsitesareNOTaccepted.Assignments thatcite thesewebsiteswill bepenalised.
    d)      Notethatlectureslides areNOTcountedasanacademicreference.Youneedtofindtheoriginalsourcesand citethem appropriately.
    e)      Forallsourcesreferredtoin-textyoumustincludefull details inyourreference list,usingtheHarvardreferencingstyleused atDeakin.Allitemsin thereferencelistmustbecited in thebody of thereport.
    Businessreportwriting formatrequirements
    •      MSWord document( .doc,or .docxformat; NOotherformatisaccepted)
    •      Nolong paragraphs(approx.250 wordsmaximum)
    •      Novery shortparagraphs
    •      1.5spacing
    •      2.5cm margins
    •      TimesNewRoman font
    •      12pointfontsize
    •      Numbered pages
    •      Headings tohelp structurethereportand provideclearguidancetothereader.
    Extensionsmustberequestedbeforetheduedate.  Students must download the Request for Extension form from the Portal and submit this, together with supporting documentation, to the unit coordinator on tgibson@deakin.edu.au.Extensionscanbegrantedfordocumentedseriousillnessorforcompassionatereasonsunderextenuatingcircumstances.Theunitcoordinatorcanasktoseehowmuchworkhasbeencompletedbeforegrantinganextension.Allextension applicationshave to besenttotheunitcoordinatorbeforetheduedate.
    Assignments submitted 7 or more days after the due date will not be assessed unless an extension has been granted by the unit coordinator.
    You arestronglyencouragedto startearlyandto continuallybackupyourassignmentasyou progress.Computercrashesor corruptedfileswillNOTbeacceptedasvalid reasonsforan extensionof anylength.
    For furtherinformation aboutapplications for Extensions, or SpecialConsideration,check Deakin College Portal.
    Assignmentsorotherassessmenttasksconducted during thetrimestersubmitted latewithoutanextension being granted will notbepenalised 10% per day.  Assignments submitted more than 7 days late will not be assessed unless an extension has been granted.Thesewillbeheld untilfinalgradingand may betakenintoconsideration in apass/failsituation.
    Studentsarestronglyrecommended to checkoriginalitythrough Turnitinpriortosubmitting thefinalassessment.  You will submit your assignment on Moodle through Turnitin so uploading early will allow you to make any changes if needed.  Please check with your lecturer if you require further information about Turnitin.
    代写 MMM132/MMMP132 management  迪肯 assignment 
    Citing and Referencing
    YoumustcorrectlyusetheHarvardstyle ofreferencing used atDeakin inthisassessment.
    Academic Integrity, Plagiarismand Collusion
    Plagiarismand collusion, and contract cheatingconstituteextremely seriousbreachesof academicintegrity.Theyareformsof cheating,and severepenaltiesareassociated withthem,including cancellation ofmarksforaspecificassignment,fora specificunitor evenexclusion from thecourse.Ifyouareeverindoubtabouthowtoproperlyuseand citeasourceof information,consultyourlecturerortheAcademic Skills Moodle Site.
    ·         Plagiarism occurswhen astudentpassesoffasthestudent’sown work,or copieswithoutacknowledgementastoitsauthorship,theworkofanyotherpersonor resubmitstheirownworkfrom a previousassessmenttask.
    ·          Collusionoccurswhen a studentobtainstheagreementof anotherperson for a fraudulentpurpose,with theintentofobtaining an advantagein submitting an assignmentorotherwork.
    ·          Contract cheating occurs when a student engages another to write parts of, or all, of a submitted piece of assessment
    Can I recycle myownwork?
    DeakinCollege studentsarenotpermitted torecycletheirassessmentwork,or partsofassessmentwork,withouttheapproval of theunitcoordinatoroftheircurrentunit.Thisincludesworksubmitted forassessmentatanotheracademicinstitution.Ifstudentswishto reuseorextendparts ofpreviouslysubmitted work,then they should discussthiswiththeunitcoordinatorpriortothesubmission date.
    Depending onthenatureofthetask,theunit coordinatormaypermitor declinetherequest.
    Assignment submission
    Youmustkeep a backupcopyofevery assignmentyou submit,untilthemarked assignmenthasbeen returned toyou.Intheunlikely eventthatoneof yourassignmentsismisplaced,you willneedtosubmityourbackup copy.
    Anyworkyousubmitmay bechecked by electronicorothermeansforthepurposesof detectingcollusionand/orplagiarism.
    After submission of your assignment to the Moodle site you should go back again and check your assignment has uploaded.

    MMM132 Assignment Marking Rubric: Report (30% - 30 marks)





    No/poor attempt

    Needs improvement



    Very good


    Report structure, organisation and logical flow, including Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Introduction and Conclusion



    (Max 5marks)


    Poor attempt.









    Does not follow the required report structure/format.
    Report is disjointed and fragmented.





    An attempt is made to follow the required report structure/format.Report lacks flow and is somewhat disjointed and fragmented.




    A good attempt is made to follow the required report structure/format.
    Report flows quite well, but is disjointed or fragmented in some places.


    A very good attempt is made to follow the required report structure/format.
    Report has a logical flow.





    Excellent use of the required report structure/format.
    Report has a logical flow and coherent line of argument.




    Description and analysis of Q1 relevant to the organisation.





    (Max 2 marks)



    The fundamental theories and practice relevant to this question are not clearly applied to the organisation chosen. The context may not be provided or may be very unclear.





    The fundamental theories and practice relevant to this question may be slightly unclear or may not refer to an appropriate journal article. Some context is provided but may be unclear.




    The fundamental theories and practice relevant to this question are described without ambiguityand refers to a suitable journal article,but is not discussed. Some context provided.





    The fundamental theories and practice relevant to this question are clearly identified,has reference to a suitable journal article that is somewhat explained, is without ambiguity and in context.





    The fundamental theories and practice relevant to this questionare clearly identified and described well, with relevant information,suitable journal article(s), and argument where necessary for understanding. The context and the background are explained.


    The fundamental theories and practice relevant to this question are clearly identified and described comprehensively, suitable journal article(s) are used, deliver all relevant information necessary for full understanding. The context and the background are well explained.


    Description and analysis of Q2 relevant to the organisation.

    ULOs 1 & 3





    (Max 5 marks))



    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question arenot clearly applied to the organisation chosen. The context may not be provided or may be very unclear.
    Paraphrases or summarises information rather than providing an analysis.  Does not identify components of the theory, does not distinguish the relevant from irrelevant details.






    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question may be slightly unclear or may not refer to appropriate journal article.Some context is provided but may be unclear.
    Paraphrases or summarises information with very little analysis.  Inconsistently identifies components of the theories and incorrectly distinguishes relevant from irrelevant details




    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question are provided without ambiguity and refer to suitable journal article.
    Some context provided.
    Demonstrates the ability to analyse information to a rudimentary level.  Identifies components of the theories, mostly distinguishing relevant from irrelevant details.






    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question are clearly identified and explained, without ambiguityand in context and with reference to a suitable journal article.
    A fair analysis of information, clearly identifying the key components of the theories and accurately distinguishes relevant from irrelevant details.





    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question are clearly identified and described well, with relevant information and argument where necessary for understanding. The context is clear and suitable journal article(s) are used.
    A robust analysis of information consistently identifying the key components of the theories and accurately distinguishes relevant from irrelevant details.



    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question are clearly identified and described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding. The context and background are well explained and suitable journal article(s) are used.
    A thorough analysis of information, thoroughly identifying the key components of the theories and accurately and thoroughly distinguishes relevant from irrelevant details.


    Description and analysis of Q3 relevant to the organisation


    ULOs 1 & 3




    (Max 5 marks)




    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question are not clearly applied to the organisation chosen. The context may not be provided or may be very unclear.
    Paraphrases or summarises information rather than providing an analysis.  Does not identify components of the theory, and does not distinguish the relevant from irrelevant details.




    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question may be slightly unclear or may not refer to appropriate journal article. Some context is provided but may be unclear.


    Paraphrases or summarises information with very little analysis.  Inconsistently identifies components of the theories and incorrectly distinguishes relevant from irrelevant details.



    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question are provided without ambiguity and refer to suitable journal article.
    Some context provided.


    Demonstrates the ability to analysis information to a rudimentary level.Identifies components of the theories; mostly distinguishing relevant from irrelevant details.




    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question are clearly identified and explained, without ambiguity and in context and with reference to a suitable journal article.

    A fair analysis of information, clearly identifying the key components of the theories and accurately distinguishes relevant from irrelevant details.




    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question are clearly identified and described well, with relevant information and argument where necessary for understanding. The context is clear and suitable journal article(s) are used.
    A robust analysis of information, consistently identifying the key components of the theories and accurately distinguishes relevant from irrelevant details.



    The fundamental theories and analysis relevant to this question are clearly identified and described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding. The context and background are well explained suitable journal article(s) are used
    A thorough analysis of information, thoroughly identifying the key components of the theories and accurately and thoroughly distinguishes relevant from irrelevant details.


    Description and evaluation of Q4 relevant to the organisation


    ULOs 1 & 3




    (Max 5 marks)



    The fundamental theories and evaluation relevant to this question are not clearly applied to the organisation chosen. The context may not be provided or may be very unclear.

    No evaluation of the appropriateness of the practice or discussion of relevant theory.




    The fundamental theories and evaluation relevant to this question may be slightly unclear or may not refer to appropriate journal article. Some context is provided but may be unclear.


    Limited evaluation of the appropriateness of the practice or discussion of relevant theory provided.




    The fundamental theories and evaluation relevant to this question are provided without ambiguity and refer to suitable journal article.

    Some context provided.



    Satisfactory evaluation of the appropriateness of the practice and some discussion of relevant theory.



    The fundamental theories and evaluation relevant to this question are clearly identified and explained, without ambiguity and in context and with reference to a suitable journal article.


    Accurate evaluation of the appropriateness of the practice and detailed discussion of relevant theory.




    The fundamental theories and evaluation relevant to this question are clearly identified and described well, with relevant information and argument where necessary for understanding. The context is clear and suitable journal article(s) are used.
    Robust evaluation of the appropriateness of the practice and comprehensive discussion of relevant theory.



    The fundamental theories and evaluation relevant to this question are clearly identified and described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding. The context and background are well explained.


    Thorough evaluation of the appropriateness of the practice and excellent discussion of relevant theory.4.26-5

    Description and evaluation of Q5 relevant to the organisation


    ULOs 1 & 3



    (Max 5 marks)



    The fundamental theories and reflection relevant to this question are not clearly applied to the organisation chosen. The context may not be provided or may be very unclear.

    Reflection does not demonstrate clear reasoning and does not provide discussion on the “cultural fit” to the organisation





    The fundamental theories and reflection relevant to this question may be slightly unclear or may not refer to appropriate journal article. . Some context is provided but may be unclear.


    Reflection demonstrates minimal clear reasoning and provides very basic discussion on the “cultural fit” to the organisation.



    The fundamental theories and reflection relevant to this question are provided without ambiguity and refer to suitable journal article.
    Some context provided.



    Reflection demonstrates satisfactory clear reasoning and provides reasonable discussion on the “cultural fit” to the organisation.




    The fundamental theories and reflection relevant to this question are clearly identified and explained, without ambiguity and in context and with reference to a suitable journal article.


    Reflection demonstrates clearand consistent reasoning and provides detailed discussion on the “cultural fit” to the organisation.




    The fundamental theories and reflection relevant to this question are clearly identified and described well, with relevant information and argument where necessary for understanding. The context is clear and suitable journal article(s) are used.
    Reflection demonstrates clear, consistent and detailed reasoning and provides high-level discussion on the “cultural fit” to the organisation.



    The fundamental theories and reflection relevant to this question are clearly identified and described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding. The context and background are well explained.



    Reflection demonstratesconsistentand systematic reasoning and provides thorough discussion on the “cultural fit” to the organisation.



    Quality of language and ability to communicate information accurately using academic style




    (Max 3 marks)


    Writing filled with grammatical and spelling errors.  English expression is difficult to understand.  Little or no use of paraphrasing, with a heavy reliance on quotes.  In-text citations and referencing have not been used or do not conform to Harvard standard







    Many grammatical and spelling errors. English expression is   difficult to understand, but meaning can be made of what is written.
    Little effort has been put into paraphrasing of material.
    In-text citations not utilised or inaccurate.
    List of references does not follow the Harvard referencing style correctly.





    Expresses thoughts meaningfully, even though there may be occasional errors.
    Paraphrasing uses too many of the author’s own words.
    In-text citations are too sparse and/or mostly inaccurate.
    Some attempt to present a list of References following the Harvard referencing style, but may have several errors.




    Expresses thoughts meaningfully, even though there may be occasional errors.
    Paraphrasing portrays the ideas of others in student’s own words.
    In-text citations are accurate in most cases and are just adequate to the task.
    List of References presented using the Harvard referencing style accurately in most cases.


    Communicates meaning with clarity and fluency. Writing is almost error-free.
    Paraphrasing correctly portrays the ideas of others in student’s own words.
    In-text citations are accurate and support the arguments made in the assignment quite well.
    List of References presented accurately using the Harvard referencing style.




    Skilfully communicates meaning with high level of clarity and fluency. Writing is virtually error-free.
    Paraphrasing correctly portrays the ideas of others in student’s own words.
    In-text citations are accurate and support the arguments made in the assignment very well.
    List of References presented very accurately using the Harvard style.




     代写 MMM132/MMMP132 management  迪肯 assignment