代写 ATS 2561 Sex & The Media
代写 ATS 2561 Sex & The Media
ATS 2561 Sex & The Media
Third assignment – Research major essay (2250 words) (worth 45% of final mark and grade).
DUE MONDAY JUNE 6th 2016 11:55pm on Moodle
The essay questions/project themes will be released in Week 6, following the Class Test. This is
because some questions build directly on those asked in the Class Test. Students will choose
ONE from the list of 8 research questions. Students may not develop their own research
Criteria for Marking: This task will develop your research and writing skills and your capacity for
independent learning. In your argument, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of key
theoretical frameworks in the areas we are studying and show your capacity to express a
critically informed position. Your argument will be based on sound independent research.
Presentation, including appropriate citation and good clear expression, will be important in this
task. Learning objectives 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are being developed and assessed here.
Please review the Research Paper Rubric on Moodle for further assessment grading details.
Submission Requirements
A guide to presentation of written work is included at the back of the unit guide. You are expected
to use the APA, Harvard or ASA as outlined in the guide. Please check with the unit convenor if
you are unsure about essay preparation. Citation is an important aspect of presenting academic
work. It is sensible to keep good record of your reading and notes from the beginning of
semester. Failure to cite correctly will result in the loss of marks and could result in plagiarism in
your work.
• 1.5 spacing; Neatly formatted/presented
• ASA, Harvard or APA are the accepted styles for referencing & citation. Please see
library links/ FAQs Referencing on Moodle for proper referencing techniques.
• Electronic submission through Moodle (hardcopies not accepted). Please see FAQs
Moodle Submission
• 2250 Words give or take 10% (Your word count: highlight the first sentence of your
introduction to the last sentence of your conclusion. That is your word count. Your word
count includes your in-text references/footnotes; it does not include your bibliography,
coversheet or appendix). Please see FAQs Essay Writing for academic writing tips.
Please include properly referenced links in your reference list to your chosen advertising
campaigns/music videos/images/media articles/examples. If you are planning on using
images, please place them in a separate document from your paper and upload this to
moodle. Use an appendix style of referencing (see FAQ Images on Moodle).
Assessment Task 3: Research Essay/Projects Questions
Research essay/project: write an essay of 2250 words answering ONE of the questions listed
There are 8 questions/projects to choose from.
1) Albury and Crawford (2012) argue of the ‘sexting’ campaign video Meagan’s Story that
‘This narrative evokes the “risk management” model of sexual violence prevention
education critiqued by feminist scholars such as Sharon Marcus (1992) and Louise Hall
(2004), in which women are defined as inherently at risk of sexual violence. At the same
time, they are held responsible, as self-governing subjects, for predicting, evading and/or
managing this risk’ (2012, p. 465).
a. Critically review the Australian Government CyberSmart campaign film Tagged
from a feminist perspective ( http://www.cybersmart.gov.au/tagged/). In your
response, you should identify the kind of normative beliefs about sex and gender
produced in the film, and develop a position on why this film may or may not be
an effective response to the issue of teenage ‘sexting’ practices. If you would like
you may choose an alternate documentary/campaign film. Please get in touch
with me (Claire) if you would like to go this route.
2) Select a recent advertising campaign (it may be located across several media) to critically
analyse in relation to the socio-cultural construction of gender. Using the critical
frameworks you have developed this semester, develop a position on how femininity,
masculinity and/or heterosexuality/GLBTIQ are being constructed in the campaign
through visual and textual signifiers, and what this means for men and women (and sex
and gender diverse) as the gendered subjects addressed in the campaign.
3) Can we say that men are now ‘objectified’ in visual culture in the same way as women?
Make an argument as to why the social/political consequences of ‘objectifying’ images
might be different, or that they should be understood as the same, for men and women.
Your argument should address why and how the social context of ‘postfeminism’ (Gill,
2007) affects our understandings of images. You might find using magazines, movies,
television shows or an advertising campaign helpful for this analysis.
4) “You get these little short shorts … and the type of clothes you'd expect a grown woman
to wear to a nightclub to attract men they are selling in a size seven.” (Sydney Morning
Herald, August 15, 2012).
a. Popular belief about sexualisation maintains that young boys and girls are being
trained to be sexual in vastly different ways in order to be accepted in our society.
Do you agree? Develop your position through a discursive analysis of recent
news reports on children and sex in the media. (What discourses about
‘appropriate’ and ‘normative’ and ‘inappropriate/deviant’ childhood and gender
can you identify in articles like the one quoted from above?)
5) “So whereas in traditional media, viewers might see representations of women being
used or exploited, gaming offers players the unique opportunity to use or exploit female
bodies themselves. This forces gamers to become complicit with developers in making
sexual objectification a participatory activity” (Anita Sarkeesian, 16/07/2014)
a. Inher Tropes vs Women Video Games Series (www.feministfrequency.com),
Anita Sarkeesian argues that unlike claims around traditional forms of media
where the receptors are often considered passive audiences, gamers are actively
engaged in the process of sexually objectifying women which may have harmful
social implications. Do you agree? Develop your response using relevant
literature to support your claims.
6) Grainger and Jackson have argued: ‘In a world inundated with media messages […]
advertisers have been forced to invent new strategies in order to identify their products
and arrest your attention. Arguably one strategy has been the appropriation and
exploitation of violence’ (1999; quoted in Gill 2007, p. 80). Drawing on key examples of
your choosing describe and analyse how violence is implicitly and/or explicitly
represented in male-female relations in commercial media. In your response consider
how masculinity and femininity (and their sexuality) are relationally constructed through
the theme of violence. Use relevant literature to make a case as to what the possible
implications of this increase in violent imagery might be for both men and women.
7) There are continuous debates about whether or not women (or men) seek empowerment
through their self-sexualisation and subjectification, and may or may not have autonomy
regarding their choices in engaging with beauty and raunch culture. Critically evaluate
such claims by developing an informed stance as to whether you think women (or men)
do or do not have such autonomy.
8) Some have suggested that shopping centres can be seen as ‘women’s spaces.’ What
characteristics of (raced, classed) femininity/masculinity are being mobilised or
suggested in the spaces of Chadstone? What place does sex have in the visual
landscape of Chadstone in relation to these constructions of femininity? Explain your
position with reference to relevant literature and observations of visual culture in this
consumer space.
This question requires a fieldtrip to conduct primary research at Chadstone Shopping
Centre (www.chadstone.com.au). Make sure to take photos as part of your visit and
attach them in a separate document for your appendix. To help you with this assessment,
ensure to review Week 2 and 4 to help you with your textual analysis. When conducting
your visit, think of these questions:
• Examine the exits and entries to the shopping centre: what shops are positioned
next to entrances and exits? What other sorts of service stores are close to the
entrance? What sorts of service stores are close to the public amenities (toilets,
seating, drinking fountains, etc)?
• Consider the profile of the ‘ideal’ customer for this shopping centre: Who seems
to be using the centre? What sorts of activities are people engaged in besides
shopping? Are there any observations about the sex and/or gender of consumers
that you can make?
• Consider the different sections of the shopping centre: Are there any
observations you can make about ‘desirable shoppers’ in the different sections?
• Consider the different sections of the shopping centre: what kind of consumer
‘desires’ are being cultivated in the different sections?
• What ideas about sex and gender are being used visually to cultivate
consumption in the different sections?
Research Essay/Project Tips
Some key features of good research essays (Check out FAQs Essay Writing; FAQS Referencing &
FAQS Research for further tips):
Clarity in structure
• It is very important to develop a plan before you begin writing (even if this may change as
you write) and to edit your work as your essay develops so that there is clarity and
coherence in the overall structure of your work. A clear structure will enable your argument
to clearly ‘shine’ through and will mean that your reader does not have to go searching for it
amongst a jumble of points, information and material.
• An introduction which is well structured is one that:
1) states the question and your argument/response concisely, and briefly outlines
the key points you will make to support your argument/response to the question.
2) defines your use of any terms that are key to your argument.
• A body which is well structured is generally separated into different sections for different
points. Ideally, each paragraph should make one clear point, and each point should build on
the last in order to progress your argument (make your case stronger).
• Your conclusion should summarise your response to the question and summarise the points
you have made to establish a clear and persuasive argument. 代写 ATS 2561 Sex & The Media
Clarity in writing
• Short, sharp, to-‐the-‐point sentences. If your sentence goes for more than 3 lines, revise it
for the sake of clarity and for your poor reader!
• Thorough editing. This means looking carefully over working material and completed drafts
and revising your expression for clarity. Another important goal of editing is to cut out ANY
point or information that does not directly relate to your argument, or to the QUESTION you
are answering. It may be very interesting, but if it does not serve your argument, it needs to
• Clear explanations of key terms and theoretical concepts. Do not assume that your reader
knows anything! Always explain your use of terms for them. Do not use important terms,
concepts, or ideas (e.g. ‘gender’, ‘sexual difference’, ‘sexualisation’) without first outlining
for your readers precisely how you will be using these terms (what you mean by them).
Evidence of research and connection between theoretical ideas
A strong essay will:
• Demonstrate engagement with unit ideas/application of unit ideas
• Use readings from a variety of weeks in the course/outside research AND/OR thorough
engagement with a particular issue or author.
• Make connections between different theories and issues, and the specific topic/question
you are addressing; make clear for readers the links between various areas of
• Demonstrate through your argument, quotes, and reference list that you have examined
sources besides the set readings and done some independent research.
• Have thorough and consistent referencing and acknowledgment of ideas and sources.
代写 ATS 2561 Sex & The Media