ACCG100 corporate case media attention ethical issues代写
ACCG100 corporate case media attention ethical issues代写
Case Study
Information pack
Session 2 2017
ACCG100 corporate case media attention ethical issues代写
Case Study ‐ Ethics
You are required to complete a research‐based case study assignment that is worth 15% of
your overall grade in ACCG100. This will encourage you to explore ethical issues in business,
using materials outside the unit texts.
Consult internet, newspapers, and business magazines to search for a corporate case that has
attracted media attention due to ethical issues. Write an ESSAY to address the following
points using the case you chose.
1. Provide an overview of the company’s background, i.e. its business operations, etc.
2. What ethical issue has arisen? Clearly explain the ethical dilemma faced by the
involved parties.
3. Clearly identify and evaluate the stakeholders that were impacted by the ethical issue.
4. Was the decision made by the involved parties ethical? How would the business be
positively/negatively impacted by the decision? Explain your answer.
5. Detail your original view on business ethics. How has your view changed after
attending lectures and completing this case study assignment? Explain the differences
and/or similarities to your original view.
The ethical issues under consideration do not necessarily have to be accounting related. You
can choose either an Australian or international corporate case, but the case must be
reported by the media after the year 2000.
Other requirements
Length: 1,000 words excluding references.
Structure: use essay structure (i.e. introduction + main body + conclusion + reference list).
Formatting: standard 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing, and side margins 2.5 wide.
Referencing: all sources (i.e. the work and ideas of others) cited and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. You need to provide both in‐text references and the reference
Criteria and standards
The estimated workload for this assignment is 20 hours.
Your essay will be marked taking into account:
‐ Your ability to find out relevant materials;
‐ Your ability to identify and explain issues;
‐ Your ability to apply relevant concepts to analyse issues;
‐ Your ability to review your own understanding of business ethics;
‐ Your writing skills.
You should get to the point and avoid wordy repetitions (i.e. be succinct and clear). You should
reference the appropriate paragraphs of relevant regulations/standards or other sources you
refer to. You must avoid copying or stringing together lengthy quotes leaving little said in your
own words.
Please refer to the marking rubric for specific guidance on marking criteria and standards.
Case Study Assignment Marking Rubric (50 marks)
Not attempted Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Relevance ‐ ability
to find out relevant
5 marks
Not attempted or
plagiarized from
other sources.
0 marks
The case chosen is not
suitable for the assignment
topic (i.e. the case is
irrelevant or before the
year 2000).
1 mark
The case chosen is relevant to
the assignment topic but
limited information is
provided or most information
is irrelevant.
2 marks
The case chosen is relevant
to the assignment topic.
Fairly sufficient information
is provided, but some
information is irrelevant or
information is omitted.
3 marks
The case chosen is relevant
to the assignment topic.
Mostly sufficient and
relevant information is
4 marks
The case chosen is relevant to
the assignment topic. Highly
sufficient and relevant
information is provided.
5 marks
Articulation ‐
ability to identify
and explain ethical
10 marks
Not attempted or
plagiarized from
other sources.
0 marks
Issue is not clearly
identified, explanation is
unclear, insufficient and/or
not succinct.
3 marks
Issue is identified generally
well, explanation is generally
clear yet insufficient and/or
not succinct.
5 marks
Issue is identified
reasonably well,
explanation is generally
clear, fairly sufficient
and/or generally succinct.
7 marks
Issue is clearly identified,
explanation is mostly clear,
sufficient and/or mostly
8 marks
Issue is clearly identified,
explanation is clear,
comprehensive and highly
10 marks
Analysis ‐ ability to
apply relevant
concepts to
analyse issue(s)
15 marks
Not attempted or
plagiarized from
other sources.
0 marks
Concepts used in the
analysis are insufficient,
irrelevant and/or
inappropriate; the
exploration of the issue is
unclear and/or insufficient.
5 marks
Issue is analysed using some
relevant concepts to develop
a generally clear and/or
sufficient exploration of the
8 marks
Issue is analysed using
sufficient relevant concepts
to develop a reasonably
clear and/or sufficient
exploration of the issue.
10 marks
Issue is analysed using a
broad range of relevant
concepts to develop a
comprehensive exploration
of the issue, demonstrating
ed insight into the issue.
12 marks
Issue is analysed using an
extensive range of relevant
concepts to develop a
comprehensive exploration of
the issue, demonstrating
insight into the issue.
15 marks
Critique ‐ ability to
review your own
understanding of
business ethics
10 marks
Not attempted or
plagiarized from
other sources.
0 marks
The review is inadequately
undertaken and/or
insufficient, irrelevant
discussion is provided.
3 marks
The review is generally
adequate. Generally
sufficient discussion on the
changes/insights in your
understanding of business
ethics is provided yet some
discussion is irrelevant.
5 marks
The review is reasonably
adequate. Fairly sufficient
and relevant discussion on
your changes/insights in
the understanding of
business ethics is provided,
demonstrating good critical
thinking skills.
7 marks
The review is
comprehensive. Mostly
sufficient and relevant
discussion on your
changes/insights in the
understanding of business
ethics is provided,
demonstrating great critical
thinking skills.
8 marks
The review is sophisticated
and comprehensive. Highly
sufficient and relevant
discussion on your
changes/insights in the
understanding of business
ethics is provided,
demonstrating excellent
critical thinking skills.
10 marks
Writing skills
structure, clarity,
grammar, spelling,
10 marks
Not attempted or
plagiarized from
other sources.
0 marks
The essay is not structured
in a logical way. Numerous
grammatical, punctuation,
and/or spelling
errors/typos. Style and tone
are not professional.
3 marks
The essay has some structure.
Organisation of sections and
paragraphs is generally clear.
Several grammatical,
punctuation, and/or spelling
errors/typos. Style and tone
are generally professional.
5 marks
The essay has a clear
structure. Organisation of
sections and paragraphs is
clear. Occasional
grammatical, punctuation,
and/or spelling
errors/typos. Style and tone
are reasonably
7 marks
The essay is well
structured. Organisation of
sections and paragraphs is
clear. No/few grammatical,
punctuation, and/or
spelling errors/typos. Style
and tone are mostly
8 marks
The essay is well structured.
Organisation of sections and
paragraphs is clear with
excellent flow. No/few
grammatical, punctuation,
and /or spelling errors/typos.
Style and tone are
10 marks
The assignment is due by 5pm Friday 15 September 2017 (Week 7). Submissions must be
made electronically through Turnitin on iLearn. Turnitin will open for submission in Week 5.
Extensions and penalties
No extensions will be granted. There will be a deduction of 10% of the total available marks
made from the total awarded marks for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the
submission is late (for example, 25 hours late in submission will attract 20% penalty). This
penalty does not apply to cases in which an application for Disruption of Studies is made and
Detailed information on how to apply for disruption of studies can be found at
Turnitin submission
Guidance on how to submit a Turnitin assignment may be accessed from
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that work is submitted correctly prior to the due
date. No hard copies of assessments will be accepted and only Turnitin records will be taken
as records of submission. Please refer to these instructions on how to submit your assignment
through Turnitin and access similarity reports and feedback provided by teaching staff. Should
you have questions about Turnitin or experience issues submitting through the system, you
must inform your unit convenor immediately. If the issue is technical in nature, you may also
lodge OneHelp Ticket by referring to the IT help page. It is the responsibility of the student to
retain a copy of any work submitted. Students must produce these documents upon request.
Copies should be retained until the end of the grade appeal period each session. In the event
that a student is asked to produce another copy of work submitted and is unable to do so,
they may be awarded zero (0) for that particular assessment task.
Frequently asked questions
Please read this section carefully before contacting the teaching team with any
1. Where can I get help to write up my essay?
You can:
a) Use StudyWISE provided on iLearn (In StudyWISE, you will explore the structure
of an essay, you can also look at some examples of real Macquarie students’
essays.; or
b) Attend learning skills workshops – it is free‐development/workshop‐
calendar; or
c) Ask our learning adviser – Library Info Desk 12‐2pm, Monday – Friday.
2. I have done something similar in my other units/previous study. Can I use my
previous work for this assignment?
No. You are required to submit a new work for this assignment. Submission of a work
previously submitted is considered as deception by the university. It is seriously
dishonest behavior and thus a mark of ZERO will be awarded.
3. Can I use the corporate cases mentioned in the lecture?
Yes, you can. However, you are expected to provide more detailed information and
4. In the Requirement section, the 5 th question requires us to detail our original view
on business ethics. Does this mean we are supposed to use the first person in
answering this question?
Yes. Please use the first person in answering this question.
5. Can I reference the ACCG100 lecture slides (e.g. use the definitions provided in the
lecture slides)?
Yes, you can.
6. Do I need a cover page for the assignment?
No. You don’t need to have a cover page for your assignment.
7. How do I know if my Turnitin submission is successful?
A confirmation message will pop up on the screen once your assignment has been
successfully submitted. You will also receive a confirmation email sent to your email address. In addition, you will be also given an originality
report which provides a summary of matching or similar areas of text found in your
submitted assignment.
8. If I found a typo/mistake in my first submission, can I resubmit my assignment?
Yes. Multiple submissions are allowed BEFORE the due date. However, it takes
approximately 24 hours for the originality report to be generated. This may be after
the due date so you should plan any resubmissions carefully.
9. Am I still able to submit my assignment after the due date?
Yes. You are still allowed to submit your assignment after the due date. However,
there will be a deduction of 10% of the total available marks made from the total
awarded marks for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late (for
example, 25 hours late in submission will attract 20% penalty). This penalty does not
apply to cases in which an application for Disruption of Studies is made and approved.
10. Who will be marking my assignment?
Your tutor will be marking your assignment based on the marking rubric provided.
ACCG100 corporate case media attention ethical issues代写
11. By how much can I go over or under the number of words requirement?
The minimum number of words is 1,000. However, you are allowed to go over by 10%
(i.e. 1,100) maximum.
12. What is the correct structure of an essay?
The correct structure of an essay should contain three parts: an introduction, the main
body, and the conclusion. In the introduction, you should provide a statement about
the purpose of the essay (i.e. what is this essay about, why is ethics important, what
are you going to say in the main body of the essay). In the main body of the essay, you
are expected to address each of the questions in a separate paragraph. The first
sentence of each paragraph should be the topic sentence which outlines the central
idea to be developed in the paragraph. The remainder of the paragraph should provide
information and evidence that help explain your position set out in your topic
sentence. The last part of the essay is the conclusion. An effective conclusion should
restate the purpose of the essay, remind readers what has been discussed in the main
body of the essay and make your final conclusion. Again, detailed guidance on how to
write an essay is provided on StudyWISE on iLearn.
Case searching
Below are some suggested links for case searching. However, cases from other sources are also
Smart Company
The Conversation
Financial Review
In the Black
MIT Management Sloan School Ethics Case Studies
The End
ACCG100 corporate case media attention ethical issues代写