代写 unisa BUSS 2036
代写 unisa BUSS 2036
Assignment 1 – Getting started.
Point 1 - Planning prevents panic!
The topic:
‘Discuss how training and development activities will be impacted when an organisation adopts a sustainability strategy’.(Refer firstly to Noe and Winkler chapter 1 and 2).
Here are some tips on getting started -
· According to the guidelines produced by the Learning and Teaching Unit, ‘discuss’ means to ‘consider and offer some interpretation or evaluation of ...; present and give a judgement on the value of the arguments for and against an issue’. It is expected that you will research, present a reasoned case or argument, use your research to support the point of view taken and provide a clear, logical discussion and conclusion.
· Make sure your own analysis and interpretation are evident in addition to information from your reference sources. An essay is not anitem of work that is merely a summary of other researchers’ ideas.
· The key reading to start with is chapters 1 and 2 of Noe and Winkler.
· The lectures, tutorialsand chapter references for weeks 1, 2 and 3 will provide a sound foundation to get you thinking about the organisational environment and understanding the role of training and development.
· As well as the text book and eReadings, the library journal databases provide essential readings. EbscoHost list journals as either periodicals or academic journals. You should use academic journals but two periodicals are allowed eg
Training & Development which is produced by the Australian Institute of Training and Development. The
Training &Development journal is not an academic journal as such and is more a periodical for practitioners; however, you can make references to one article from this magazine. (Access via Ebsco Host - Business Source Complete database in the UniSA Library).
· Useful resources for the essay are listed in the Course Outline.Other relevant articles for your assignment are as follows – you can use these or others that you have found:
Course site eReadings:
Shani, AB, Docherty, P &Ebrary, I 2003,
Learning by design building sustainable organizations, Blackwell Pub, Malden, MA.Chapter 2: Competitive Strategy, Sustainability and Learning.
Benn, S &Dunphy, D 2004, 'A case study in strategic sustainability: Fuji Xerox Eco Manufacturing Centre',
Innovation: management, policy & practice, vol. 6, no. 23, pp. 258-268
CCH Australia 2016,
Managing Training and Development , CCH Australia.
Garavan, T &Mcguire, D 2010, 'Human Resource Development and Society: Human Resource Development's Role in Embedding Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Ethics in Organizations',
Advances in Developing Human Resources, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 487-50
Robbins, DeCenzo, D Coulter M and Woods, M 2015, chapter 7 ‘Managing for change and Innovation’ in
Management: The Essentials, 3
rd edition, Pearsons Australia.
Wilson, JP & Beard, C 2014, ‘Constructing a sustainable learning organization’,
The Learning Organization, vol. 21, no. 2 pp. 98 - 112
Velazquez, LE, Esquer, J, Munguía, NE &Moure-Eraso, R 2011, 'Sustainable learning organizations',
The Learning Organization, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 36-44.
Wilson, JP &Beard, C 2014,’Constructing a sustainable learning organization: Marks and Spencer's first Plan A learning store’,
The Learning Organization, vol. 21, no. 2 pp. 98-112
Library eBook
Ehnert, I, Harry, W & Zink, KJ (eds)2014,
Sustainability and Human Resource Management: Developing Sustainable Business Organizations, Springer: UK
· Please read the‘Feedback form Assignment 1’on the Learnonline course site in the Assessment tab. Itshowsthe criteria used and the weighting assignment to each section in the essay. This form should be inserted as the last page of your assignment document. Check the assessment criteria and information in the Course Outline also.
· An introduction is an important opening to the essay and should be about 5-10% of the total word count. Here is a helpful guide to writing introductions:
http://resource.unisa.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=6618 and
You will also see suggestions about writing conclusions. No new information is included in a conclusion. It should bring together the main arguments to convince the reader that you’ve addressed the question.
· Make sure you reference accurately according to the Harvard Referencing Guide – always include page numbers when you quote or paraphrase.
· Remember to ask yourself the ‘so what’ question when writing – that is, why am I writing this;how is this discussion relevant to the question; am I making this clear to the reader or am I just writing ‘nice to know’ facts without building an argument with evidence to support my position?
· Avoid using the 1
st person where possible, that is, rather than ‘I will conclude based on the previous discussion ..’, write ‘the previous discussion supports the conclusion that …’
· Please use the discussion forum to share insights, questions and answers with your peers.
Good luck with your essay!
Jane Burdett
BUSS 2036: Course coordinator
代写 unisa BUSS 2036