代写 Curtin MGMT1001-Comm in Business

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    Critical Essay – Assignment One
    Didnotdemonstrate adequateconsideration ofcontext,audience, andpurposeanda clear focusontheassigned task(e.g.,thetask doesnotalignwith audience,purpose,and context) Demonstratessome considerationofcontext, audience,andpurpose andattemptsto focuson theassignedtask(e.g., thetaskalignswith audience,purpose,and context) Demonstratesadequate considerationofcontext, audience,andpurpose anda clearfocusonthe assignedtask(e.g.,the taskalignswithaudience, purpose,andcontext Demonstratesa good understandingofcontext, audience,andpurposeand fullyalignswiththe assignedtask(e.g.,the taskalignswithaudience, purpose,andcontext Demonstratesa thorough understandingofcontext, audience,andpurposethatis responsivetotheassignedtaskandfocusesallelementsofthe work.
    Didnotdemonstrate consistentuseof credible,relevant sourcesto support ideasthataresituated withinthegenreofessaywriting. Demonstratessomeuse ofcredible,relevant sourcesto supportideas thataresituatedwithinthegenreofessay writing. Demonstratesconsistent useofcredible,relevant sourcesto supportideas thataresituatedwithinthegenreofessay writing. Demonstratesconsistent useofa rangeofcredible, relevantsourcesto support keyideasthatarepertinent to thegenreofessay writing. Demonstratesskilfuluseofhigh- quality,credible,relevantsources todevelopideasthatarepertinent tothegenreofessay writing.
    Control of Syntax and
    Did not use language that conveys meaning to readers with sufficient clarity and includes numerous errors. Uses language sufficiently well to convey basic meaning although errors reduce effectiveness of communication Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity although writing may include some errors. Uses language that effectively conveys meaning to readers with clarity. Any errors that occur do not reduce effectiveness of communication. Uses language that skilfully and effectively communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error-free
    The issue / problem to be considered critically is not clearly stated and described. There are significant omissions and / or errors. The issue / problem to be considered critically is stated clearly and described with enough information for an adequate understanding. There are some omissions and / or errors. The issue / problem to be considered critically is stated clearly and described with enough information for an adequate understanding. There are no omissions and / or errors. The issue / problem to be considered critically is stated clearly and described thoroughly. The issue / problem to be considered critically is stated clearly and described comprehensively (delivering all relevant information necessary for a full understanding).
    Evidence-based Analysis
    The analysis is not coherent and is based on irrelevant information, concepts and methods. The analysis is based on very limited sources. A coherent analysis is based on partial use of relevant information, concepts and methods. The information analysed is gathered from several relevant sources. A coherent analysis is based on thorough use of relevant information, concepts and methods. The information analysed is gathered from several, relevant sources. A coherent and comprehensive analysis is based on thorough use of the most relevant information, concepts and methods. The information analysed is gathered from many diverse, high-quality sources. A coherent and complete analysis is based on complete use of all relevant information, concepts and methods. The information analysed is gathered from many diverse, high-quality sources.
    The perspective is unclear and does not account for the complexities of the issue. Others’ perspectives are not acknowledged. The perspective is clear and takes into account some of the complexities of the issue. Others’ perspectives are acknowledged. The perspective is clear and takes into account most of the complexities of the issue. Others’ perspectives are acknowledged. The perspective is comprehensive,taking into account most of the complexities of the issue. Others’ perspectives are analysed and synthesised. The limits of the position are acknowledged.
    The perspective is comprehensive, taking into account all of the complexities of the issue. Others’ perspectives are completely analysed and synthesised. The limits of the position are completely acknowledged.
    BLUE– Written Communication Skills Standards
    ORANGE – Critical Thinking Standards