ECON2245 - INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 代写 verge of failing
ECON2245 - INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 代写 verge of failing
Purpose of the Assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate both a theoretical and practical
understanding of a business economics that draws upon several of the topics covered in this
unit. You should do your own research to discover relevant academic articles to help inform
your arguments. You will also need to provide evidence to support your claims and
Assignment Topic
Identify a business or industry that has recently failed or is on the verge of failing. Using the
concepts taught in this unit, explain the reasons to why the business (or industry) has
collapsed or is collapsing. Explain how might other firms learn from your chosen business’s
(or industry’s) mistakes. You should include evidence to support your answer.
About the Assignment
The group assignment has a word limit of 2,500 words (with a 10% leeway for going over
and under the word limit) and is due on Wednesday 11 th October by 4pm. Students are
required to submit their assignment through Blackboard. The assignment is worth 30%.
Assignments should be typed using font size 12 and 1.5 spacing. All references for the
assignment should be presented in Harvard Style Referencing. Words in the reference list will
not be counted. You should include a cover page for the assignment.
Students are required to submit the assignment on or before the due date. Where students do
not adhere to set deadlines the following policy will apply:
a) Extensions will only be considered (although not necessarily approved) if supported in
writing (if on medical grounds a medical certificate should be presented). Applications
for extensions must be presented to Student Services.
b) The penalty for late submission is 5 percent of the total mark allocated for an
assessment item per day for the first 7 days (including weekends and public holidays)
after which the assigned work is not accepted. Each 24-hour block is recorded from the
time the assignment is due.
c) The penalty for exceeding word limit is 1 percent of the total mark allocated for the
assessment task for each 1 percent in excess of the word limit.
All assignments will be run through Safe Assign to detect for plagiarism and students will
receive heavy penalties for plagiarism.
The assignment will be marked out of 30 whereby up to 10 marks will be allocated to the
presentation of the assignment and up to 20 marks will be allocated to the analysis of the
business (or industry) that has failed or is failing.
Marks for presentation of the assignment will be based on:
• How well the assignment is written and structured, is within the word limit and
uses appropriate grammar.
• How well the assignment is referenced and that claims are supported with
• How well the assignment flows, whether it is succinct and is easy to read.
Marks for the analysis of the business (or industry) that has failed or is failing will be based
• Originality of the chosen business (or industry)
• Discussion on the reasons to why the business (or industry) has failed or is failing
with reference to economic theory.
• Evidence of research and understanding of the concepts.
• Relevance of the discussion of how other businesses may learn from your chosen
business’s (or industry’s) mistakes.
The following page contains a rubric on the assignment:
Rubric For the Group Assignment Grade:
Below and Expected Level
(mark of less than 50%)
At an Expected Level
(mark of 50-75%)
Above an Expected Level
(mark of more than 75%)
How well the assignment is
written and, is within the word
limit and uses appropriate
• Assignment is written poorly
with points developed with
minimum detail.
• Contains poor gramma and
has weak presentation.
• Is too long or too short.
• Assignment is written at an
acceptable level and the
student has expressed the
content in their own terms.
• Contains an adequate level of
presentation and has a clear
• The assignment is within the
word limits bounds.
• The assignment is of a high
standard in terms of the way
it is written.
• Information was presented in
a relevant and well expressed
• Is extremely well polished,
contains no grammatical
errors and is structured
• The assignment is within the
word limit.
How well the assignment is
referenced and that claims are
supported with references.
• The assignment contains
material that is not
referenced correctly.
• Some content is not in the
students’ own words.
• A limited amount statistics
and claims are supported
with references.
• The student has used an
appropriate reference style
and there are limited errors in
the reference list.
• Explanations are supported
with appropriate references.
• There are minimal errors in
• The student has explained
concepts in their own terms
and supported these claims
with references
• There is no plagiarism or
paraphrasing in the
How well the assignment flows,
whether it is succinct and is
easy to read.
• The assignment is very
• The assignment flows well in
most parts and it is quite easy
to read.
• The assignment is very
succinct and is very easy to
Originality of the chosen
• The student has chosen the
most obvious business which
has recently failed.
• The student has not provided
an explanation on the reasons
for choosing such a business.
• The student has shown some
originality in their choice of
• The student has provided a
fair explanation to why the
business is worth analysing.
• The student has thought
outside of the box and has
picked a highly original
business to analyse.
• They have also provided a
relevant explanation to why
the business is worth
Discussion on the reasons to
why the business (industry) has
failed (or is failing) with
reference to economic theory.
• The student has not linked
the reasons for the business’s
(or industry’s) failure with
the relevant economic
• Discussion on the economic
theory is vague and
• The student has done a good
job at linking the reasons for
the business’s (or industry’s)
failure with the relevant
economic theory.
• The student has have
provided a good discussion
of the economic theory.
• The student has have shown
a good understanding of the
economic theory.
• The student has provided an
excellent job at linking the
reasons for the business’s (or
industry’s) failure with the
relevant economic theory.
• The student has have
provided an outstanding
discussion of the economic
• The student has have shown
vast knowledge of the
relevant economic theory.
Rubric For the Group Assignment Grade, Continued
Below and Expected Level
(mark of less than 50%)
At an Expected Level
(mark of 50-75%)
Above an Expected Level
(mark of more than 75%)
Evidence of research and
understanding of the concepts.
• Overall, the assignment
displays minimal evidence of
research and an
understanding of the
• The student has gone to a
large degree of effort for the
• The student has display
sound research skills and an
understanding of the topic.
• The assignment is extremely
well researched.
• The student has shown an
excellent understanding of
core economic theory.
Relevance of the discussion of
how other businesses may learn
from your chosen business’s
• Recommendations are weak,
poorly explained and are
• Recommendations are not
appropriate for the business
of analysis.
• The assignment has
recommendations that are
consistent with the situation
for the business and
economy theory.
• The student has have shown
understanding of the
• The recommendations are
innovative, valid and show
good understanding of the
business of analysis and
economic theory.
• The student has have shown
an excellent understanding of
the recommendations.
Purpose of the Assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate both a theoretical and practical
understanding of a business economics that draws upon several of the topics covered in this
unit. You should do your own research to discover relevant academic articles to help inform
your arguments. You will also need to provide evidence to support your claims and
Assignment Topic
Identify a business or industry that has recently failed or is on the verge of failing. Using the
concepts taught in this unit, explain the reasons to why the business (or industry) has
collapsed or is collapsing. Explain how might other firms learn from your chosen business’s
(or industry’s) mistakes. You should include evidence to support your answer.
About the Assignment
The group assignment has a word limit of 2,500 words (with a 10% leeway for going over
and under the word limit) and is due on Wednesday 11 th October by 4pm. Students are
required to submit their assignment through Blackboard. The assignment is worth 30%.
Assignments should be typed using font size 12 and 1.5 spacing. All references for the
assignment should be presented in Harvard Style Referencing. Words in the reference list will
not be counted. You should include a cover page for the assignment.
Students are required to submit the assignment on or before the due date. Where students do
not adhere to set deadlines the following policy will apply:
a) Extensions will only be considered (although not necessarily approved) if supported in
writing (if on medical grounds a medical certificate should be presented). Applications
for extensions must be presented to Student Services.
b) The penalty for late submission is 5 percent of the total mark allocated for an
assessment item per day for the first 7 days (including weekends and public holidays)
after which the assigned work is not accepted. Each 24-hour block is recorded from the
time the assignment is due.
c) The penalty for exceeding word limit is 1 percent of the total mark allocated for the
assessment task for each 1 percent in excess of the word limit.
All assignments will be run through Safe Assign to detect for plagiarism and students will
receive heavy penalties for plagiarism.
The assignment will be marked out of 30 whereby up to 10 marks will be allocated to the
presentation of the assignment and up to 20 marks will be allocated to the analysis of the
business (or industry) that has failed or is failing.
Marks for presentation of the assignment will be based on:
• How well the assignment is written and structured, is within the word limit and
uses appropriate grammar.
• How well the assignment is referenced and that claims are supported with
• How well the assignment flows, whether it is succinct and is easy to read.
Marks for the analysis of the business (or industry) that has failed or is failing will be based
• Originality of the chosen business (or industry)
• Discussion on the reasons to why the business (or industry) has failed or is failing
with reference to economic theory.
• Evidence of research and understanding of the concepts.
• Relevance of the discussion of how other businesses may learn from your chosen
business’s (or industry’s) mistakes.
The following page contains a rubric on the assignment:
Rubric For the Group Assignment Grade:
Below and Expected Level
(mark of less than 50%)
At an Expected Level
(mark of 50-75%)
Above an Expected Level
(mark of more than 75%)
How well the assignment is
written and, is within the word
limit and uses appropriate
• Assignment is written poorly
with points developed with
minimum detail.
• Contains poor gramma and
has weak presentation.
• Is too long or too short.
• Assignment is written at an
acceptable level and the
student has expressed the
content in their own terms.
• Contains an adequate level of
presentation and has a clear
• The assignment is within the
word limits bounds.
• The assignment is of a high
standard in terms of the way
it is written.
• Information was presented in
a relevant and well expressed
• Is extremely well polished,
contains no grammatical
errors and is structured
• The assignment is within the
word limit.
How well the assignment is
referenced and that claims are
supported with references.
• The assignment contains
material that is not
referenced correctly.
• Some content is not in the
students’ own words.
• A limited amount statistics
and claims are supported
with references.
• The student has used an
appropriate reference style
and there are limited errors in
the reference list.
• Explanations are supported
with appropriate references.
• There are minimal errors in
• The student has explained
concepts in their own terms
and supported these claims
with references
• There is no plagiarism or
paraphrasing in the
How well the assignment flows,
whether it is succinct and is
easy to read.
• The assignment is very
• The assignment flows well in
most parts and it is quite easy
to read.
• The assignment is very
succinct and is very easy to
Originality of the chosen
• The student has chosen the
most obvious business which
has recently failed.
• The student has not provided
an explanation on the reasons
for choosing such a business.
• The student has shown some
originality in their choice of
• The student has provided a
fair explanation to why the
business is worth analysing.
• The student has thought
outside of the box and has
picked a highly original
business to analyse.
• They have also provided a
relevant explanation to why
the business is worth
Discussion on the reasons to
why the business (industry) has
failed (or is failing) with
reference to economic theory.
• The student has not linked
the reasons for the business’s
(or industry’s) failure with
the relevant economic
• Discussion on the economic
theory is vague and
• The student has done a good
job at linking the reasons for
the business’s (or industry’s)
failure with the relevant
economic theory.
• The student has have
provided a good discussion
of the economic theory.
• The student has have shown
a good understanding of the
economic theory.
• The student has provided an
excellent job at linking the
reasons for the business’s (or
industry’s) failure with the
relevant economic theory.
• The student has have
provided an outstanding
discussion of the economic
• The student has have shown
vast knowledge of the
relevant economic theory.
Rubric For the Group Assignment Grade, Continued
Below and Expected Level
(mark of less than 50%)
At an Expected Level
(mark of 50-75%)
Above an Expected Level
(mark of more than 75%)
Evidence of research and
understanding of the concepts.
• Overall, the assignment
displays minimal evidence of
research and an
understanding of the
• The student has gone to a
large degree of effort for the
• The student has display
sound research skills and an
understanding of the topic.
• The assignment is extremely
well researched.
• The student has shown an
excellent understanding of
core economic theory.
Relevance of the discussion of
how other businesses may learn
from your chosen business’s
• Recommendations are weak,
poorly explained and are
• Recommendations are not
appropriate for the business
of analysis.
• The assignment has
recommendations that are
consistent with the situation
for the business and
economy theory.
• The student has have shown
understanding of the
• The recommendations are
innovative, valid and show
good understanding of the
business of analysis and
economic theory.
• The student has have shown
an excellent understanding of
the recommendations.
Purpose of the Assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate both a theoretical and practical
understanding of a business economics that draws upon several of the topics covered in this
unit. You should do your own research to discover relevant academic articles to help inform
your arguments. You will also need to provide evidence to support your claims and
Assignment Topic
Identify a business or industry that has recently failed or is on the verge of failing. Using the
concepts taught in this unit, explain the reasons to why the business (or industry) has
collapsed or is collapsing. Explain how might other firms learn from your chosen business’s
(or industry’s) mistakes. You should include evidence to support your answer.
About the Assignment
The group assignment has a word limit of 2,500 words (with a 10% leeway for going over
and under the word limit) and is due on Wednesday 11 th October by 4pm. Students are
required to submit their assignment through Blackboard. The assignment is worth 30%.
Assignments should be typed using font size 12 and 1.5 spacing. All references for the
assignment should be presented in Harvard Style Referencing. Words in the reference list will
not be counted. You should include a cover page for the assignment.
Students are required to submit the assignment on or before the due date. Where students do
not adhere to set deadlines the following policy will apply:
a) Extensions will only be considered (although not necessarily approved) if supported in
writing (if on medical grounds a medical certificate should be presented). Applications
for extensions must be presented to Student Services.
b) The penalty for late submission is 5 percent of the total mark allocated for an
assessment item per day for the first 7 days (including weekends and public holidays)
after which the assigned work is not accepted. Each 24-hour block is recorded from the
time the assignment is due.
c) The penalty for exceeding word limit is 1 percent of the total mark allocated for the
assessment task for each 1 percent in excess of the word limit.
All assignments will be run through Safe Assign to detect for plagiarism and students will
receive heavy penalties for plagiarism.
The assignment will be marked out of 30 whereby up to 10 marks will be allocated to the
presentation of the assignment and up to 20 marks will be allocated to the analysis of the
business (or industry) that has failed or is failing.
Marks for presentation of the assignment will be based on:
• How well the assignment is written and structured, is within the word limit and
uses appropriate grammar.
• How well the assignment is referenced and that claims are supported with
• How well the assignment flows, whether it is succinct and is easy to read.
Marks for the analysis of the business (or industry) that has failed or is failing will be based
• Originality of the chosen business (or industry)
• Discussion on the reasons to why the business (or industry) has failed or is failing
with reference to economic theory.
ECON2245 - INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 代写 verge of failing
• Evidence of research and understanding of the concepts.
• Relevance of the discussion of how other businesses may learn from your chosen
business’s (or industry’s) mistakes.
The following page contains a rubric on the assignment:
Rubric For the Group Assignment Grade:
Below and Expected Level
(mark of less than 50%)
At an Expected Level
(mark of 50-75%)
Above an Expected Level
(mark of more than 75%)
How well the assignment is
written and, is within the word
limit and uses appropriate
• Assignment is written poorly
with points developed with
minimum detail.
• Contains poor gramma and
has weak presentation.
• Is too long or too short.
• Assignment is written at an
acceptable level and the
student has expressed the
content in their own terms.
• Contains an adequate level of
presentation and has a clear
• The assignment is within the
word limits bounds.
• The assignment is of a high
standard in terms of the way
it is written.
• Information was presented in
a relevant and well expressed
• Is extremely well polished,
contains no grammatical
errors and is structured
• The assignment is within the
word limit.
How well the assignment is
referenced and that claims are
supported with references.
• The assignment contains
material that is not
referenced correctly.
• Some content is not in the
students’ own words.
• A limited amount statistics
and claims are supported
with references.
• The student has used an
appropriate reference style
and there are limited errors in
the reference list.
• Explanations are supported
with appropriate references.
• There are minimal errors in
• The student has explained
concepts in their own terms
and supported these claims
with references
• There is no plagiarism or
paraphrasing in the
How well the assignment flows,
whether it is succinct and is
easy to read.
• The assignment is very
• The assignment flows well in
most parts and it is quite easy
to read.
• The assignment is very
succinct and is very easy to
Originality of the chosen
• The student has chosen the
most obvious business which
has recently failed.
• The student has not provided
an explanation on the reasons
for choosing such a business.
• The student has shown some
originality in their choice of
• The student has provided a
fair explanation to why the
business is worth analysing.
• The student has thought
outside of the box and has
picked a highly original
business to analyse.
• They have also provided a
relevant explanation to why
the business is worth
Discussion on the reasons to
why the business (industry) has
failed (or is failing) with
reference to economic theory.
• The student has not linked
the reasons for the business’s
(or industry’s) failure with
the relevant economic
• Discussion on the economic
theory is vague and
• The student has done a good
job at linking the reasons for
the business’s (or industry’s)
failure with the relevant
economic theory.
• The student has have
provided a good discussion
of the economic theory.
• The student has have shown
a good understanding of the
economic theory.
• The student has provided an
excellent job at linking the
reasons for the business’s (or
industry’s) failure with the
relevant economic theory.
• The student has have
provided an outstanding
discussion of the economic
• The student has have shown
vast knowledge of the
relevant economic theory.
Rubric For the Group Assignment Grade, Continued
Below and Expected Level
(mark of less than 50%)
At an Expected Level
(mark of 50-75%)
Above an Expected Level
(mark of more than 75%)
Evidence of research and
understanding of the concepts.
• Overall, the assignment
displays minimal evidence of
research and an
understanding of the
• The student has gone to a
large degree of effort for the
• The student has display
sound research skills and an
understanding of the topic.
• The assignment is extremely
well researched.
• The student has shown an
excellent understanding of
core economic theory.
Relevance of the discussion of
how other businesses may learn
from your chosen business’s
• Recommendations are weak,
poorly explained and are
• Recommendations are not
appropriate for the business
of analysis.
• The assignment has
recommendations that are
consistent with the situation
for the business and
economy theory.
• The student has have shown
understanding of the
• The recommendations are
innovative, valid and show
good understanding of the
business of analysis and
economic theory.
• The student has have shown
an excellent understanding of
the recommendations.
ECON2245 - INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 代写 verge of failing