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  • 澳洲Media代写:Facebook网用户羞怯与焦虑的关系

    如今,互联网是最伟大的发明之一,几乎只需点击鼠标,就可以方便地进行全球通信。在线交流现在是普通大众,特别是年轻人非常普遍的一种方式。在基于计算机的交互工具中,社交网站(sns)如myspace、lava life和skype是我们日常交流的重要渠道,因为其中一些网站允许个人创建自己的网页,与现实生活中认识的朋友互动,或通过这些网站(kus和griffith,因此,要定制他们的社会身份。这些计算机介导的通信(cmc)具有匿名性、物理距离的桥接、对会话的感知控制和克服物理吸引力的障碍等特点。目前最经典的社交网站是facebook,它几乎风靡全球。Facebook由哈佛大学2004年的学生马克·祖克伯格(Mark Zuckberg)发起(Carlson,2010)。facebook吸引着人们,尤其是年轻人,因为他们可以创建个人资料,加入共同的兴趣小组,通过摆姿势或发即时消息与朋友互动。自2010年以来,Facebook已经发展成为美国第二大网站,仅次于谷歌(Zafra,2010)。Pempek等人,2009年报道,Facebook在线的频率平均为30分钟。这些cmc一般都会吸引某些人,与面对面的交流相比,它们在这些方面是可靠的,而与这类人相关的一个特征就是害羞。


    The Association between Shyness and Anxiety among Facebook Users
    Nowadays, the internet is one of the greatest inventions that make global communication easily, almost by a click of the mouse. Online communication is now a very common way for the general public, especially the young people. Among the tool of computer-based interaction, social network sites (SNSs)such as MySpace, Lava Life, and Skype, is a crucial channel for our daily communication, as some of them allow individuals to create their own webpage, interact with friends they know from real-life, or meet strangers they know via these websites (Kuss and Griffiths, 2011) and therefore, to customize their social identity. These computer mediated communication (CMC) are characterized by its anonymity, bridging of physical distance, perceived control of conversations and overcoming the barrier of physical attractiveness. The most classic example of SNSscurrently is the Facebook, which is almost popular all over the world. Facebook is initiated by Mark Zuckberg, a student at Harvard in 2004 (Carlson, 2010). Facebook is appealing to people, especially young people as they can create personal profile, join common-interest groups, and interact with their friends by either posing or instant message. Facebook has developed into the second largest website in the U.S since 2010, just following Google (Zafra, 2010). Pempek et al, 2009 reported that the frequency for Facebook online is 30 minutes on average. These CMCs generally attracts certain people, and they reliable on these in comparison with fact-to-face communication, and one of the traits linked with this group of people is shyness. 
    The goal of this study is to investigate whether anxiety is associated with shyness on Facebook. It was hypothesized that there exists a negative association between high-levels of shyness and number of Facebook friends. It was also hypothesized that there is a positive association between high-levels of shyness and time spending on the Facebook, as well as there exists a positive association between SIAS score and time spending on the Facebook.
    The first two hypotheses were supported. People with high level of shyness reported spending more time on Facebook and fewer friends than others. The results agree with Orr et al.,(2005). There is no significant positive correlation between SIAS and time spent on Facebook, which is in accordance with Madell and Muncer (2006). 
    Since our participants are only college students enrolled in this particular psychology course, it may lack in representation of the general college student poll, needless to say the general public. Cultural difference may also account, as there might be difference with students in the US and in Australia. Another limitation is the standard deviation on the friend number is very large,perhaps it is better to categorize this variable. Future work can be extended to other student polls globally or to the Facebook users who were not college students. Also perhaps researchers can also investigate other SNSs, who may have different characteristics than Facebook.