澳洲会计代写 ACCG877 Emerging Issues in Financial
澳洲会计代写 ACCG877 Emerging Issues in Financial
Emerging Issues in Financial Crime
7.1 Reflective Review (RR) (20%)
Students should regard the two components of the Reflective Review as an opportunity to develop a connection between the current discussion in Online Forum (Part 1) with your Reflective Critique (Part 2), so providing a link between formal learning and personal meaning whilst dealing with previously covered concepts, readings or field experience (e.g.your work experience or material from case studies). The Online Forum has a definite topic and contributions are assessed for both Parts One and Two. Details of the Reflective Review is provided for in Module One (Global Financial Trends and Reform) and will be discussed in that Module. The two components of the Reflective Review are the following:
Assessment Topic/Requirement Due date/deadline
Online Forum Topic: Chameleon in its nature, fraud continues to permeate the global corporate sector, leveraging technology to relentlessly increase in prevalence and gravity of its impact. For further details, see Mod 1. 7am Monday 19 March – 7pm Thursday 22 March, 2018
Reflective Critique Requirement: In a one page critique (330 words maximum, 1.5 spacing), refer to the online forum, the Module One seminar and the requirements and workload in the unit. 5pm 8th April, 2018
Deadlines for the Reflective Review are also provided in the Relationship between Assessment and Learning Outcomes in this unit guide.
a. Online Forum:
Note that you will be allocated to a specific Group for the Online Forum. Assessment of the Online Forum will be based on your contributions as a whole. That means there is scope to get some things wrong, ask co-discussants for clarification, respond superficially and so on, and still get a very favourable assessment. I'm looking to see how well your contributions meet the assessment criteria for the Unit and contribute to the group's understanding by:
Your grade will reflect how well your contributions meet the assessment criteria for the Unit and contribute to your group's understanding by:
• expressing your opinions, where possible supported by evidence from the literature or your observations
• critically questioning other students' thinking
• posting questions or providing a synthesis of issues raised
While it is acceptable to occasionally make general comments during the Forum, this is not the place for colloquial chat about the topic. You should present your material in an academically appropriate way. While it does not need to be as formal as one finds in assignment, nevertheless your postings should be written in coherent English and properly punctuated, sequenced and structured.
Other requirements:
• During the Forum, avoid using attachments unless absolutely necessary. Most of us don't like opening and reading lengthy attachments before we respond. Aim for active, reflective interchange of ideas, not lengthy declarations. In particular, do NOT prepare a long formal statement of your position on a topic and post it as an attachment. Keep your postings short. Instead of writing a whole page, just write a paragraph or two.
• Stay involved. Do not go into the Forum for a few hours or over a few consecutive days, make a number of postings, then not go in again. Doing so is inconsiderate of people who are engaged in an ongoing way
• Important: If a post has begun in your group you must not make a separate posting outside that initial post and thread. When your group has commenced a posting, you are required to respond specifically to that particular topic or comment. Do not make another general posting once a group posting discussion has commenced. This results in a 'threaded' discussion where you can have several meaningful topics happening in parallel. Any separate posts made after a threaded posting has commenced will not be graded.
• Make sure you can see all the postings, especially after the discussion has been going for a while and there are lots of comments.
2. Reflective Critique
This assessment provides a link between formal learning and personal meaning. In a one page critique (330 words maximum, 1.5 spacing), refer to the online forum, the Module One seminar and the requirements and workload in the unit to:
• Evaluate usefulness and content of the online forum
• Identify your perceptions and understanding of the ACCG877 unit
• Indicate your workload management plan
• Reflect on your thinking.
Your contribution to the Forum and your Reflective Critique paper will be given a composite rating (= K+A+P): See the Assessment Guide on ilearn for more details on the Reflective Review requirements.
Submission: Reflective Critique to be submitted online through unit website by 5pm on the 8th April 2018 (due date). Submission will be subject to a check by Turnitin. Attached to the submission must be a statement as set out in ‘General Assessment Information' section of this unit guide under the heading 'Assignment Preparation and Submission'. This statement is not included in the final word count. Ensure that the RR document is uploaded and submitted correctly by clicking the 'submit' button. Documents left as drafts on the submission site will not be marked.
Penalty: This assignment is to be a concise word processed document and English expression is very important in this task. Late assignments will incur a 10% penalty per day or part thereof as detailed under the General Assessment Information.
Extension: No extensions will be granted unless approval has been given under the Special Consideration Policy.
Literature Review (LR) (30%)
The Literature Review is designed to effectively enhance research skills and help students learn to synthesize, analyse and interpret information using appropriate disciplinary content and methodology. The LR will act as a first step in the preparation of your final case study. The criteria and structure for the LR assignment will be discussed in depth and sample literature reviews will be discussed at the on-campus session on the 11 March. The due date for the LT is the 6th May, 2018.
Your approach to the literature review should include the following steps.
• Provide a brief, informative and relevant title that establishes the financial crime which is to be explored in the proposed case study research.
• Draw upon existing knowledge to identify a significant issue which relates to an aspect of financial crime.
• Define your topic using appropriate journal articles, class readings, or scholarly reviews of the literature for background information.
• Use databases to find books, articles and web sites relevant to your topic.
• Evaluate the types and appropriateness of information used and describe what is known about this issue in the relevant literature.
• Complete an annotated bibliography explaining why each resource is appropriate for your paper and how it will support the case study.
Submission: The Literature Review is to be submitted online through unit website by 5pm on the 6th May 2018 (due date). Submission will be subject to a check by Turnitin. Attached to the submission must be a statement as set out in ‘General Assessment Information' section of this unit guide under the heading 'Assignment Preparation and Submission'. This statement is not included in the final word count. Ensure that the LR document is uploaded and submitted correctly by clicking the 'submit' button. Documents left as drafts on the submission site will not be marked.
Penalty: This assignment is to be a concise word processed document and English expression is very important in this task. Late assignments will incur a 10% penalty per day or part thereof as detailed under the General Assessment Information.
Extension: No extensions will be granted unless approval has been given under the Special Consideration Policy.
Case Study (50%)
The case study deals with a particular aspect of financial crime/cyber security. Describe the trend/s and issues (an increase/decrease, legislative reform, a change in character, sequence of activities, and a problem) of your case study and analyse the repercussions of that financial crime/cyber security on business and the community. The case study topic is your choice. You can choose a financial crime/ cyber security case study discussed in the unit or you can pick a topic that holds great interest for you.
Word limit: 3,000 words.
The structure of the finished Case Study is:
1. Short introduction
2. Case Description (In final form, should be no more than 1000 words)
3. Case Analysis (In final form, should be around 1500 words)
4. Short conclusion summarising the main points you've made in your 'Analysis'
5. List of literature you've cited.
This assignment is to be a concise word processed document and English expression is very important in this task.
Submission: The Case Study is to be submitted online through unit website. Submission will be subject to a check by Turnitin. Attached to the submission must be a statement as set out in ‘General Assessment Information' section of this unit guide under the heading 'Assignment Preparation and Submission'. This statement is not included in the final word count. Ensure that the Case Study document is uploaded and submitted correctly by clicking the 'submit' button. Documents left as drafts on the submission site will not be marked.
Deadline for the Case Study is 10th June, 2018, as shown in Assessment and Learning Outcomes. Late assignments will incur a 10% penalty per day. Note: non-submission of the assignment will result in an automatic fail grade for the unit.
Assessment Criteria
澳洲会计代写 ACCG877 Emerging Issues in Financial
Three criteria will be used to assess student work in this Unit:
• Knowledge Development: Understanding of key ideas, knowledge components and their interrelationships.
• Application: Ability to apply theoretical ideas and frameworks to educational practice in a critically reflective way.
• Presentation: The extent to which the work has been written and presented in a manner consistent with accepted academic standards.
Performance in relation to each of these criteria will be assessed against the standards below.
Knowledge Development (K)
Level Standard
11 - 12 An insightful, comprehensive treatment of all task requirements, demonstrating advanced understanding of the complexities of knowledge in the applied context and of the inter-relationships between knowledge components.
9 - 10 A comprehensive treatment of all task requirements, demonstrating sound understanding of the complexities of knowledge in the applied context and good understanding of the inter-relationships between knowledge components.
7 - 8 All task requirements are satisfactorily addressed, with most treated comprehensively. There is a good understanding of most discrete knowledge components, but not a comprehensive understanding of the interrelationships between these components.
6 Many task requirements are addressed to a modest standard but not comprehensively, with limited recognition of relationships between components.
1 - 5 The work does not demonstrate a satisfactory grasp of the knowledge covered in the Unit.
Application (A)
11 - 12 Excellent capacity to critically reflect on, analyse and/or solve problems, to compare situations, explain and interpret behaviour using a variety of conceptual tools and apply knowledge in new contexts.
9 - 10 Good capacity to critically reflect on, analyse and/or solve problems, to compare situations, and to explain and interpret behaviour using a variety of conceptual tools.
7 - 8 Generally demonstrates a sound capacity to reflect on, analyse and/or solve problems, using knowledge to identify, classify and interpret in a meaningful way.
6 Much of the work demonstrates at least some capacity to use knowledge to critically reflect on, analyse and/or solve problems.
1 - 5 The work does not contain sufficient evidence of applying knowledge effectively to critically reflect on, analyse and/or solve problems.
Presentation (P)
11 - 12 Written and presented to an exemplary academic standard.
9 - 10 Written and presented to a high academic standard.
7 - 8 Generally written and presented in a very satisfactory manner—most of the writing is clear, grammatically correct and accurate in terms of spelling, suitably referenced and presented. Literature generally used very appropriately.
6 The writing, presentation and use of the literature have a few flaws but a reasonable proportion of the structure, grammar and referencing is adequate, with sufficient coherence and clarity for the reader to understand most of the ideas and arguments.
1 - 5 Significant flaws in writing and/or presentation, with considerable scope for improving some or all of the following: clarity, grammar, spelling, quotations, referencing and/or presentation.
You are expected to submit written assessment tasks by the published due date UNLESS you have received written permission to submit your work at a later date from the Unit convenor.
No extensions will be granted. There will be a deduction of 10% of the total available marks made from the total awarded mark for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late (for example, 25 hours late in submission – 20% penalty). This penalty does not apply for cases in which an application for special consideration is made and approved. No submission will be accepted after solutions have been posted.
All students have the right to submit an application under the Special Consideration policy. Details of how the University defines serious and unavoidable Special Consideration, and information about the processes involved, are contained in the Special Consideration Policy
Also see answer to Q2 below.
Frequently asked questions about assessment
Q1 Does it matter if I get the assignment to you a few days after the deadline?
Yes, you are expected to adhere to deadlines. Extensions are normally only agreed to because of documented illness or unavoidable disruption. In these circumstances you may wish to consider making an application under the Special Consideration policy. If you request an extension for general work-related or general personal reasons, it is unlikely to be agreed to; and, if it is, the extension may impact negatively on your overall mark.
Q2 Does word length matter?
Yes. Writing more gives an unfair advantage. There is a skill to writing concisely which you should practice. There is also a subjective angle to word length—if what you write is penetrating and clean, I'm more likely to overlook it; but if it is padded and meandering, I’m more likely to be concerned by excessive word length.
Q3 Do you have a preferred citation system?
Yes, I'll accept any recognised system. If you need extra information on how to cite material and how to format references, see Referencing and Style Guides at http://www.mq.edu.au/on_campus/library/
Q4 I tried to find a journal article in e-Reserve, but it wasn't there. What do I do?
Some recommended articles are held in databases to which the university already subscribes. When that happens, you may be directed to the database and have to find the journal, volume and pages you want directly. Alternatively, go to Library / Journal Search / and type in the journal you want and then, of course, volume, number and pages etc.
Q5 I haven't done a formal assignment like this for a long time. Have you got some suggestions?
If you are finding assignment writing a struggle, the Study Skills Support Unit is there to help. They offer workshops, individual consultation and a range of resources.
Q6 How do I acknowledge graphics from a website?
The only requirement here is to acknowledge other people's intellectual property relevant to the Unit. Using clip-art or generic images cut from a website is not an issue but, if you were to cut significant words or images (e.g., a flow-chart relating to org structure), indicate this in a footnote acknowledging the website you got it from.
澳洲会计代写 ACCG877 Emerging Issues in Financial